This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-snapshot1: R5 Snapshot #1). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R4 R3 R2
Electronic Health Records Work Group | Maturity Level: 1 | Trial Use | Use Context: Any |
The official URL for this profile is:
Defines the elements to be supported within the AuditEvent resource in order to conform with the Electronic Health Record System Functional Model Record Lifecycle Event standard
This profile was published on Thu, Dec 4, 2014 00:00+1100 as a draft by Health Level Seven International (Electronic Health Record).
Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work.
This structure is derived from AuditEvent.
This structure is derived from AuditEvent.
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
AuditEvent | 0..* | AuditEvent | Record of an event | |
category | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Type/identifier of event |
code | S | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Specific type of event |
action | S | 0..1 | code | Type of action performed during the event |
recorded | S | 1..1 | instant | Time when the event was recorded |
outcome | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Whether the event succeeded or failed | |
code | 1..1 | Coding | Whether the event succeeded or failed | |
detail | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Additional outcome detail | |
authorization | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Authorization related to the event |
agent | S | 1..* | BackboneElement | Actor involved in the event |
role | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Agent role in the event |
who | S | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Identifier of who |
requestor | S | 0..1 | boolean | Whether user is initiator |
location | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | The agent location when the event occurred |
policy | S | 0..* | uri | Policy that authorized the agent participation in the event |
authorization | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Allowable authorization for this agent |
source | S | 1..1 | BackboneElement | Audit Event Reporter |
site | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Logical source location within the enterprise |
observer | S | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | The identity of source detecting the event |
type | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | The type of source where event originated |
entity | S | 0..* | BackboneElement | Data or objects used |
what | S | 0..1 | Reference(Resource) | Specific instance of resource |
role | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | What role the entity played |
securityLabel | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Security labels on the entity |
Documentation for this format |
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
AuditEvent | 0..* | AuditEvent | Record of an event | |
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact |
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: Common Languages (preferred) Max Binding: All Languages: IETF language tag | |
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
category | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Type/identifier of event Binding: Audit Event ID (example): Type of event. |
code | SΣ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Specific type of event Binding: Audit Event Sub-Type (example): Specific type of event. |
action | SΣ | 0..1 | code | Type of action performed during the event Binding: AuditEventAction (required): DICOM Audit Event Action |
severity | Σ | 0..1 | code | emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | informational | debug Binding: AuditEventSeverity (required): This is in the SysLog header, PRI. |
occurred[x] | 0..1 | When the activity occurred | ||
occurredPeriod | Period | |||
occurredDateTime | dateTime | |||
recorded | SΣ | 1..1 | instant | Time when the event was recorded |
outcome | Σ | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Whether the event succeeded or failed |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
code | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Whether the event succeeded or failed Binding: AuditEventOutcome (preferred): DICOM Audit Event Outcome |
detail | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Additional outcome detail Binding: AuditEventOutcomeDetail (example): A code that provides details as the exact issue. |
authorization | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Authorization related to the event Binding: PurposeOfUse (example): The authorized purposeOfUse for the activity. |
basedOn | 0..* | Reference(CarePlan | DeviceRequest | ImmunizationRecommendation | MedicationRequest | NutritionOrder | ServiceRequest | Task) | Workflow authorization within which this event occurred | |
encounter | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated | |
agent | S | 1..* | BackboneElement | Actor involved in the event |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | How agent participated Binding: ParticipationRoleType (preferred): The Participation type of the agent to the event. | |
role | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Agent role in the event Binding: SecurityRoleType (example): What security role enabled the agent to participate in the event. |
who | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Identifier of who |
requestor | SΣ | 0..1 | boolean | Whether user is initiator |
location | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | The agent location when the event occurred |
policy | S | 0..* | uri | Policy that authorized the agent participation in the event |
network[x] | 0..1 | This agent network location for the activity | ||
networkReference | Reference(Endpoint) | |||
networkUri | uri | |||
networkString | string | |||
authorization | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Allowable authorization for this agent Binding: PurposeOfUse (example): The reason the activity took place. |
source | S | 1..1 | BackboneElement | Audit Event Reporter |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
site | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Logical source location within the enterprise |
observer | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | The identity of source detecting the event |
type | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | The type of source where event originated Binding: Audit Event Source Type (preferred): Code specifying the type of system that detected and recorded the event. Use of these codes is not required but is encouraged to maintain translation with DICOM AuditMessage schema. |
entity | S | 0..* | BackboneElement | Data or objects used |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
what | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(Resource) | Specific instance of resource |
role | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | What role the entity played Binding: AuditEventEntityRole (extensible): DICOM Audit Event Entity Role |
