Release 5 Snapshot #1

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-snapshot1: R5 Snapshot #1). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3

8.24 Resource ChargeItem - Content

Patient Administration Work GroupMaturity Level: 0 Trial UseSecurity Category: Patient Compartments: Device, Encounter, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

The resource ChargeItem describes the provision of healthcare provider products for a certain patient, therefore referring not only to the product, but containing in addition details of the provision, like date, time, amounts and participating organizations and persons. Main Usage of the ChargeItem is to enable the billing process and internal cost allocation.

Tracking Financial information is vital in Patient Administration and Finance systems in most Healthcare Organizations. The resource ChargeItem describes the charge for provision of healthcare provider products for a certain patient, therefore referring not only to the product, but containing in addition details of the provision, like date, time, amounts and participating organizations and persons. Main Usage of the ChargeItem is to enable the billing process and internal cost allocation. They are created as soon as the products are planned or provisioned, references to Encounters and/or Accounts can be maintained in a later process step.

The target of ChargeItem.definition may provide information on the Charge code such as pricing and inclusion/exclusion rules as well as factors that apply under certain conditions. In many cases however this information may have been drawn from sources outside of FHIR depending on the distribution format of the code catalogue. The ChargeItem assumes that such information is either implicitly known by the communicating systems or explicitly shared through the ChargeItem.definition. Therefore explicit pricing information is not shared within the ChargeItem resource. Also, the systems posting the ChargeItems are not expected to apply the rules associated with the charge codes as they may not know the whole context of the patient/encounter to evaluate such rules. It lies within the responsibility of a billing engine, to collect the ChargeItems in the context of an Account or Encounter at a certain point in time (e.g. discharge of the patient) and to evaluate the associated rules resulting in some of the ChargeItems to be set to the status "not billable" in case the rules exclude them from being billed, or to create financial transactions according to base price and factors. Additional references to Encounter/EpisodeOfCare, Patient/Group and Services provide further context to help billing systems determine the appropriate account and establish the clinical/financial context to evaluate the rules associated with the charge codes.

This resource is not an actual financial transaction (such as an item on an invoice or any concise monetary amount being transferred from one Account to another) but is the base administrative data that may be used by a billing engine to create the financial transactions based on rules, factors and base prices associated with the charge code.

Unlike the Financial Transaction the ChargeItem primarily describes the provision, whereas the Financial Transaction documents cash flow. Therefore, the Financial Transaction results from ChargeItems created via the subsequent billing- or cost allocation process.

The actual financial transaction resulting from the evaluation of these rules against the clinical and financial context may be represented in formats appropriate to the financial realm. These are considered out of scope for the FHIR Standard, as they are not specific to the healthcare domain. The FHIR Claim resource does contain line items, and this ChargeItem resource provides the source material for the billing engine to create the items on the claim (which may be different due to business rules).

This resource is referenced by itself and Invoice.

This resource implements the Event pattern.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ChargeItem TUDomainResourceItem containing charge code(s) associated with the provision of healthcare provider products
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
... identifier Σ0..*IdentifierBusiness Identifier for item
... definitionUri 0..*uriDefining information about the code of this charge item
... definitionCanonical 0..*canonical(ChargeItemDefinition)Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem
... partOf 0..*Reference(ChargeItem)Part of referenced ChargeItem
... code Σ1..1CodeableConceptA code that identifies the charge, like a billing code
ChargeItemCode (Example)
... subject Σ1..1Reference(Patient | Group)Individual service was done for/to
... context Σ0..1Reference(Encounter | EpisodeOfCare)Encounter / Episode associated with event
... occurrence[x] Σ0..1When the charged service was applied
.... occurrenceDateTimedateTime
.... occurrencePeriodPeriod
.... occurrenceTimingTiming
... performer 0..*BackboneElementWho performed charged service
.... function 0..1CodeableConceptWhat type of performance was done
Procedure Performer Role Codes (Example)
.... actor 1..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson)Individual who was performing
... performingOrganization 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization providing the charged service
... requestingOrganization 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization requesting the charged service
... costCenter 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue
... quantity Σ0..1QuantityQuantity of which the charge item has been serviced
... bodysite Σ0..*CodeableConceptAnatomical location, if relevant
SNOMED CT Body Structures (Example)
... factorOverride 0..1decimalFactor overriding the associated rules
... priceOverride 0..1MoneyPrice overriding the associated rules
... overrideReason 0..1stringReason for overriding the list price/factor
... enterer Σ0..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson)Individual who was entering
... enteredDate Σ0..1dateTimeDate the charge item was entered
... reason 0..*CodeableConceptWhy was the charged service rendered?
ICD-10 Codes (Example)
... service 0..*Reference(DiagnosticReport | ImagingStudy | Immunization | MedicationAdministration | MedicationDispense | Observation | Procedure | SupplyDelivery)Which rendered service is being charged?
... product 0..*CodeableReference(Device | Medication | Substance)Product charged
Device Type (Example)
... account Σ0..*Reference(Account)Account to place this charge
... note 0..*AnnotationComments made about the ChargeItem
... supportingInformation 0..*Reference(Any)Further information supporting this charge

