Release 5 Ballot

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0-ballot: R5 Ballot - see ballot notes). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions CodeSystem

Biomedical Research and Regulation icon Work Group Maturity Level: 0Trial Use Use Context: Any

This is a code system defined by the FHIR project.


Defining URL:
Title:ResearchStudy Classifiers Code System

Codes for use in ResearchStudy Resource. This resource (this entire set of content) is being used for active development of a ResearchStudyClassifiers CodeSystem for use for supporting multiple value sets in the FHIR ResearchStudy StructureDefinition.

Committee:Biomedical Research and Regulation icon Work Group
OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.1967 (for OID based terminology systems)
Flags:CaseSensitive, Complete
All codes ValueSet:ResearchStudy Classifiers Code System

This Code system is used in the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

1research-study-prim-purp-type Research Study Primary Purpose Typebtn btn
2  treatment TreatmentOne or more interventions are being evaluated for treating a disease, syndrome, or condition.btn btn
2  prevention PreventionOne or more interventions are being assessed for preventing the development of a specific disease or health condition.btn btn
2  diagnostic DiagnosticOne or more interventions are being evaluated for identifying a disease or health condition.btn btn
2  supportive-care Supportive CareOne or more interventions are evaluated for maximizing comfort, minimizing side effects, or mitigating against a decline in the participant's health or function.btn btn
2  screening ScreeningOne or more interventions are assessed or examined for identifying a condition, or risk factors for a condition, in people who are not yet known to have the condition or risk factor.btn btn
2  health-services-research Health Services ResearchOne or more interventions for evaluating the delivery, processes, management, organization, or financing of healthcare.btn btn
2  basic-science Basic ScienceOne or more interventions for examining the basic mechanism of action (for example, physiology or biomechanics of an intervention).btn btn
2  device-feasibility Device FeasibilityAn intervention of a device product is being evaluated to determine the feasibility of the product or to test a prototype device and not health outcomes. Such studies are conducted to confirm the design and operating specifications of a device before beginning a full clinical trial.btn btn
1research-study-phase Research Study Phasebtn btn
2  n-a N/ATrials without phases (for example, studies of devices or behavioral interventions).btn btn
2  early-phase-1 Early Phase 1Designation for optional exploratory trials conducted in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) 2006 Guidance on Exploratory Investigational New Drug (IND) Studies. Formerly called Phase 0.btn btn
2  phase-1 Phase 1Includes initial studies to determine the metabolism and pharmacologic actions of drugs in humans, the side effects associated with increasing doses, and to gain early evidence of effectiveness; may include healthy participants and/or patients.btn btn
2  phase-1-phase-2 Phase 1/Phase 2Trials that are a combination of phases 1 and 2.btn btn
2  phase-2 Phase 2Includes controlled clinical studies conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the drug for a particular indication or indications in participants with the disease or condition under study and to determine the common short-term side effects and risks.btn btn
2  phase-2-phase-3 Phase 2/Phase 3Trials that are a combination of phases 2 and 3.btn btn
2  phase-3 Phase 3Includes trials conducted after preliminary evidence suggesting effectiveness of the drug has been obtained, and are intended to gather additional information to evaluate the overall benefit-risk relationship of the drug.btn btn
2  phase-4 Phase 4Studies of FDA-approved drugs to delineate additional information including the drug's risks, benefits, and optimal use.btn btn
1research-study-focus-type Research Study Focus Typebtn btn
2  medication Medicationbtn btn
2  device Devicebtn btn
2  intervention Interventionbtn btn
2  factor Factorbtn btn
1research-study-classifier Research Study Classifierbtn btn
2  fda-regulated-drug FDA regulated drugA medication regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.btn btn
2  fda-regulated-device FDA regulated deviceA medical device regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.btn btn
2  mpg-paragraph-23b MPG Paragraph 23bResearch regulated by a specific German legal requirement (Medizinproduktegesetz MPG Paragraph 23b).btn btn
2  irb-exempt IRB-exemptHuman subjects research that is excempt from oversight and monitoring by an institutional review board (IRB).btn btn
1research-study-party-organization-type Research Study Party Organization Typebtn btn
2  nih NIHbtn btn
2  fda FDAbtn btn
2  government Governmentbtn btn
2  nonprofit Nonprofitbtn btn
2  academic Academicbtn btn
2  industry Industrybtn btn
1research-study-party-role Research Study Party Rolebtn btn
2  sponsor Sponsorbtn btn
2  lead-sponsor Lead Sponsorbtn btn
2  sponsor-investigator Sponsor-Investigatorbtn btn
2  primary-investigator Primary Investigatorbtn btn
2  collaborator Collaboratorbtn btn
2  funding-source Funding Sourcebtn btn
2  general-contact General Contactbtn btn
2  recruitment-contact Recruitment Contactbtn btn
2  sub-investigator Sub-investigatorbtn btn
2  study-director Study Directorbtn btn
2  study-chair Study Chairbtn btn
1research-study-status Research Study Statusbtn btn
2  overall-study Overall studyUsed for documenting the start and end of the overall study, distinct from progress states.btn btn
2  active ActiveStudy is opened for accrual.btn btn
2  active-but-not-recruiting Active, not recruitingThe study is ongoing, and participants are receiving an intervention or being examined, but potential participants are not currently being recruited or enrolled.btn btn
2  administratively-completed Administratively CompletedStudy is completed prematurely and will not resume; patients are no longer examined nor treated.btn btn
2  approved ApprovedProtocol is approved by the review board.btn btn
2  closed-to-accrual Closed to AccrualStudy is closed for accrual; patients can be examined and treated.btn btn
2  closed-to-accrual-and-intervention Closed to Accrual and InterventionStudy is closed to accrual and intervention, i.e. the study is closed to enrollment, all study subjects have completed treatment or intervention but are still being followed according to the primary objective of the study.btn btn