securityLabel | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Security labels on the entity Binding: SecurityLabels (extensible): Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System. |
query | Σ | 0..1 | base64Binary | Query parameters |
detail | 0..* | BackboneElement | Additional Information about the entity | |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Name of the property Binding: Audit Event ID (example): Additional detail about an entity used in an event. | |
value[x] | 1..1 | Property value | ||
valueQuantity | Quantity | |||
valueCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
valueString | string | |||
valueBoolean | boolean | |||
valueInteger | integer | |||
valueRange | Range | |||
valueRatio | Ratio | |||
valueTime | time | |||
valueDateTime | dateTime | |||
valuePeriod | Period | |||
valueBase64Binary | base64Binary | |||
agent | 0..* | See agent (AuditEvent) | Entity is attributed to this agent | |
Documentation for this format |
<!-- EHRS FM Record Lifecycle Event - Audit Event --> <AuditEvent xmlns="" > <!-- from Element: extension --> <id value="[id]"/><!-- 0..1 Logical id of this artifact --> <meta><!-- 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource --></meta> <implicitRules value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..1 A set of rules under which this content was created --> <language value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Language of the resource content --> <text><!-- 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation --></text> <contained><!-- 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources --></contained> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored --></modifierExtension> <category><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Type/identifier of event --></category> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of event --></code> <action value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Type of action performed during the event --> <severity value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | informational | debug --> <occurred[x]><!-- 0..1 Period|dateTime When the activity occurred --></occurred[x]> <recorded value="[instant]"/><!-- 1..1 Time when the event was recorded --> <outcome> 0..1 BackboneElement <!-- 0..1 Whether the event succeeded or failed --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <code><!-- 1..1 Coding Whether the event succeeded or failed --></code> <detail><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Additional outcome detail --></detail> </outcome> <authorization><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Authorization related to the event --></authorization> <basedOn><!-- 0..* Reference(CarePlan) Workflow authorization within which this event occurred --></basedOn> <encounter><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter) Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated --></encounter> <agent> 1..* BackboneElement <!-- 1..* Actor involved in the event --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <type><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept How agent participated --></type> <role><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Agent role in the event --></role> <who><!-- 1..1 Reference(Practitioner) Identifier of who --></who> <requestor value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Whether user is initiator --> <location><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) The agent location when the event occurred --></location> <policy value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..* Policy that authorized the agent participation in the event --> <network[x]><!-- 0..1 Reference(Endpoint)|uri|string This agent network location for the activity --></network[x]> <authorization><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Allowable authorization for this agent --></authorization> </agent> <source> 1..1 BackboneElement <!-- 1..1 Audit Event Reporter --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <site><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) Logical source location within the enterprise --></site> <observer><!-- 1..1 Reference(Practitioner) The identity of source detecting the event --></observer> <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept The type of source where event originated --></type> </source> <entity> 0..* BackboneElement <!-- 0..* Data or objects used --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <what><!-- 0..1 Reference(Resource) Specific instance of resource --></what> <role><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What role the entity played --></role> <securityLabel><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Security labels on the entity --></securityLabel> <query value="[base64Binary]"/><!-- 0..1 Query parameters --> <detail> 0..* BackboneElement <!-- 0..* Additional Information about the entity --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Name of the property --></type> <value[x]><!-- 1..1 Quantity|CodeableConcept|string| boolean|integer|Range|Ratio|time|dateTime|Period|base64Binary Property value --></value[x]> </detail> <agent><!-- See Entity is attributed to this agent --></agent> </entity> </AuditEvent>
{ // EHRS FM Record Lifecycle Event - Audit Event // from Element: extension "meta" : { Meta }, // C?Metadata about the resource "implicitRules" : "<uri>", // C?A set of rules under which this content was created "language" : "<code>", // C?Language of the resource content "text" : { Narrative }, // C?Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation "contained" : [{ Resource }], //Contained, inline Resources "modifierExtension" : [{ Extension }], // C?Extensions that cannot be ignored "category" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?Type/identifier of event "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // C? R! Specific type of event "action" : "<code>", // C?Type of action performed during the event "severity" : "<code>", // C?emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | informational | debug // value[x]: When the activity occurred. One of these 2: "occurredPeriod" : { Period }, // C?When the activity occurred "occurredDateTime" : "<dateTime>", // C?When the activity occurred "recorded" : "<instant>", // C? R! Time when the event was recorded "outcome" : { BackboneElement }, // C?Whether the event succeeded or failed "authorization" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?Authorization related to the event "basedOn" : [{ Reference(CarePlan) }], // C?Workflow authorization within which this event occurred "encounter" : { Reference(Encounter) }, // C?Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated "agent" : [{ BackboneElement }], // C? R! Actor involved in the event "source" : { BackboneElement } // C? R! Audit Event Reporter "entity" : [{ BackboneElement }], // C?Data or objects used }
This structure is derived from AuditEvent.