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

ChargeItem (DomainResource)Identifiers assigned to this event performer or other systemsidentifier : Identifier [0..*]References the (external) source of pricing information, rules of application for the code this ChargeItem usesdefinitionUri : uri [0..*]References the source of pricing information, rules of application for the code this ChargeItem usesdefinitionCanonical : canonical [0..*] « ChargeItemDefinition »The current state of the ChargeItem (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)ChargeItemStatus! »ChargeItems can be grouped to larger ChargeItems covering the whole setpartOf : Reference [0..*] « ChargeItem »A code that identifies the charge, like a billing codecode : CodeableConcept [1..1] « null (Strength=Example)ChargeItemCode?? »The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed onsubject : Reference [1..1] « Patient|Group »The encounter or episode of care that establishes the context for this eventcontext : Reference [0..1] « Encounter|EpisodeOfCare »Date/time(s) or duration when the charged service was appliedoccurrence[x] : DataType [0..1] « dateTime|Period|Timing »The organization requesting the serviceperformingOrganization : Reference [0..1] « Organization »The organization performing the servicerequestingOrganization : Reference [0..1] « Organization »The financial cost center permits the tracking of charge attributioncostCenter : Reference [0..1] « Organization »Quantity of which the charge item has been servicedquantity : Quantity [0..1]The anatomical location where the related service has been appliedbodysite : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Example)SNOMEDCTBodyStructures?? »Factor overriding the factor determined by the rules associated with the codefactorOverride : decimal [0..1]Total price of the charge overriding the list price associated with the codepriceOverride : Money [0..1]If the list price or the rule-based factor associated with the code is overridden, this attribute can capture a text to indicate the reason for this actionoverrideReason : string [0..1]The device, practitioner, etc. who entered the charge itementerer : Reference [0..1] « Practitioner|PractitionerRole| Organization|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson »Date the charge item was enteredenteredDate : dateTime [0..1]Describes why the event occurred in coded or textual formreason : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Example)ICD-10Codes?? »Indicated the rendered service that caused this chargeservice : Reference [0..*] « DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy| Immunization|MedicationAdministration|MedicationDispense| Observation|Procedure|SupplyDelivery »Identifies the device, food, drug or other product being charged either by type code or reference to an instanceproduct : DataType [0..*] « Device|Medication|Substance; null (Strength=Example)DeviceType?? »Account into which this ChargeItems belongsaccount : Reference [0..*] « Account »Comments made about the event by the performer, subject or other participantsnote : Annotation [0..*]Further information supporting this chargesupportingInformation : Reference [0..*] « Any »PerformerDescribes the type of performance or participation(e.g. primary surgeon, anesthesiologiest, etc.)function : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes?? »The device, practitioner, etc. who performed or participated in the serviceactor : Reference [1..1] « Practitioner|PractitionerRole| Organization|CareTeam|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson »Indicates who or what performed or participated in the charged serviceperformer[0..*]