2  completed CompletedThe study closed according to the study plan. There will be no further treatments, interventions or data collection.btn btn
2  disapproved DisapprovedProtocol was disapproved by the review board.btn btn
2  enrolling-by-invitation Enrolling by invitationThe study is selecting its participants from a population, or group of people, decided on by the researchers in advance. These studies are not open to everyone who meets the eligibility criteria but only to people in that particular population, who are specifically invited to participate.btn btn
2  in-review In ReviewProtocol is submitted to the review board for approval.btn btn
2  not-yet-recruiting Not yet recruitingThe study has not started recruiting participants.btn btn
2  recruiting RecruitingThe study is currently recruiting participants.btn btn
2  temporarily-closed-to-accrual Temporarily Closed to AccrualStudy is temporarily closed for accrual; can be potentially resumed in the future; patients can be examined and treated.btn btn
2  temporarily-closed-to-accrual-and-intervention Temporarily Closed to Accrual and InterventionStudy is temporarily closed for accrual and intervention and potentially can be resumed in the future.btn btn
2  terminated TerminatedThe study has stopped early and will not start again. Participants are no longer being examined or treated.btn btn
2  withdrawn WithdrawnProtocol was withdrawn by the lead organization.btn btn
1research-study-registration-activity Research Study Registration Activitybtn btn
2  record-verification Record VerificationRecord has been verified.btn btn
2  primary-outcome-data-collection Primary outcome data collectionbtn btn
2  registration-submission Registration submissionbtn btn
2  registration-submission-qc Registration submission Quality Checkbtn btn
2  registration-posting Registration postingbtn btn
2  results-submission Results submissionbtn btn
2  results-submission-qc Results submission Quality Checkbtn btn
2  results-posting Results postingbtn btn
2  disposition-submission Disposition submissionbtn btn
2  disposition-submission-qc Disposition submission Quality Checkbtn btn
2  disposition-posting Disposition postingbtn btn
2  update-submission Update submission btn btn
2  update-posting Update postingbtn btn
1research-study-reason-stopped Research Study Reason Stoppedbtn btn
2  accrual-goal-met Accrual Goal MetThe study prematurely ended because the accrual goal was met.btn btn
2  closed-due-to-toxicity Closed due to toxicityThe study prematurely ended due to toxicity.btn btn
2  closed-due-to-lack-of-study-progress Closed due to lack of study progressThe study prematurely ended due to lack of study progress.btn btn
2  temporarily-closed-per-study-design Temporarily closed per study designThe study prematurely ended temporarily per study design.btn btn
1research-study-objective-type Research Study Objective Typebtn btn
2  primary PrimaryThe main question to be answered, and the one that drives any statistical planning for the study—e.g., calculation of the sample size to provide the appropriate power for statistical testing.btn btn
2  secondary SecondaryQuestion to be answered in the study that is of lesser importance than the primary objective.btn btn
2  exploratory ExploratoryExploratory questions to be answered in the study.btn btn
1research-study-arm-type Research Study Arm Typebtn btn
2  active-comparator Active Comparatorbtn btn
2  placebo-comparator Placebo Comparatorbtn btn
2  sham-comparator Sham Comparatorbtn btn
2  no-intervention No Interventionbtn btn
2  experimental Experimentalbtn btn
2  other-arm-type Other Arm Typebtn btn
1SEVCO:01000 Study DesignA plan specification for how and what kinds of data will be gathered as part of an investigation which may produce testable explanations, conclusions and predictions or test a hypothesis. btn btn
2  SEVCO:01001 Interventional researchA study design in which an independent variable (an exposure or intervention) is prospectively assigned or modified by the investigator to evaluate a response in the dependent variable (an effect or outcome).btn btn
3    SEVCO:01003 randomized assignmentAn interventional study design in which an independent variable (an exposure or intervention) is prospectively assigned or modified by random chance to separate groups.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01006 simple randomizationA randomized assignment in which each participant has the same prespecified likelihood of being assigned to a group as all other participants, independent of the assignment of any other participant.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01007 stratified randomizationA randomized assignment in which participants are stratified into groups based on prognostic variables and then randomized into balanced treatment groupsbtn btn
4      SEVCO:01008 block randomizationA randomized assignment in which a pre-specified number of subjects is assigned to a block containing the same pre-specified ratio of group assignments in random order.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01009 adaptive randomizationA randomized assignment in which a participant’s group assignment probability is adjusted based on any factor such that the likelihood of assignment is not the same for all participants.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01005 Non-randomized assignmentAn interventional study design in which an independent variable (an exposure or intervention) is prospectively assigned or modified by methods other than random chance to separate groups.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01004 Quasi-Randomized assignmentAn interventional study design with a method of allocation that is not limited to random chance but is intended to produce similar baseline groups for experimentation.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01029 Clinical trialInterventional research in which one or more healthcare-related actions (i.e., a diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic, preventive or screening method or intervention) is evaluated for effects on health-related biomedical or behavioral processes and/or outcomes.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01041 Pragmatic clinical trialA clinical trial conducted under conditions of routine clinical practice.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01038 Expanded Access studyA clinical trial that provides a means for obtaining an experimental drug or device for patients who are not adequately treated by existing therapy, who do not meet the eligibility criteria for enrollment, or who are otherwise unable to participate in another clinical study. btn btn