Differential View
This structure is derived from AuditEvent.
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
AuditEvent | 0..* | AuditEvent | Record of an event | |
category | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Type/identifier of event |
code | S | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Specific type of event |
action | S | 0..1 | code | Type of action performed during the event |
recorded | S | 1..1 | instant | Time when the event was recorded |
outcome | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Whether the event succeeded or failed | |
code | 1..1 | Coding | Whether the event succeeded or failed | |
detail | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Additional outcome detail | |
authorization | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Authorization related to the event |
agent | S | 1..* | BackboneElement | Actor involved in the event |
role | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Agent role in the event |
who | S | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Identifier of who |
requestor | S | 0..1 | boolean | Whether user is initiator |
location | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | The agent location when the event occurred |
policy | S | 0..* | uri | Policy that authorized the agent participation in the event |
authorization | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Allowable authorization for this agent |
source | S | 1..1 | BackboneElement | Audit Event Reporter |
site | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Logical source location within the enterprise |
observer | S | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | The identity of source detecting the event |
type | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | The type of source where event originated |
entity | S | 0..* | BackboneElement | Data or objects used |
what | S | 0..1 | Reference(Resource) | Specific instance of resource |
role | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | What role the entity played |
securityLabel | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Security labels on the entity |
Documentation for this format |
Snapshot View
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
AuditEvent | 0..* | AuditEvent | Record of an event | |
id | Σ | 0..1 | id | Logical id of this artifact |
meta | Σ | 0..1 | Meta | Metadata about the resource |
implicitRules | ?!Σ | 0..1 | uri | A set of rules under which this content was created |
language | 0..1 | code | Language of the resource content Binding: Common Languages (preferred) Max Binding: All Languages: IETF language tag | |
text | 0..1 | Narrative | Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation | |
contained | 0..* | Resource | Contained, inline Resources | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?! | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored |
category | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Type/identifier of event Binding: Audit Event ID (example): Type of event. |
code | SΣ | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Specific type of event Binding: Audit Event Sub-Type (example): Specific type of event. |
action | SΣ | 0..1 | code | Type of action performed during the event Binding: AuditEventAction (required): DICOM Audit Event Action |
severity | Σ | 0..1 | code | emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | informational | debug Binding: AuditEventSeverity (required): This is in the SysLog header, PRI. |
occurred[x] | 0..1 | When the activity occurred | ||
occurredPeriod | Period | |||
occurredDateTime | dateTime | |||
recorded | SΣ | 1..1 | instant | Time when the event was recorded |
outcome | Σ | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Whether the event succeeded or failed |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
code | Σ | 1..1 | Coding | Whether the event succeeded or failed Binding: AuditEventOutcome (preferred): DICOM Audit Event Outcome |
detail | Σ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Additional outcome detail Binding: AuditEventOutcomeDetail (example): A code that provides details as the exact issue. |
authorization | SΣ | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Authorization related to the event Binding: PurposeOfUse (example): The authorized purposeOfUse for the activity. |
basedOn | 0..* | Reference(CarePlan | DeviceRequest | ImmunizationRecommendation | MedicationRequest | NutritionOrder | ServiceRequest | Task) | Workflow authorization within which this event occurred | |
encounter | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated | |
agent | S | 1..* | BackboneElement | Actor involved in the event |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
type | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | How agent participated Binding: ParticipationRoleType (preferred): The Participation type of the agent to the event. | |
role | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Agent role in the event Binding: SecurityRoleType (example): What security role enabled the agent to participate in the event. |
who | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Identifier of who |
requestor | SΣ | 0..1 | boolean | Whether user is initiator |
location | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | The agent location when the event occurred |
policy | S | 0..* | uri | Policy that authorized the agent participation in the event |
network[x] | 0..1 | This agent network location for the activity | ||
networkReference | Reference(Endpoint) | |||
networkUri | uri | |||
networkString | string | |||
authorization | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Allowable authorization for this agent Binding: PurposeOfUse (example): The reason the activity took place. |
source | S | 1..1 | BackboneElement | Audit Event Reporter |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
site | S | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Logical source location within the enterprise |
observer | SΣ | 1..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | The identity of source detecting the event |
type | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | The type of source where event originated Binding: Audit Event Source Type (preferred): Code specifying the type of system that detected and recorded the event. Use of these codes is not required but is encouraged to maintain translation with DICOM AuditMessage schema. |
entity | S | 0..* | BackboneElement | Data or objects used |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
what | SΣ | 0..1 | Reference(Resource) | Specific instance of resource |
role | S | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | What role the entity played Binding: AuditEventEntityRole (extensible): DICOM Audit Event Entity Role |
securityLabel | S | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Security labels on the entity Binding: SecurityLabels (extensible): Security Labels from the Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System. |
query | Σ | 0..1 | base64Binary | Query parameters |
detail | 0..* | BackboneElement | Additional Information about the entity | |
id | 0..1 | id | Unique id for inter-element referencing | |
extension | 0..* | Extension | Additional content defined by implementations | |
modifierExtension | ?!Σ | 0..* | Extension | Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Name of the property Binding: Audit Event ID (example): Additional detail about an entity used in an event. | |
value[x] | 1..1 | Property value | ||
valueQuantity | Quantity | |||
valueCodeableConcept | CodeableConcept | |||
valueString | string | |||
valueBoolean | boolean | |||
valueInteger | integer | |||
valueRange | Range | |||
valueRatio | Ratio | |||
valueTime | time | |||
valueDateTime | dateTime | |||
valuePeriod | Period | |||
valueBase64Binary | base64Binary | |||
agent | 0..* | See agent (AuditEvent) | Entity is attributed to this agent | |
Documentation for this format |
XML Template
<!-- EHRS FM Record Lifecycle Event - Audit Event --> <AuditEvent xmlns="" > <!-- from Element: extension --> <id value="[id]"/><!-- 0..1 Logical id of this artifact --> <meta><!-- 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource --></meta> <implicitRules value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..1 A set of rules under which this content was created --> <language value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Language of the resource content --> <text><!-- 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation --></text> <contained><!-- 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources --></contained> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored --></modifierExtension> <category><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Type/identifier of event --></category> <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Specific type of event --></code> <action value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Type of action performed during the event --> <severity value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | informational | debug --> <occurred[x]><!-- 0..1 Period|dateTime When the activity occurred --></occurred[x]> <recorded value="[instant]"/><!-- 1..1 Time when the event was recorded --> <outcome> 0..1 BackboneElement <!-- 0..1 Whether the event succeeded or failed --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <code><!-- 1..1 Coding Whether the event succeeded or failed --></code> <detail><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Additional outcome detail --></detail> </outcome> <authorization><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Authorization related to the event --></authorization> <basedOn><!-- 0..* Reference(CarePlan) Workflow authorization within which this event occurred --></basedOn> <encounter><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter) Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated --></encounter> <agent> 1..* BackboneElement <!-- 1..* Actor involved in the event --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <type><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept How agent participated --></type> <role><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Agent role in the event --></role> <who><!