XML Template

<ChargeItem xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Business Identifier for item --></identifier>
 <definitionUri value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..* Defining information about the code of this charge item -->
 <definitionCanonical><!-- 0..* canonical(ChargeItemDefinition) Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem --></definitionCanonical>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 planned | billable | not-billable | aborted | billed | entered-in-error | unknown -->
 <partOf><!-- 0..* Reference(ChargeItem) Part of referenced ChargeItem --></partOf>
 <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code --></code>
 <subject><!-- 1..1 Reference(Group|Patient) Individual service was done for/to --></subject>
 <context><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) Encounter / Episode associated with event --></context>
 <occurrence[x]><!-- 0..1 dateTime|Period|Timing When the charged service was applied --></occurrence[x]>
 <performer>  <!-- 0..* Who performed charged service -->
  <function><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What type of performance was done --></function>
  <actor><!-- 1..1 Reference(CareTeam|Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
    PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Individual who was performing --></actor>
 <performingOrganization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization providing the charged service --></performingOrganization>
 <requestingOrganization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization requesting the charged service --></requestingOrganization>
 <costCenter><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue --></costCenter>
 <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced --></quantity>
 <bodysite><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Anatomical location, if relevant --></bodysite>
 <factorOverride value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Factor overriding the associated rules -->
 <priceOverride><!-- 0..1 Money Price overriding the associated rules --></priceOverride>
 <overrideReason value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Reason for overriding the list price/factor -->
 <enterer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Individual who was entering --></enterer>
 <enteredDate value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Date the charge item was entered -->
 <reason><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Why was the charged  service rendered? --></reason>
 <service><!-- 0..* Reference(DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy|Immunization|
   SupplyDelivery) Which rendered service is being charged? --></service>
 <product><!-- 0..* CodeableReference(Device|Medication|Substance) Product charged --></product>
 <account><!-- 0..* Reference(Account) Account to place this charge --></account>
 <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Comments made about the ChargeItem --></note>
 <supportingInformation><!-- 0..* Reference(Any) Further information supporting this charge --></supportingInformation>

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "ChargeItem",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Business Identifier for item
  "definitionUri" : ["<uri>"], // Defining information about the code of this charge item
  "definitionCanonical" : [{ canonical(ChargeItemDefinition) }], // Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem
  "status" : "<code>", // R!  planned | billable | not-billable | aborted | billed | entered-in-error | unknown
  "partOf" : [{ Reference(ChargeItem) }], // Part of referenced ChargeItem
  "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R!  A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code
  "subject" : { Reference(Group|Patient) }, // R!  Individual service was done for/to
  "context" : { Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) }, // Encounter / Episode associated with event
  // occurrence[x]: When the charged service was applied. One of these 3:
  "occurrenceDateTime" : "<dateTime>",
  "occurrencePeriod" : { Period },
  "occurrenceTiming" : { Timing },
  "performer" : [{ // Who performed charged service
    "function" : { CodeableConcept }, // What type of performance was done
    "actor" : { Reference(CareTeam|Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
    PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) } // R!  Individual who was performing
  "performingOrganization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization providing the charged service
  "requestingOrganization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization requesting the charged service
  "costCenter" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue
  "quantity" : { Quantity }, // Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced
  "bodysite" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Anatomical location, if relevant
  "factorOverride" : <decimal>, // Factor overriding the associated rules
  "priceOverride" : { Money }, // Price overriding the associated rules
  "overrideReason" : "<string>", // Reason for overriding the list price/factor
  "enterer" : { Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }, // Individual who was entering
  "enteredDate" : "<dateTime>", // Date the charge item was entered
  "reason" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Why was the charged  service rendered?
  "service" : [{ Reference(DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy|Immunization|
   SupplyDelivery) }], // Which rendered service is being charged?
  "product" : [{ CodeableReference(Device|Medication|Substance) }], // Product charged
  "account" : [{ Reference(Account) }], // Account to place this charge
  "note" : [{ Annotation }], // Comments made about the ChargeItem
  "supportingInformation" : [{ Reference(Any) }] // Further information supporting this charge