4      SEVCO:01030 Phase 1 trialA clinical trial to gather initial evidence in humans to support further investigation of an intervention.btn btn
5        SEVCO:01031 Exploratory investigational new drug studyA clinical trial that is conducted early in phase 1, involves very limited human exposure, and has no therapeutic or diagnostic intent (e.g., screening studies, microdose studies). btn btn
4      SEVCO:01032 Phase 1/Phase 2 trial A clinical trial with a component meeting the definition of phase 1 trial and a component meeting the definition of phase 2 trial.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01033 Phase 2 trialA clinical trial to gather evidence of effectiveness and safety for an intervention in patients with the disease or condition under study, but not intended to provide an adequate basis for regulatory approval for clinical use.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01034 Phase 2/Phase 3 trialA clinical trial with a component meeting the definition of phase 2 trial and a component meeting the definition of phase 3 trial.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01035 Phase 3 TrialA clinical trial to gather the evidence of effectiveness and safety of an intervention, intended to provide an adequate basis for regulatory approval for clinical use.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01036 Post-marketing studyA clinical trial to gather additional evidence of effectiveness and safety of an intervention for an already approved clinical use.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01002 Observational researchA study design in which the independent variables (exposures or interventions) are not prospectively assigned or modified by the investigator. btn btn
3    SEVCO:01037 Post-Marketing Surveillance studyAn observational study to identify adverse events related to the use of an approved clinical intervention.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01010 Comparative study designA study design in which two or more groups are compared.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01011 Parallel cohort designA comparative study design in which the groups are compared concurrently and participants are expected to remain in the groups being compared for the entire duration of participation in the study.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01012 Crossover cohort designA comparative study design in which participants receive two or more alternative exposures during separate periods of time.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01024 Controlled crossover cohort designA crossover cohort design in which two or more cohorts have different orders of exposures.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01025 Single-arm crossover designA crossover cohort design in which all participants are in a single cohort with the same order of exposures.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01013 Case control designA comparative study design in which the groups being compared are defined by outcome presence (case) or absence (control).btn btn
3    SEVCO:01014 Matching for comparisonA comparative study design in which individual participants in different groups being compared are paired or matched into sets based on selected attributes for within-set analysis.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01020 Family study designA matched study design in which related or non-related family members are compared.btn btn
5        SEVCO:01021 Twin study designA family study design in which twin siblings are compared.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01015 Cluster as unit of allocationA comparative study design in which participants are allocated to exposures (interventions) by their membership in groups (called clusters) rather than by individualized assignments.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01023 Non-comparative study designA study design with no comparisons between groups with different exposures and no comparisons between groups with different outcomes.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01016 Uncontrolled cohort designA non-comparative study design in which two or more participants are evaluated in a single group (or cohort).btn btn
3    SEVCO:01017 Case reportA non-comparative study design in which a single participant is evaluated.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01022 Population-based designA study design in which the unit of observation is a population or community. btn btn
3    SEVCO:01044 Ecological designA study design in which the unit of observation is a population or community defined by social relationships or physical surroundings. btn btn
2  SEVCO:01027 Cross sectional data collection A study design process in which data is collected at a single point in time.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01028 Longitudinal data collectionA study design process in which data is collected at two or more points in time.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01018 Time series designA longitudinal data collection which includes a set of time-ordered observations.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01019 Before and after comparisonA time series design which includes comparisons of observations before and after an event or exposure.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01045 Primary data collectionA study design process in which the data are recorded and collected during the study for the purpose of the same study.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01026 Real world data collectionA study design process in which the study data are obtained from a source of data collected during a routine process in the natural environment rather than using a process designed or controlled by the researcher.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01039 Real world data collection from healthcare recordsReal world data collection from data obtained routinely for a purpose of recording healthcare delivery in a record controlled by a healthcare professional.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01050 Real world data collection from personal health recordsReal world data collection from data obtained routinely for a purpose of recording data related to personal health in a record controlled by the person, guardian, or caretaker.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01040 Real world data collection from healthcare financing recordsReal world data collection from data obtained routinely for a purpose of recording healthcare financing.