This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.8.0: STU 3 Draft). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3
FHIR Infrastructure ![]() | Maturity Level: 0 | Ballot Status: n/a yet |
The FHIR Specification includes a mapping language. The mapping language as a concrete syntax, defined and described in this page, and an abstract syntax, which is found in the StructureMap resource. See also the Tutorial.
The mapping language describes how one set of Directed Acyclic Graphs (instances) is transformed to another set of directed ayclic graphs. When the instances have formal definitions that are represented as Structure Definitions, the language can use additional type related features, though it can function without them, and therefore can function on any directed acyclic graph, even if it has no typing system (or cannot have one e.g. HL7 v2).
The mapping language addresses 2 very different kinds of transformations:
A map has 5 parts:
Maps are executed by a mapping engine. This takes one or more inputs of instances (directed acyclic graphs) and a map, and produces a set of outputs as specified by the map. The exact details of the form that the instances take are a matter for the map engine / application API. This language assumes that the engine can query an element in the instance for it's children, it's primitive value, and (optionally) it's type. The language also assumes that the engine has application support for the following operations:
Generally, it is assumed the invocation of the engine follows some pattern like this:
Mapping files are always plain text in unicode. Whitespace is any unicode whitespace, and the particular whitespace used is not signicant, except that unicode end of line characters terminate a comment. Comments are started by the characters "//".
The abstract model includes documentation for each item. The canonical text representation is for each item to be on it's own line, with documentation at the end of the line as a comment.
All names defined by the map language - group, rule and variable names - must be valid id (1-64 characters, upper and lowercase letters, numbers, dashes, dots and underscores), and must start with a letter. The special values 'true' and 'false' are not allowed as variable names.
The first part of the mapping syntax establishes the name of the mapping:
map "[url]" = "[name]"
The letters "map" are the first non-whitespace non-comment characters in the source. This is followed by the canonical URL that identifies the map uniquely, and then a human readable name for the map.
todo: add additional metadata?
The next section of the map references the set of structure definitions that are used or produced by this map.
uses "[url]" as [mode] // documentation
This optional section lists one or more structure definitions that the map makes use of, and indicates for each structure definition, how it is used.
Any kind of structure definition may be referenced, including data types, resources, constraints on those, and logical models.
There are 4 modes in which a structure definition may be used:
The simplest case, which is also relatively common, is where a single structure is converted to another single structure. in this case, the map specifes one target, and one source. Such maps can be used automatically - the host application has content in one format, creates an empty instance of the target, and asks the mapping engine to convert.
However, many mappings are not so simple. For instance, converting from a single CDA document to FHIR typically creates a set of resources. In this case, there is a single target - a Bundle, but it is also useful to specify a set of other structure definitions that may be created as part of the bundle. Alternatively converting from one source model to another might involve looking up other information in other instances of data.
It's also possible for a map not so specify any structure definition dependencies. A map that doesn't indicate any structure definitions can still be used, but the type features of the map language can't be used, and such maps typically require special development to integrate the execution of the map into an application.
This section references additional maps that are used by this map:
imports "[url]" // documentation
Typically, maps that are imported a type based, such as a CDA --> FHIR map that makes use of a CD --> CodeableConcept map.
How imported maps are actually used is discussed below.
Each Mapping source contains one or more groups of rules. Each group defines a set of related mapping rules that take the same input and output variables, that define exactly which instances are passed to the mapping, and provides names by which they may be passed when invoking the map:
group [group-name] (extends [other-group]) input [name] : [type] as [mode] // documentation
Each group has a name, which is how the mapping is invoked. The first group is special, in that this is the group invoked if there no name is provided (e.g. starting the mapping by a host application). Groups may extend other groups, which means that the rules in the other group also apply (typically, this is used with specialising classes in an OO context).
Each variable parameter to the group has a name. This is the name that applications use when passing the instance to the invocation engine, or that rules use when invoking the group. Inputs may have a type - and should (see the discussion above), but are not required to. Input variables also have a mode, which may be one of source or target (see above).
There must be at least one input variable - else there's nothing to map. Maps may list more that one input variable, where that's necessary. Maps can also list one or more target (output) variables, instances that must exist in order to call the map. Note that a map can specify no output variables, and create output instances based on the content of the input, rather than specifying that they must be created in advance.