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:ChargeItem;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:ChargeItem.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* Business Identifier for item
  fhir:ChargeItem.definitionUri [ uri ], ... ; # 0..* Defining information about the code of this charge item
  fhir:ChargeItem.definitionCanonical [ canonical(ChargeItemDefinition) ], ... ; # 0..* Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem
  fhir:ChargeItem.status [ code ]; # 1..1 planned | billable | not-billable | aborted | billed | entered-in-error | unknown
  fhir:ChargeItem.partOf [ Reference(ChargeItem) ], ... ; # 0..* Part of referenced ChargeItem
  fhir:ChargeItem.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code
  fhir:ChargeItem.subject [ Reference(Group|Patient) ]; # 1..1 Individual service was done for/to
  fhir:ChargeItem.context [ Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) ]; # 0..1 Encounter / Episode associated with event
  # ChargeItem.occurrence[x] : 0..1 When the charged service was applied. One of these 3
    fhir:ChargeItem.occurrenceDateTime [ dateTime ]
    fhir:ChargeItem.occurrencePeriod [ Period ]
    fhir:ChargeItem.occurrenceTiming [ Timing ]
  fhir:ChargeItem.performer [ # 0..* Who performed charged service
    fhir:ChargeItem.performer.function [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 What type of performance was done [ Reference(CareTeam|Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ]; # 1..1 Individual who was performing
  ], ...;
  fhir:ChargeItem.performingOrganization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization providing the charged service
  fhir:ChargeItem.requestingOrganization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization requesting the charged service
  fhir:ChargeItem.costCenter [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue
  fhir:ChargeItem.quantity [ Quantity ]; # 0..1 Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced
  fhir:ChargeItem.bodysite [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Anatomical location, if relevant
  fhir:ChargeItem.factorOverride [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Factor overriding the associated rules
  fhir:ChargeItem.priceOverride [ Money ]; # 0..1 Price overriding the associated rules
  fhir:ChargeItem.overrideReason [ string ]; # 0..1 Reason for overriding the list price/factor
  fhir:ChargeItem.enterer [ Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ]; # 0..1 Individual who was entering
  fhir:ChargeItem.enteredDate [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 Date the charge item was entered
  fhir:ChargeItem.reason [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Why was the charged  service rendered?
  fhir:ChargeItem.service [ Reference(DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy|Immunization|MedicationAdministration|
  MedicationDispense|Observation|Procedure|SupplyDelivery) ], ... ; # 0..* Which rendered service is being charged?
  fhir:ChargeItem.product [ CodeableReference(Device|Medication|Substance) ], ... ; # 0..* Product charged
  fhir:ChargeItem.account [ Reference(Account) ], ... ; # 0..* Account to place this charge
  fhir:ChargeItem.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Comments made about the ChargeItem
  fhir:ChargeItem.supportingInformation [ Reference(Any) ], ... ; # 0..* Further information supporting this charge

Changes since R3

  • Change value set from|4.0.0 to|5.0.0-snapshot1
  • Added Element
  • deleted

See the Full Difference for further information

This analysis is available as XML or JSON.

See R3 <--> R4 Conversion Maps (status = 1 test that all execute ok. All tests pass round-trip testing and all r3 resources are valid.)


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. ChargeItem TUDomainResourceItem containing charge code(s) associated with the provision of healthcare provider products
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
... identifier Σ0..*IdentifierBusiness Identifier for item
... definitionUri 0..*uriDefining information about the code of this charge item
... definitionCanonical 0..*canonical(ChargeItemDefinition)Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem
... partOf 0..*Reference(ChargeItem)Part of referenced ChargeItem
... code Σ1..1CodeableConceptA code that identifies the charge, like a billing code
ChargeItemCode (Example)
... subject Σ1..1Reference(Patient | Group)Individual service was done for/to
... context Σ0..1Reference(Encounter | EpisodeOfCare)Encounter / Episode associated with event
... occurrence[x] Σ0..1When the charged service was applied
.... occurrenceDateTimedateTime
.... occurrencePeriodPeriod
.... occurrenceTimingTiming
... performer 0..*BackboneElementWho performed charged service
.... function 0..1CodeableConceptWhat type of performance was done
Procedure Performer Role Codes (Example)
.... actor 1..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson)Individual who was performing
... performingOrganization 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization providing the charged service
... requestingOrganization 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization requesting the charged service
... costCenter 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue
... quantity Σ0..1QuantityQuantity of which the charge item has been serviced
... bodysite Σ0..*CodeableConceptAnatomical location, if relevant
SNOMED CT Body Structures (Example)
... factorOverride 0..1decimalFactor overriding the associated rules
... priceOverride 0..1MoneyPrice overriding the associated rules
... overrideReason 0..1stringReason for overriding the list price/factor
... enterer Σ0..1Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson)Individual who was entering
... enteredDate Σ0..1dateTimeDate the charge item was entered
... reason 0..*CodeableConceptWhy was the charged service rendered?
ICD-10 Codes (Example)
... service 0..*Reference(DiagnosticReport | ImagingStudy | Immunization | MedicationAdministration | MedicationDispense | Observation | Procedure | SupplyDelivery)Which rendered service is being charged?
... product 0..*CodeableReference(Device | Medication | Substance)Product charged
Device Type (Example)
... account Σ0..*Reference(Account)Account to place this charge
... note 0..*AnnotationComments made about the ChargeItem
... supportingInformation 0..*Reference(Any)Further information supporting this charge

doco Documentation for this format

UML Diagram (Legend)

