R4 Ballot #2 (Mixed Normative/Trial use)

This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v3.5.0: R4 Ballot #2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions HL7 v3 Value Set hl7PublishingSubSection

Vocabulary Work Group Maturity Level: N/AExternal Use Context: Any

This value set (http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-hl7PublishingSubSection) is defined as part of HL7 v3.


Defining URL:http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-hl7PublishingSubSection
Title:v3 Code System hl7PublishingSubSection

Description: Codes for HL7 publishing sub-sections (business sub-categories)

OID: (for OID based terminology systems)
Source ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:


This expansion generated 19 Aug 2018

This value set contains 10 concepts

Expansion based on http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-hl7PublishingSubSection version 2018-08-12

All codes from system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-hl7PublishingSubSection

COcommonDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds common or shared specifications within the Infrastructure Management (IM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
FIfinancial informationDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to the management of financial information within the Administrative Management (AM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
MCmessage controlDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to the definition and control of interoperability messages within the Infrastructure Management (IM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
MFmaster fileDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to master file and registry management activities within the Infrastructure Management (IM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
POoperationsDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to managing clinical operations within the Health and Clinical Management (HM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
PRpracticeDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to the management of practice settings within the Administrative Management (AM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
QUqueryDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to query/response activities within the Infrastructure Management (IM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
RCrecordsDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to the definition and communication of records of clinical care within the Health and Clinical Management (HM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
REreasoningDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications related to the definition and communication of reasoning (knowledge) within the Health and Clinical Management (HM) section. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.
UUunknownDescription: Represents the HL7 V3 publishing sub-section that holds specifications that are unassigned - that have not yet been assigned to one of the formal publishing sections. UsageNote: V3 Specifications are published in a set of "domains", which contain interactions and related specifications for a single area of health care within which can be supported by a single, coherent set of interoperability specifications. For publishing purposes, these domains are aggregated into sub-sections of related health care areas and these sub-sections are further aggregated into three major sets.