The main portion of a map consists of a set of transform rules that describe how source content is transformed into target content. The full format for a rule looks like this:
name_of_rule: for src_context.field as new_variable where condition make tgt_context.field as new_variable = create("RRoot") then by [details].
Each rule has 4 main sections:
Each rule is assigned a name. The name is used when specifying rule links, and in traces (a record generated by the conversion engine recording the transform process). Names must be unique within the context of the map.
Each rule specifies one or more elements taken from the source that define variables that can be used when specifying target content, or re-used in subsequent transform rules. Multiple source elements are separated by a comma, like this:
rule_name: for [source], [source], make ...
Each [source] contains the following items:
for (optional) context.element { list-option } as variable where [fluentpath] check [fluentpath]
If all the source elements have a match (or are labeled as optional) the rule applies for the permutation of the source elements (e.g. if there are 2 elements, each with 2 matches, the rule applies 4 times, one for each combination). Typically, if there is more than one source element, only one of the elements can repeat.
Once the source statement is evaluated, the engine performing the evaluation has a set of variables, each of which contains a single value. These variables are now mapped into the target structures in the target transformation.
Each rule specifies zero or more elements to be created in the target structure. These targets can also be assigned to variables that can be used in subsequent transform rules. If no targets are specified, there are not created targets, just newly defined source variables. Multiple target elements are separated by a comma, like this:
... make [target], [target] then by...
Each [target] contains the following items:
make context.element = transform_code(parameters...) as variable {list_modes}
Each time the rule is applied, the engine determines the value from the transforms, considers the list mode, if required, and creates that specified content in the target instance. Within a given transform url, the targets are processed in order, so that a transform rule may refer to a variable defined by a prior transform rule.
The following list specifies that transforms that can be specified. Each transform takes one or more parameters:
Name | parameters | Documentation |
copy | source | simply copy the source to the target as is (only allowed when the types in source and target match- typically for primitive types). In the concretet syntax, this is simply represented as the source variable |
create | type | use the standard API to create a new instance of data. Where structure definitions have been provided, the type parameter must be a string which is a known type of a root element. Where they haven't, the application must know the name somehow |
truncate | source, length | source must be some stringy type that has some meaningful length property |
escape | source, format1, format2 | Change the internal escaping of a string element. Note: this is not often needed, as mostly the escaping is done on the base format |
cast | source, type? | cast source from one type to another. target type can be left as implicit if there is one and only one target type known |
append | source... | source is element or string - just append them all together |
translate | source, map_uri, output | use the translate operation. The source is some type of code or coded datatype, and the source and map_uri are passed to the translate operation. The output determines what value from the translate operation is used for the result of the operation (code, system, display, Coding, or CodeableConcept) |
reference | source | return a string that references the provided tree properly |
dateOp | ?? | Perform a date operation. Parameters to be documented |
uuid | n/a | Generate a random UUID (in lowercase). No Parameters |
pointer | resource | Return the appropriate string to put in a Reference that refers to the resource provided as a parameter |
evaluate | resource | Execute the supplied fluentpath expression and use the value returned by that. In the concrete syntax, there is a short hand for this operation, by supplying () around the parameter |
cc | (text) or (system. Code[, display]) | Create a CodeableConcept from the parameters provided |
c | system. Code[, display] | Create a Coding from the parameters provided |
qty | (text) or (value, unit, [system, code]) | Create a quantity. Parameters = (text) or (value, unit, [system, code]) where text =s the natural represenation e.g. [comparator]value[space]unit |
id | system, value[, type] | Create an identifier. where type is a code from the identifier type value set |
cp | (value) or (system, value) | Create a contact details. If no system is provided, the system should be inferred from the content of the value |
TODO: explain how optional parameters work with transforms (append only?), document list mode
Once the source elements are evaluated, and any specifed targets created, the engine has a set of variables that represent source and target contexts in which further mapping may occur. The set of variables includes those already defined before the rule was evaluated, as well as those newly created by the evaluation of the rule. For some created elements that are primitive types, that's the end of the road - there's nothing more to do with them. But if either or both the source and target types are complex, there may be additional mapping rules that need to apply to the newly created variables.
Transform rules specify what additional rules are evaluated when the rule is complete, by containing other rules:,
.. then { .. other rules... }
When a rule contains other rules, the variables from the containing rules are all available to the contained rules. Alternatively, a rule can nominating another group of rules from the same or an imported mapping. Each rule or group is listed by name, and then a set of parameters are provided.
.. then rule(param, param)