This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-ballot: R5 Ballot - see ballot notes). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4
Patient Administration ![]() | Maturity Level: 0 | Trial Use | Security Category: Business | Compartments: Not linked to any defined compartments |
Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the VerificationResult resource.
VerificationResult | |
Element Id | VerificationResult |
Definition | Describes validation requirements, source(s), status and dates for one or more elements. |
Short Display | Describes validation requirements, source(s), status and dates for one or more elements |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | DomainResource |
Summary | false | | |
Element Id | |
Definition | A resource that was validated. |
Short Display | A resource that was validated |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Any) |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.targetLocation | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.targetLocation |
Definition | The fhirpath location(s) within the resource that was validated. |
Short Display | The fhirpath location(s) within the resource that was validated |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Type | string |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.need | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.need |
Definition | The frequency with which the target must be validated (none; initial; periodic). |
Short Display | none | initial | periodic |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Terminology Binding | need (Preferred) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.status | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.status |
Definition | The validation status of the target (attested; validated; in process; requires revalidation; validation failed; revalidation failed). |
Short Display | attested | validated | in-process | req-revalid | val-fail | reval-fail |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Terminology Binding | status (Required) |
Type | code |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.statusDate | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.statusDate |
Definition | When the validation status was updated. |
Short Display | When the validation status was updated |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | dateTime |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.validationType | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.validationType |
Definition | What the target is validated against (nothing; primary source; multiple sources). |
Short Display | nothing | primary | multiple |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Terminology Binding | validation-type (Preferred) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.validationProcess | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.validationProcess |
Definition | The primary process by which the target is validated (edit check; value set; primary source; multiple sources; standalone; in context). |
Short Display | The primary process by which the target is validated (edit check; value set; primary source; multiple sources; standalone; in context) |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Terminology Binding | validation-process (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.frequency | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.frequency |
Definition | Frequency of revalidation. |
Short Display | Frequency of revalidation |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Timing |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.lastPerformed | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.lastPerformed |
Definition | The date/time validation was last completed (including failed validations). |
Short Display | The date/time validation was last completed (including failed validations) |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | dateTime |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.nextScheduled | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.nextScheduled |
Definition | The date when target is next validated, if appropriate. |
Short Display | The date when target is next validated, if appropriate |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | date |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.failureAction | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.failureAction |
Definition | The result if validation fails (fatal; warning; record only; none). |
Short Display | fatal | warn | rec-only | none |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Terminology Binding | failure-action (Preferred) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.primarySource | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource |
Definition | Information about the primary source(s) involved in validation. |
Short Display | Information about the primary source(s) involved in validation |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.primarySource.who | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource.who |
Definition | Reference to the primary source. |
Short Display | Reference to the primary source |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Organization | Practitioner | PractitionerRole) |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.primarySource.type | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource.type |
Definition | Type of primary source (License Board; Primary Education; Continuing Education; Postal Service; Relationship owner; Registration Authority; legal source; issuing source; authoritative source). |
Short Display | Type of primary source (License Board; Primary Education; Continuing Education; Postal Service; Relationship owner; Registration Authority; legal source; issuing source; authoritative source) |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Terminology Binding | primary-source-type (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.primarySource.communicationMethod | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource.communicationMethod |
Definition | Method for communicating with the primary source (manual; API; Push). |
Short Display | Method for exchanging information with the primary source |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Terminology Binding | VerificationResult Communication Method (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.primarySource.validationStatus | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource.validationStatus |
Definition | Status of the validation of the target against the primary source (successful; failed; unknown). |
Short Display | successful | failed | unknown |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Terminology Binding | validation-status (Preferred) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.primarySource.validationDate | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource.validationDate |
Definition | When the target was validated against the primary source. |
Short Display | When the target was validated against the primary source |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | dateTime |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.primarySource.canPushUpdates | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource.canPushUpdates |
Definition | Ability of the primary source to push updates/alerts (yes; no; undetermined). |
Short Display | yes | no | undetermined |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Terminology Binding | can-push-updates (Preferred) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.primarySource.pushTypeAvailable | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.primarySource.pushTypeAvailable |
Definition | Type of alerts/updates the primary source can send (specific requested changes; any changes; as defined by source). |
Short Display | specific | any | source |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Terminology Binding | push-type-available (Preferred) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.attestation | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation |
Definition | Information about the entity attesting to information. |
Short Display | Information about the entity attesting to information |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.attestation.who | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation.who |
Definition | The individual or organization attesting to information. |
Short Display | The individual or organization attesting to information |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization) |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.attestation.onBehalfOf | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation.onBehalfOf |
Definition | When the who is asserting on behalf of another (organization or individual). |
Short Display | When the who is asserting on behalf of another (organization or individual) |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Organization | Practitioner | PractitionerRole) |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.attestation.communicationMethod | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation.communicationMethod |
Definition | The method by which attested information was submitted/retrieved (manual; API; Push). |
Short Display | The method by which attested information was submitted/retrieved |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Terminology Binding | VerificationResult Communication Method (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Summary | true | | |
Element Id | |
Definition | The date the information was attested to. |
Short Display | The date the information was attested to |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | date |
Summary | true |
VerificationResult.attestation.sourceIdentityCertificate | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation.sourceIdentityCertificate |
Definition | A digital identity certificate associated with the attestation source. |
Short Display | A digital identity certificate associated with the attestation source |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.attestation.proxyIdentityCertificate | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation.proxyIdentityCertificate |
Definition | A digital identity certificate associated with the proxy entity submitting attested information on behalf of the attestation source. |
Short Display | A digital identity certificate associated with the proxy entity submitting attested information on behalf of the attestation source |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.attestation.proxySignature | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation.proxySignature |
Definition | Signed assertion by the proxy entity indicating that they have the right to submit attested information on behalf of the attestation source. |
Short Display | Proxy signature |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Signature |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.attestation.sourceSignature | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.attestation.sourceSignature |
Definition | Signed assertion by the attestation source that they have attested to the information. |
Short Display | Attester signature |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Signature |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.validator | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.validator |
Definition | Information about the entity validating information. |
Short Display | Information about the entity validating information |
Cardinality | 0..* |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.validator.organization | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.validator.organization |
Definition | Reference to the organization validating information. |
Short Display | Reference to the organization validating information |
Cardinality | 1..1 |
Type | Reference(Organization) |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.validator.identityCertificate | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.validator.identityCertificate |
Definition | A digital identity certificate associated with the validator. |
Short Display | A digital identity certificate associated with the validator |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Summary | false |
VerificationResult.validator.attestationSignature | |
Element Id | VerificationResult.validator.attestationSignature |
Definition | Signed assertion by the validator that they have validated the information. |
Short Display | Validator signature |
Cardinality | 0..1 |
Type | Signature |
Summary | false |