This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.6.0: STU 3 Ballot 4). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2
This is a value set defined by the FHIR project.
Defining URL: | |
Name: | Diagnostic Service Section Codes |
Definition: | This value set includes all the codes in HL7 v2 table 0074. |
Committee: | Orders and Observations ![]() |
OID: | 2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.2.117 (for OID based terminology systems) |
Source Resource | XML / JSON |
This value set is used in the following places:
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
This expansion generated 11 Aug 2016
This value set contains 41 concepts
All codes from system
Code | Display | Definition |
AU | Audiology | |
BG | Blood Gases | |
BLB | Blood Bank | |
CG | Cytogenetics | |
CH | Chemistry | |
CP | Cytopathology | |
CT | CAT Scan | |
CTH | Cardiac Catheterization | |
CUS | Cardiac Ultrasound | |
EC | Electrocardiac (e.g. EKG, EEC, Holter) | |
EN | Electroneuro (EEG, EMG,EP,PSG) | |
GE | Genetics | |
HM | Hematology | |
ICU | Bedside ICU Monitoring | |
IMM | Immunology | |
LAB | Laboratory | |
MB | Microbiology | |
MCB | Mycobacteriology | |
MYC | Mycology | |
NMR | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance | |
NMS | Nuclear Medicine Scan | |
NRS | Nursing Service Measures | |
OSL | Outside Lab | |
OT | Occupational Therapy | |
OTH | Other | |
OUS | OB Ultrasound | |
PF | Pulmonary Function | |
PHR | Pharmacy | |
PHY | Physician (Hx. Dx, admission note, etc.) | |
PT | Physical Therapy | |
RAD | Radiology | |
RC | Respiratory Care (therapy) | |
RT | Radiation Therapy | |
RUS | Radiology Ultrasound | |
RX | Radiograph | |
SP | Surgical Pathology | |
SR | Serology | |
TX | Toxicology | |
VR | Virology | |
VUS | Vascular Ultrasound | |
XRC | Cineradiograph |
Additional Language Displays
Code | Deutsch (German, de) | Nederlands (Dutch, nl) |
AU | Audiologie | Audiologie |
BG | Blutgase | Bloedgassen |
BLB | Blutbank | Bloedbank |
CG | Cytogenetica | |
CH | Klinische Chemie | Chemie |
CP | Zellpathologie | Cytopathologie |
CT | Computertomographie | CAT-scan |
CTH | Herzkatheter | Hartcatetherisatie |
CUS | Kardiologische Ultraschalluntersuchung | Hart ultrasound |
EC | Elektrokardiographie | Electrocardiac (bijv. EKG, EEC, Holter) |
EN | Elektroneurographie, Elektroencephalographie | Electroneuro (EEG, EMG,EP,PSG) |
GE | Genetica | |
HM | Hämatologie | Hematologie |
ICU | IC monitoring naast het bed | |
IMM | Immunologie | Immunologie |
LAB | Laboratorium | |
MB | Mikrobiologie | Microbiologie |
MCB | Mykobakteriologie | Mycobacteriologie |
MYC | Mykologie | Mycology |
NMR | Kernspintomographie (MR) | Nucleaire magnetisch resonantie |
NMS | Szintigramm | Nucleaire geneeskunde scan |
NRS | Pflegemaßnahme | Verpleegkundige service maatregelen |
OSL | Externes Labor | Outside Lab |
OT | Beschäftigungstherapie | Ergotherapie |
OTH | Andere | Anders |
OUS | Geburtshilfiche Ultraschalluntersuchung | OB Ultrasound |
PF | Lungenfunktion | Pulmonaire functie |
PHR | Apotheke | Medicatie |
PHY | Arzt (Krankengeschichte, Diagnose, Aufnahmeuntersuchung) | Arts (Hx. Dx, opnameverslag, etc.) |
PT | physiklische Therapie | Lichamelijke oefening |
RAD | Radiologie | Radiologie |
RC | Atemtherapie | Respiratoire zorg (therapie) |
RT | Strahlentherapie | Stralingstherapie |
RUS | Radiologische Ultraschalluntersuchung | Radiologie ultrasound |
RX | Röntgenaufnahme | Radiograph |
SP | Operative Pathologie | Chirurgische pathologie |
SR | Serologie | Serologie |
TX | Toxikologie | Toxicologie |
VR | Virologie | Virologie |
VUS | Ultraschalluntersuchung der Gefäße | Vasculaire Ultrasound |
XRC | Röntgenkinematographie | Cineradiograph |
See the full registry of value sets defined as part of FHIR.
Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:
Level | A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies |
Source | The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere) |
Code | The code (used as the code in the resource instance) |
Display | The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application |
Definition | An explanation of the meaning of the concept |
Comments | Additional notes about how to use the code |