Detailed Cross Analysis for the request.
Request.identifier |
Request.identifier : Identifier [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
AppointmentResponse | - AppointmentResponse.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
Claim | - Claim.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
- : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
Contract | - Contract.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
- Contract.term.identifier : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | - CoverageEligibilityRequest.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
EnrollmentRequest | - EnrollmentRequest.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
ImmunizationRecommendation | - ImmunizationRecommendation.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
Task | - Task.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
VisionPrescription | - VisionPrescription.identifier : Identifier [0..*]
| | | |
Request.basedOn |
Request.basedOn : Reference(Request) [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
AppointmentResponse | - AppointmentResponse.appointment : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Task | - Task.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.basedOn : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Request.replaces |
Request.replaces : Reference(Request) [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.replaces : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.replaces : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Claim | - Claim.related.claim : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.replaces : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.replaces : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.priorPrescription : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.replaces : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.replaces : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Task | Extension task-replaces : Reference [0..*] (as an extension) | | | |
Request.groupIdentifier |
Request.groupIdentifier : Identifier [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.groupIdentifier : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.groupIdentifier : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.groupIdentifier : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.groupIdentifier : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.requisition : Identifier [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Task | - Task.groupIdentifier : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.groupIdentifier : Identifier [0..1]
| | | |
Request.status |
Request.status : code [1..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
AppointmentResponse | - AppointmentResponse.participantStatus : code [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.status : code [1..1]
- CarePlan.activity.plannedActivityDetail.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
Claim | - Claim.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
Contract | - Contract.status : code [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | - CoverageEligibilityRequest.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.status : code [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
EnrollmentRequest | - EnrollmentRequest.status : code [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.status : code [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
Task | - Task.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
VisionPrescription | - VisionPrescription.status : code [1..1]
| | | |
Request.statusReason |
Request.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.activity.plannedActivityDetail.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.statusReason : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
Request.intent |
Request.intent : code [1..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
Task | - Task.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.intent : code [1..1]
| | | |
Request.priority |
Request.priority : code [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.priority : CodeableConcept [0..1]
The type 'CodeableConcept' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableConcept vs code)
| | GF#22101  | investigations | waiting for committee discussion |
Claim | - Claim.priority : CodeableConcept [0..1]
The type 'CodeableConcept' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableConcept vs code)
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | - CoverageEligibilityRequest.priority : CodeableConcept [0..1]
The type 'CodeableConcept' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableConcept vs code)
| | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.priority : code [0..1]
- RequestOrchestration.action.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
Task | - Task.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.priority : code [0..1]
| | | |
Request.doNotPerform |
Request.doNotPerform : boolean [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.activity.plannedActivityDetail.doNotPerform : boolean [0..1]
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.doNotPerform : boolean [0..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.doNotPerform : boolean [0..1]
| | | |
Request.category |
Request.category : CodeableConcept [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Request.code |
Request.code : CodeableConcept [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.serviceType : CodeableReference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *) The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.activity.plannedActivityDetail.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
Contract | - Contract.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
- Contract.term.type : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.code : CodeableReference [1..1]
The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept)
| | | |
ImmunizationRecommendation | - ImmunizationRecommendation.recommendation.vaccineCode : CodeableConcept [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.medication : CodeableReference [1..1]
The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept)
| Names are different. | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.oralDiet.type : CodeableConcept [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)- NutritionOrder.oralDiet.nutrient.modifier : CodeableConcept [0..1]
- NutritionOrder.oralDiet.texture.modifier : CodeableConcept [0..1]
- NutritionOrder.oralDiet.texture.foodType : CodeableConcept [0..1]
- NutritionOrder.oralDiet.fluidConsistencyType : CodeableConcept [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)- NutritionOrder.supplement.type : CodeableReference [0..1]
The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept) - NutritionOrder.enteralFormula.baseFormulaType : CodeableReference [0..1]
The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept) - NutritionOrder.enteralFormula.additive.type : CodeableReference [0..1]
The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
- RequestOrchestration.action.code : CodeableConcept [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.code : CodeableReference [0..1]
The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept)
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.item : CodeableReference [1..1]
The type 'CodeableReference' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableReference vs CodeableConcept)
| Names are different. | | |
Task | - Task.doNotPerform : boolean [0..1]