ChargeItem (DomainResource)Identifiers assigned to this event performer or other systemsidentifier : Identifier [0..*]References the (external) source of pricing information, rules of application for the code this ChargeItem usesdefinitionUri : uri [0..*]References the source of pricing information, rules of application for the code this ChargeItem usesdefinitionCanonical : canonical [0..*] « ChargeItemDefinition »The current state of the ChargeItem (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)ChargeItemStatus! »ChargeItems can be grouped to larger ChargeItems covering the whole setpartOf : Reference [0..*] « ChargeItem »A code that identifies the charge, like a billing codecode : CodeableConcept [1..1] « null (Strength=Example)ChargeItemCode?? »The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed onsubject : Reference [1..1] « Patient|Group »The encounter or episode of care that establishes the context for this eventcontext : Reference [0..1] « Encounter|EpisodeOfCare »Date/time(s) or duration when the charged service was appliedoccurrence[x] : DataType [0..1] « dateTime|Period|Timing »The organization requesting the serviceperformingOrganization : Reference [0..1] « Organization »The organization performing the servicerequestingOrganization : Reference [0..1] « Organization »The financial cost center permits the tracking of charge attributioncostCenter : Reference [0..1] « Organization »Quantity of which the charge item has been servicedquantity : Quantity [0..1]The anatomical location where the related service has been appliedbodysite : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Example)SNOMEDCTBodyStructures?? »Factor overriding the factor determined by the rules associated with the codefactorOverride : decimal [0..1]Total price of the charge overriding the list price associated with the codepriceOverride : Money [0..1]If the list price or the rule-based factor associated with the code is overridden, this attribute can capture a text to indicate the reason for this actionoverrideReason : string [0..1]The device, practitioner, etc. who entered the charge itementerer : Reference [0..1] « Practitioner|PractitionerRole| Organization|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson »Date the charge item was enteredenteredDate : dateTime [0..1]Describes why the event occurred in coded or textual formreason : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Example)ICD-10Codes?? »Indicated the rendered service that caused this chargeservice : Reference [0..*] « DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy| Immunization|MedicationAdministration|MedicationDispense| Observation|Procedure|SupplyDelivery »Identifies the device, food, drug or other product being charged either by type code or reference to an instanceproduct : DataType [0..*] « Device|Medication|Substance; null (Strength=Example)DeviceType?? »Account into which this ChargeItems belongsaccount : Reference [0..*] « Account »Comments made about the event by the performer, subject or other participantsnote : Annotation [0..*]Further information supporting this chargesupportingInformation : Reference [0..*] « Any »PerformerDescribes the type of performance or participation(e.g. primary surgeon, anesthesiologiest, etc.)function : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes?? »The device, practitioner, etc. who performed or participated in the serviceactor : Reference [1..1] « Practitioner|PractitionerRole| Organization|CareTeam|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson »Indicates who or what performed or participated in the charged serviceperformer[0..*]

XML Template

<ChargeItem xmlns=""> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Business Identifier for item --></identifier>
 <definitionUri value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..* Defining information about the code of this charge item -->
 <definitionCanonical><!-- 0..* canonical(ChargeItemDefinition) Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem --></definitionCanonical>
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 planned | billable | not-billable | aborted | billed | entered-in-error | unknown -->
 <partOf><!-- 0..* Reference(ChargeItem) Part of referenced ChargeItem --></partOf>
 <code><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code --></code>
 <subject><!-- 1..1 Reference(Group|Patient) Individual service was done for/to --></subject>
 <context><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) Encounter / Episode associated with event --></context>
 <occurrence[x]><!-- 0..1 dateTime|Period|Timing When the charged service was applied --></occurrence[x]>
 <performer>  <!-- 0..* Who performed charged service -->
  <function><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What type of performance was done --></function>
  <actor><!-- 1..1 Reference(CareTeam|Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
    PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Individual who was performing --></actor>
 <performingOrganization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization providing the charged service --></performingOrganization>
 <requestingOrganization><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization requesting the charged service --></requestingOrganization>
 <costCenter><!-- 0..1 Reference(Organization) Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue --></costCenter>
 <quantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced --></quantity>
 <bodysite><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Anatomical location, if relevant --></bodysite>
 <factorOverride value="[decimal]"/><!-- 0..1 Factor overriding the associated rules -->
 <priceOverride><!-- 0..1 Money Price overriding the associated rules --></priceOverride>
 <overrideReason value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Reason for overriding the list price/factor -->
 <enterer><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Individual who was entering --></enterer>
 <enteredDate value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Date the charge item was entered -->
 <reason><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Why was the charged  service rendered? --></reason>
 <service><!-- 0..* Reference(DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy|Immunization|
   SupplyDelivery) Which rendered service is being charged? --></service>
 <product><!-- 0..* CodeableReference(Device|Medication|Substance) Product charged --></product>
 <account><!-- 0..* Reference(Account) Account to place this charge --></account>
 <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Comments made about the ChargeItem --></note>
 <supportingInformation><!-- 0..* Reference(Any) Further information supporting this charge --></supportingInformation>

