Consent | CON |
identifier | CON-4 (Consent Form Number – EI)
Note: An implementation-specific requirement will be needed |
status | CON-11 (Consent Status – CNE using table HL70498) |
category | CON-2 (Consent Type - CWE using table HL70496) |
subject | |
dateTime | CON-13 (Consent Decision Date/Time – DTM) |
grantor | |
grantee | |
manager | |
controller | |
sourceAttachment | Potential mappings to CON-5,6,7,8,16,19, 20-23 |
sourceReference | Potential mappings to CON-5,6,7,8,16,19, 20-23 |
policy | CON-3 (Consent Form ID and Version – ST)
Note: An implementation-specific requirement will be needed |
authority | |
uri | |
policyRule | CON-3 (Consent Form ID and Version – ST)
Note: An implementation-specific requirement will be needed |
verification | |
verified | |
verificationType | |
verifiedBy | |
verifiedWith | |
verificationDate | |
provision | |
type | |
period | CON-14&15 (Consent Effective Date Time, Consent End DateTime) |
actor | |
role | |
reference | |
action | |
securityLabel | |
purpose | |
class | |
code | |
dataPeriod | |
data | |
meaning | |
reference | |
expression | |
provision | |