The type 'boolean' is not legal according to the pattern (boolean vs CodeableConcept) - Task.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Transport | - Transport.code : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
Request.product |
Request.product : CodeableReference(BiologicallyDerivedProduct|Device|DeviceDefinition|Medication|NutritionProduct|Substance) [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Request.subject |
Request.subject : Reference(Patient|Group) [1..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.subject : Reference [1..1]
| | | |
Claim | - Claim.patient : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.subject : Reference [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
Contract | - Contract.subject : Reference [0..*]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0), Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | - CoverageEligibilityRequest.patient : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.subject : Reference [1..1]
| | | |
EnrollmentRequest | - EnrollmentRequest.candidate : Reference [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
ImmunizationRecommendation | - ImmunizationRecommendation.patient : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.subject : Reference [1..1]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.subject : Reference [1..1]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.subject : Reference [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.subject : Reference [1..1]
| | | |
Task | - Task.for : Reference [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
Transport | - Transport.for : Reference [0..1]
Minimum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = 0)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
VisionPrescription | - VisionPrescription.patient : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Request.encounter |
Request.encounter : Reference(Encounter) [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.encounter : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.encounter : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.encounter : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.encounter : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
Request.occurrence[x] |
Request.occurrence[x] : dateTime|Period|Timing [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.start : instant [0..1]
The type 'instant' is not legal according to the pattern (instant vs dateTime|Period|Timing) - Appointment.end : instant [0..1]
The type 'instant' is not legal according to the pattern (instant vs dateTime|Period|Timing) - Appointment.minutesDuration : positiveInt [0..1]
The type 'positiveInt' is not legal according to the pattern (positiveInt vs dateTime|Period|Timing) - Appointment.requestedPeriod : Period [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
AppointmentResponse | - AppointmentResponse.start : instant [0..1]
The type 'instant' is not legal according to the pattern (instant vs dateTime|Period|Timing) - AppointmentResponse.end : instant [0..1]
The type 'instant' is not legal according to the pattern (instant vs dateTime|Period|Timing)
| Names are different. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.period : Period [0..1]
- CarePlan.activity.plannedActivityDetail.scheduled[x] : Timing, Period, string [0..1]
The type 'string' is not legal according to the pattern (Timing, Period, string vs dateTime|Period|Timing)
| Names are different. | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period [0..1]
| | | |
Contract | - Contract.applies : Period [0..1]
- Contract.term.applies : Period [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [0..1]
| | | |
ImmunizationRecommendation | - ImmunizationRecommendation.recommendation.dateCriterion : BackboneElement [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *) The type 'BackboneElement' is not legal according to the pattern (BackboneElement vs dateTime|Period|Timing)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.oralDiet.schedule.timing : Timing [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)- NutritionOrder.supplement.schedule.timing : Timing [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)- NutritionOrder.enteralFormula.administration.schedule.timing : Timing [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.action.timing[x] : dateTime, Age, Period, Duration, Range, Timing [0..1]
The type 'Age' is not legal according to the pattern (dateTime, Age, Period, Duration, Range, Timing vs dateTime|Period|Timing) , The type 'Duration' is not legal according to the pattern (dateTime, Age, Period, Duration, Range, Timing vs dateTime|Period|Timing) , The type 'Range' is not legal according to the pattern (dateTime, Age, Period, Duration, Range, Timing vs dateTime|Period|Timing)
| Names are different. | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [0..1]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.occurrence[x] : dateTime, Period, Timing [0..1]
| | | |
Task | - Task.requestedPeriod : Period [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Request.authoredOn |
Request.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.created : dateTime [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.created : dateTime [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Claim | - Claim.created : dateTime [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
Contract | - Contract.issued : dateTime [0..1]
- Contract.term.issued : dateTime [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | - CoverageEligibilityRequest.created : dateTime [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
EnrollmentRequest | - EnrollmentRequest.created : dateTime [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
ImmunizationRecommendation | - : dateTime [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.dateTime : dateTime [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
Task | - Task.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.authoredOn : dateTime [0..1]
| | | |
VisionPrescription | - VisionPrescription.dateWritten : dateTime [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Request.requester |
Request.requester : Reference(Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization|Patient|RelatedPerson|Device) [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.custodian : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Claim | - Claim.provider : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.requester : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
Contract | - : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | - CoverageEligibilityRequest.provider : Reference [0..1]
- CoverageEligibilityRequest.item.provider : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.requester : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
EnrollmentRequest | - EnrollmentRequest.provider : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.requester : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.orderer : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
RequestOrchestration | - : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.requester : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.requester : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
Task | - Task.requester : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.requester : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
VisionPrescription | - VisionPrescription.prescriber : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
Request.reported[x] |
Request.reported[x] : boolean|Reference(Patient|RelatedPerson|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization) [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.activity.plannedActivityDetail.reported[x] : boolean, Reference [0..1]