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "ChargeItem",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Business Identifier for item
  "definitionUri" : ["<uri>"], // Defining information about the code of this charge item
  "definitionCanonical" : [{ canonical(ChargeItemDefinition) }], // Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem
  "status" : "<code>", // R!  planned | billable | not-billable | aborted | billed | entered-in-error | unknown
  "partOf" : [{ Reference(ChargeItem) }], // Part of referenced ChargeItem
  "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // R!  A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code
  "subject" : { Reference(Group|Patient) }, // R!  Individual service was done for/to
  "context" : { Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) }, // Encounter / Episode associated with event
  // occurrence[x]: When the charged service was applied. One of these 3:
  "occurrenceDateTime" : "<dateTime>",
  "occurrencePeriod" : { Period },
  "occurrenceTiming" : { Timing },
  "performer" : [{ // Who performed charged service
    "function" : { CodeableConcept }, // What type of performance was done
    "actor" : { Reference(CareTeam|Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
    PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) } // R!  Individual who was performing
  "performingOrganization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization providing the charged service
  "requestingOrganization" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization requesting the charged service
  "costCenter" : { Reference(Organization) }, // Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue
  "quantity" : { Quantity }, // Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced
  "bodysite" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Anatomical location, if relevant
  "factorOverride" : <decimal>, // Factor overriding the associated rules
  "priceOverride" : { Money }, // Price overriding the associated rules
  "overrideReason" : "<string>", // Reason for overriding the list price/factor
  "enterer" : { Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|
   PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }, // Individual who was entering
  "enteredDate" : "<dateTime>", // Date the charge item was entered
  "reason" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Why was the charged  service rendered?
  "service" : [{ Reference(DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy|Immunization|
   SupplyDelivery) }], // Which rendered service is being charged?
  "product" : [{ CodeableReference(Device|Medication|Substance) }], // Product charged
  "account" : [{ Reference(Account) }], // Account to place this charge
  "note" : [{ Annotation }], // Comments made about the ChargeItem
  "supportingInformation" : [{ Reference(Any) }] // Further information supporting this charge