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01048 Real world data collection from testing proceduresReal world data collection from data obtained routinely for a purpose of testing, such as diagnostic testing or screening examination.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01046 Real world data collection from monitoring proceduresReal world data collection from data obtained routinely for a purpose of repeated testing.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01049 Secondary data collection from prior researchA study design process in which the data are collected from data obtained during a different study than the current study.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01042 Secondary data collection from a registryA study design process in which the data are collected from a system organized to obtain and maintain uniform data for discovery and analysis, and this system is organized prior to the current study.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01051 Multisite data collectionA study design process in which data are collected from two or more geographic locations.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01086 Quantitative analysisA study design process in which data are analyzed with mathematical or statistical methods and formulas.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01087 Qualitative analysisA study design process in which data are analyzed, without primary reliance on mathematical or statistical techniques, by coding and organizing data to provide interpretation or understanding of experiences or hypotheses.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01060 Blinding of study participantsA study design process in which study participants are not informed of their intervention assignment.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01061 Blinding of intervention providersA study design process in which the people administering the intervention are not informed of the intervention assignment.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01062 Blinding of outcome assessorsA study design process in which the people determining the outcome are not informed of the intervention assignment.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01063 Blinding of data analystsA study design process in which the people managing or processing the data and statistical analysis are not informed of the intervention assignment.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01064 Allocation concealmentA study design process in which all parties influencing study enrollment and allocation to study groups are unaware of the group assignment for the study participant at the time of enrollment and allocation.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01043 MulticentricA study design feature in which two or more institutions are responsible for the conduct of the study.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01052 Includes patient-reported outcomeA study design feature in which one or more outcomes are reported directly from the patient without interpretation by a clinician or researcher.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01053 Includes patient-centered outcomeA study design feature in which one or more measures are outcomes that patients directly care about, i.e. outcomes that are directly related to patients' experience of their life.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01054 Includes disease-oriented outcomeA study design feature in which one or more measures are outcomes that relate to a health or illness condition but are not outcomes which patients directly care about.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01085 Includes process measureA study design feature in which one or more outcomes are actions or behaviors of a healthcare professional or care team.btn btn
2  SEVCO:01089 Study GoalA study design feature specifying the intent of the study.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01096 Evaluation GoalA study goal to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of a given program, process, person or piece of equipment.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01097 Derivation GoalA study goal with the intent to generate a predictive algorithm.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01098 Validation GoalA study goal with the intent to determine the reliability and/or performance of a procedure for a specific predictive, classification, measurement, or communication purpose.btn btn
3    SEVCO:01088 Comparison GoalA study design feature in which the study intent is to compare two or more interventions or exposures.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01091 Comparative Effectiveness GoalA study design feature in which the study intent is to compare two or more interventions with respect to benefits and/or harms.btn btn
5        SEVCO:01090 Comparative Efficacy GoalA study design feature in which the study intent is to compare two or more interventions with respect to effectiveness in ideal conditions.btn btn
5        SEVCO:01092 Comparative Safety GoalA study design feature in which the study intent is to compare two or more interventions with respect to harms.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01093 Equivalence GoalA study goal with the intent to compare two or more interventions or exposures and determine that any difference in effects is within a prespecified range representing absence of a meaningful difference.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01094 Non-inferiority GoalA study goal with the intent to compare two or more interventions or exposures and determine that any difference in effects is below a prespecified value representing a threshold between a meaningful difference and absence of a meaningful difference.btn btn
4      SEVCO:01095 Superiority GoalA study goal with the intent to compare two or more interventions or exposures and detect a difference in effects.btn btn


See the full registry of code systems defined as part of FHIR.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

LevelA few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. See Code System for further information.
SourceThe source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
CodeThe code (used as the code in the resource instance). If the code is in italics, this indicates that the code is not selectable ('Abstract')
DisplayThe display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
DefinitionAn explanation of the meaning of the concept
CommentsAdditional notes about how to use the code