| | | |
Request.performerType |
Request.performerType : CodeableConcept [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
AppointmentResponse | - AppointmentResponse.participantType : CodeableConcept [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.performerType : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.performerType : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.performerType : CodeableConcept [0..1]
| | | |
Request.performer |
Request.performer : Reference(Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization|CareTeam|HealthcareService|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson) [0..1] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.participant : BackboneElement [1..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *) The type 'BackboneElement' is not legal according to the pattern (BackboneElement vs Reference(Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization|CareTeam|HealthcareService|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson))
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
AppointmentResponse | - : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.careTeam : Reference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)- CarePlan.activity.plannedActivityDetail.performer : Reference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
Claim | - Claim.insurer : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.recipient : Reference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)- CommunicationRequest.informationProvider : Reference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
Contract | - Contract.term.action.type : CodeableConcept [1..1]
The type 'CodeableConcept' is not legal according to the pattern (CodeableConcept vs Reference(Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization|CareTeam|HealthcareService|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson))
| Names are different. | | |
CoverageEligibilityRequest | - CoverageEligibilityRequest.insurer : Reference [1..1]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.performer : Reference [0..1]
| | | |
EnrollmentRequest | - EnrollmentRequest.insurer : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.performer : Reference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.action.participant : BackboneElement [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *) The type 'BackboneElement' is not legal according to the pattern (BackboneElement vs Reference(Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization|CareTeam|HealthcareService|Patient|Device|RelatedPerson))
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.performer : Reference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Cardinality Problem. | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.supplier : Reference [0..*]
Maximum Cardinality Violation (pattern = 1, resource = *)
| Names are different. Cardinality Problem. | | |
Request.deliverTo |
Request.deliverTo : Reference(Patient|RelatedPerson|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|Organization|Location|HealthCareService|CareTeam|Device|Endpoint) [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Request.reason |
Request.reason : CodeableReference(Condition|Observation|DiagnosticReport|DocumentReference) [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
| | | |
SupplyRequest | - SupplyRequest.reason : CodeableReference [0..*]
| | | | | : Reference(Coverage|ClaimResponse) [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
DeviceRequest | - : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
EnrollmentRequest | - EnrollmentRequest.coverage : Reference [0..1]
| Names are different. | | |
MedicationRequest | - : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Task | - : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Transport | - : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Request.supportingInfo |
Request.supportingInfo : Reference(Any) [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.supportingInformation : Reference [0..*]
| Names are different. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.supportingInfo : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Claim | - Claim.supportingInfo : BackboneElement [0..*]
The type 'BackboneElement' is not legal according to the pattern (BackboneElement vs Reference(Any))
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.about : Reference [0..*]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.supportingInfo : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
ImmunizationRecommendation | - ImmunizationRecommendation.recommendation.supportingPatientInformation : Reference [0..*]
| Names are different. | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.supportingInformation : Reference [0..*]
| Names are different. | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.oralDiet.instruction : string [0..1]
The type 'string' is not legal according to the pattern (string vs Reference(Any)) - NutritionOrder.supplement.instruction : string [0..1]
The type 'string' is not legal according to the pattern (string vs Reference(Any)) - NutritionOrder.enteralFormula.administrationInstruction : string [0..1]
The type 'string' is not legal according to the pattern (string vs Reference(Any))
| Names are different. | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.action.documentation : RelatedArtifact [0..*]
The type 'RelatedArtifact' is not legal according to the pattern (RelatedArtifact vs Reference(Any))
| Names are different. | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.supportingInfo : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Request.note |
Request.note : Annotation [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
Appointment | - Appointment.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
AppointmentResponse | - AppointmentResponse.comment : string [0..1]
The type 'string' is not legal according to the pattern (string vs Annotation)
| Names are different. | | |
CarePlan | - CarePlan.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
CommunicationRequest | - CommunicationRequest.payload.content[x] : Attachment, Reference, CodeableConcept [1..1]
The type 'Attachment' is not legal according to the pattern (Attachment, Reference, CodeableConcept vs Annotation) , The type 'Reference' is not legal according to the pattern (Attachment, Reference, CodeableConcept vs Annotation) , The type 'CodeableConcept' is not legal according to the pattern (Attachment, Reference, CodeableConcept vs Annotation) - CommunicationRequest.note : Annotation [0..*]
| Names are different. | | |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
NutritionOrder | - NutritionOrder.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
RequestOrchestration | - RequestOrchestration.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
Task | - Task.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.note : Annotation [0..*]
| | | |
Request.relevantHistory |
Request.relevantHistory : Reference(Provenance) [0..*] |
Resource | Matches | Issues | Tasks | Status | Notes |
DeviceRequest | - DeviceRequest.relevantHistory : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
MedicationRequest | - MedicationRequest.eventHistory : Reference [0..*]
| Names are different. | | |
ServiceRequest | - ServiceRequest.relevantHistory : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Task | - Task.relevantHistory : Reference [0..*]
| | | |
Transport | - Transport.relevantHistory : Reference [0..*]
| | | |