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <> .doco

[ a fhir:ChargeItem;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:ChargeItem.identifier [ Identifier ], ... ; # 0..* Business Identifier for item
  fhir:ChargeItem.definitionUri [ uri ], ... ; # 0..* Defining information about the code of this charge item
  fhir:ChargeItem.definitionCanonical [ canonical(ChargeItemDefinition) ], ... ; # 0..* Resource defining the code of this ChargeItem
  fhir:ChargeItem.status [ code ]; # 1..1 planned | billable | not-billable | aborted | billed | entered-in-error | unknown
  fhir:ChargeItem.partOf [ Reference(ChargeItem) ], ... ; # 0..* Part of referenced ChargeItem
  fhir:ChargeItem.code [ CodeableConcept ]; # 1..1 A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code
  fhir:ChargeItem.subject [ Reference(Group|Patient) ]; # 1..1 Individual service was done for/to
  fhir:ChargeItem.context [ Reference(Encounter|EpisodeOfCare) ]; # 0..1 Encounter / Episode associated with event
  # ChargeItem.occurrence[x] : 0..1 When the charged service was applied. One of these 3
    fhir:ChargeItem.occurrenceDateTime [ dateTime ]
    fhir:ChargeItem.occurrencePeriod [ Period ]
    fhir:ChargeItem.occurrenceTiming [ Timing ]
  fhir:ChargeItem.performer [ # 0..* Who performed charged service
    fhir:ChargeItem.performer.function [ CodeableConcept ]; # 0..1 What type of performance was done [ Reference(CareTeam|Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ]; # 1..1 Individual who was performing
  ], ...;
  fhir:ChargeItem.performingOrganization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization providing the charged service
  fhir:ChargeItem.requestingOrganization [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization requesting the charged service
  fhir:ChargeItem.costCenter [ Reference(Organization) ]; # 0..1 Organization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue
  fhir:ChargeItem.quantity [ Quantity ]; # 0..1 Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced
  fhir:ChargeItem.bodysite [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Anatomical location, if relevant
  fhir:ChargeItem.factorOverride [ decimal ]; # 0..1 Factor overriding the associated rules
  fhir:ChargeItem.priceOverride [ Money ]; # 0..1 Price overriding the associated rules
  fhir:ChargeItem.overrideReason [ string ]; # 0..1 Reason for overriding the list price/factor
  fhir:ChargeItem.enterer [ Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ]; # 0..1 Individual who was entering
  fhir:ChargeItem.enteredDate [ dateTime ]; # 0..1 Date the charge item was entered
  fhir:ChargeItem.reason [ CodeableConcept ], ... ; # 0..* Why was the charged  service rendered?
  fhir:ChargeItem.service [ Reference(DiagnosticReport|ImagingStudy|Immunization|MedicationAdministration|
  MedicationDispense|Observation|Procedure|SupplyDelivery) ], ... ; # 0..* Which rendered service is being charged?
  fhir:ChargeItem.product [ CodeableReference(Device|Medication|Substance) ], ... ; # 0..* Product charged
  fhir:ChargeItem.account [ Reference(Account) ], ... ; # 0..* Account to place this charge
  fhir:ChargeItem.note [ Annotation ], ... ; # 0..* Comments made about the ChargeItem
  fhir:ChargeItem.supportingInformation [ Reference(Any) ], ... ; # 0..* Further information supporting this charge

Changes since Release 3

  • Change value set from|4.0.0 to|5.0.0-snapshot1
  • Added Element
  • deleted

See the Full Difference for further information

This analysis is available as XML or JSON.

See R3 <--> R4 Conversion Maps (status = 1 test that all execute ok. All tests pass round-trip testing and all r3 resources are valid.)


See the Profiles & Extensions and the alternate definitions: Master Definition XML + JSON, XML Schema/Schematron + JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) + see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis a

ChargeItem.status RequiredChargeItemStatus
ChargeItem.code ExampleChargeItemCode
ChargeItem.performer.function ExampleProcedurePerformerRoleCodes
ChargeItem.bodysite ExampleSNOMEDCTBodyStructures
ChargeItem.reason ExampleICD-10Codes
ChargeItem.product ExampleDeviceType

Search parameters for this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

NameTypeDescriptionExpressionIn Common
accountreferenceAccount to place this chargeChargeItem.account
codetokenA code that identifies the charge, like a billing codeChargeItem.code
contextreferenceEncounter / Episode associated with eventChargeItem.context
(EpisodeOfCare, Encounter)
entered-date NdateDate the charge item was enteredChargeItem.enteredDate
entererreferenceIndividual who was enteringChargeItem.enterer
(Practitioner, Organization, Device, Patient, PractitionerRole, RelatedPerson)
factor-override NnumberFactor overriding the associated rulesChargeItem.factorOverride
identifiertokenBusiness Identifier for itemChargeItem.identifier
occurrencedateWhen the charged service was appliedChargeItem.occurrence
patientreferenceIndividual service was done for/toChargeItem.subject.where(resolve() is Patient)
(Group, Patient)
performer-actorreferenceIndividual who was
(Practitioner, Organization, CareTeam, Device, Patient, PractitionerRole, RelatedPerson)
performer-functiontokenWhat type of performance was doneChargeItem.performer.function
performing-organizationreferenceOrganization providing the charged serviceChargeItem.performingOrganization
price-overridequantityPrice overriding the associated rulesChargeItem.priceOverride
quantityquantityQuantity of which the charge item has been servicedChargeItem.quantity
requesting-organizationreferenceOrganization requesting the charged serviceChargeItem.requestingOrganization
servicereferenceWhich rendered service is being charged?ChargeItem.service
(Immunization, MedicationDispense, SupplyDelivery, Observation, DiagnosticReport, ImagingStudy, MedicationAdministration, Procedure)
subjectreferenceIndividual service was done for/toChargeItem.subject
(Group, Patient)