-- 1..1 Reference(Practitioner) Identifier of who --></who> <requestor value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 Whether user is initiator --> <location><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) The agent location when the event occurred --></location> <policy value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..* Policy that authorized the agent participation in the event --> <network[x]><!-- 0..1 Reference(Endpoint)|uri|string This agent network location for the activity --></network[x]> <authorization><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Allowable authorization for this agent --></authorization> </agent> <source> 1..1 BackboneElement <!-- 1..1 Audit Event Reporter --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <site><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) Logical source location within the enterprise --></site> <observer><!-- 1..1 Reference(Practitioner) The identity of source detecting the event --></observer> <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept The type of source where event originated --></type> </source> <entity> 0..* BackboneElement <!-- 0..* Data or objects used --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <what><!-- 0..1 Reference(Resource) Specific instance of resource --></what> <role><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What role the entity played --></role> <securityLabel><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Security labels on the entity --></securityLabel> <query value="[base64Binary]"/><!-- 0..1 Query parameters --> <detail> 0..* BackboneElement <!-- 0..* Additional Information about the entity --> <modifierExtension><!-- 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized --></modifierExtension> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Name of the property --></type> <value[x]><!-- 1..1 Quantity|CodeableConcept|string| boolean|integer|Range|Ratio|time|dateTime|Period|base64Binary Property value --></value[x]> </detail> <agent><!-- See Entity is attributed to this agent --></agent> </entity> </AuditEvent>
JSON Template
{ // EHRS FM Record Lifecycle Event - Audit Event // from Element: extension "meta" : { Meta }, // C?Metadata about the resource "implicitRules" : "<uri>", // C?A set of rules under which this content was created "language" : "<code>", // C?Language of the resource content "text" : { Narrative }, // C?Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation "contained" : [{ Resource }], //Contained, inline Resources "modifierExtension" : [{ Extension }], // C?Extensions that cannot be ignored "category" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?Type/identifier of event "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // C? R! Specific type of event "action" : "<code>", // C?Type of action performed during the event "severity" : "<code>", // C?emergency | alert | critical | error | warning | notice | informational | debug // value[x]: When the activity occurred. One of these 2: "occurredPeriod" : { Period }, // C?When the activity occurred "occurredDateTime" : "<dateTime>", // C?When the activity occurred "recorded" : "<instant>", // C? R! Time when the event was recorded "outcome" : { BackboneElement }, // C?Whether the event succeeded or failed "authorization" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // C?Authorization related to the event "basedOn" : [{ Reference(CarePlan) }], // C?Workflow authorization within which this event occurred "encounter" : { Reference(Encounter) }, // C?Encounter within which this event occurred or which the event is tightly associated "agent" : [{ BackboneElement }], // C? R! Actor involved in the event "source" : { BackboneElement } // C? R! Audit Event Reporter "entity" : [{ BackboneElement }], // C?Data or objects used }
Alternate definitions: Master Definition (XML, JSON), Schematron
Path | Name | Conformance | ValueSet |
AuditEvent.language | Common Languages | preferred | Common Languages |
AuditEvent.category | Audit Event ID | example | Audit Event ID |
AuditEvent.code | Audit Event Sub-Type | example | Audit Event Sub-Type |
AuditEvent.action | AuditEventAction | required | AuditEventAction |
AuditEvent.severity | AuditEventSeverity | required | AuditEventSeverity |
AuditEvent.outcome.code | AuditEventOutcome | preferred | AuditEventOutcome |
AuditEvent.outcome.detail | AuditEventOutcomeDetail | example | AuditEventOutcomeDetail |
AuditEvent.authorization | PurposeOfUse | example | PurposeOfUse |
AuditEvent.agent.type | ParticipationRoleType | preferred | ParticipationRoleType |
AuditEvent.agent.role | SecurityRoleType | example | SecurityRoleType |
AuditEvent.agent.authorization | PurposeOfUse | example | PurposeOfUse |
AuditEvent.source.type | Audit Event Source Type | preferred | Audit Event Source Type |
AuditEvent.entity.role | AuditEventEntityRole | extensible | AuditEventEntityRole |
AuditEvent.entity.securityLabel | SecurityLabels | extensible | SecurityLabels |
AuditEvent.entity.detail.type | Audit Event ID | example | Audit Event ID |