This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.6.0: STU 3 Ballot 4). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This is a value set defined at .
Defining URL: | |
Name: | ANZSCO -- Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.2 |
Definition: | Developed for use in the collection, analysis and dissemination of occupation statistics in Australia and New Zealand. |
Committee: | Patient Administration ![]() |
OID: | 2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.2.253 (for OID based terminology systems) |
Copyright: | Copyright Australian Bureau of Statistics |
Source Resource | XML / JSON |
This value set is used in the following places:
This value set includes codes from the following code systems:
This expansion generated 11 Aug 2016
This value set contains 1326 concepts
All codes from system
Code | Display | Definition |
100000 | Managers nfd | Managers not further defined |
111000 | Chief Executives, General Managers and Legislators nfd | Chief Executives, General Managers and Legislators not further defined |
111111 | Chief Executive or Managing Director | Chief Executive or Managing Director |
111200 | General Managers nfd | General Managers not further defined |
111211 | Corporate General Manager | Corporate General Manager |
111212 | Defence Force Senior Officer | Defence Force Senior Officer |
111300 | Legislators nfd | Legislators not further defined |
111311 | Local Government Legislator | Local Government Legislator |
111312 | Member of Parliament | Member of Parliament |
111399 | Legislators nec | Legislators not elsewhere classified |
121000 | Farmers and Farm Managers nfd | Farmers and Farm Managers not further defined |
121111 | Aquaculture Farmer | Aquaculture Farmer |
121200 | Crop Farmers nfd | Crop Farmers not further defined |
121211 | Cotton Grower | Cotton Grower |
121212 | Flower Grower | Flower Grower |
121213 | Fruit or Nut Grower | Fruit or Nut Grower |
121214 | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Grower |
121215 | Grape Grower | Grape Grower |
121216 | Mixed Crop Farmer | Mixed Crop Farmer |
121217 | Sugar Cane Grower | Sugar Cane Grower |
121218 | Turf Grower | Turf Grower |
121221 | Vegetable Grower | Vegetable Grower |
121299 | Crop Farmers nec | Crop Farmers not elsewhere classified |
121300 | Livestock Farmers nfd | Livestock Farmers not further defined |
121311 | Apiarist | Apiarist |
121312 | Beef Cattle Farmer | Beef Cattle Farmer |
121313 | Dairy Cattle Farmer | Dairy Cattle Farmer |
121314 | Deer Farmer | Deer Farmer |
121315 | Goat Farmer | Goat Farmer |
121316 | Horse Breeder | Horse Breeder |
121317 | Mixed Livestock Farmer | Mixed Livestock Farmer |
121318 | Pig Farmer | Pig Farmer |
121321 | Poultry Farmer | Poultry Farmer |
121322 | Sheep Farmer | Sheep Farmer |
121399 | Livestock Farmers nec | Livestock Farmers not elsewhere classified |
121411 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer |
130000 | Specialist Managers nfd | Specialist Managers not further defined |
131100 | Advertising and Sales Managers nfd | Advertising and Sales Managers not further defined |
131111 | Advertising and Public Relations Manager | Advertising and Public Relations Manager |
131112 | Sales and Marketing Manager | Sales and Marketing Manager |
132000 | Business Administration Managers nfd | Business Administration Managers not further defined |
132111 | Corporate Services Manager | Corporate Services Manager |
132211 | Finance Manager | Finance Manager |
132311 | Human Resource Manager | Human Resource Manager |
132411 | Policy and Planning Manager | Policy and Planning Manager |
132511 | Research and Development Manager | Research and Development Manager |
133000 | Construction, Distribution and Production Managers nfd | Construction, Distribution and Production Managers not further defined |
133100 | Construction Managers nfd | Construction Managers not further defined |
133111 | Construction Project Manager | Construction Project Manager |
133112 | Project Builder | Project Builder |
133211 | Engineering Manager | Engineering Manager |
133300 | Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers nfd | Importers, Exporters and Wholesalers not further defined |
133311 | Importer or Exporter | Importer or Exporter |
133312 | Wholesaler | Wholesaler |
133411 | Manufacturer | Manufacturer |
133500 | Production Managers nfd | Production Managers not further defined |
133511 | Production Manager (Forestry) | Production Manager (Forestry) |
133512 | Production Manager (Manufacturing) | Production Manager (Manufacturing) |
133513 | Production Manager (Mining) | Production Manager (Mining) |
133611 | Supply and Distribution Manager | Supply and Distribution Manager |
134000 | Education, Health and Welfare Services Managers nfd | Education, Health and Welfare Services Managers not further defined |
134111 | Child Care Centre Manager | Child Care Centre Manager |
134200 | Health and Welfare Services Managers nfd | Health and Welfare Services Managers not further defined |
134211 | Medical Administrator | Medical Administrator |
134212 | Nursing Clinical Director | Nursing Clinical Director |
134213 | Primary Health Organization Manager | Primary Health Organization Manager |
134214 | Welfare Centre Manager | Welfare Centre Manager |
134299 | Health and Welfare Services Managers nec | Health and Welfare Services Managers not elsewhere classified |
134311 | School Principal | School Principal |
134400 | Other Education Managers nfd | Other Education Managers not further defined |
134411 | Faculty Head | Faculty Head |
134412 | Regional Education Manager | Regional Education Manager |
134499 | Education Managers nec | Education Managers not elsewhere classified |
135100 | ICT Managers nfd | ICT Managers not further defined |
135111 | Chief Information Officer | Chief Information Officer |
135112 | ICT Project Manager | ICT Project Manager |
135199 | ICT Managers nec | ICT Managers not elsewhere classified |
139000 | Miscellaneous Specialist Managers nfd | Miscellaneous Specialist Managers not further defined |
139100 | Commissioned Officers (Management) nfd | Commissioned Officers (Management) not further defined |
139111 | Commissioned Defence Force Officer | Commissioned Defence Force Officer |
139112 | Commissioned Fire Officer | Commissioned Fire Officer |
139113 | Commissioned Police Officer | Commissioned Police Officer |
139211 | Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Member | Senior Non-commissioned Defence Force Member |
139900 | Other Specialist Managers nfd | Other Specialist Managers not further defined |
139911 | Arts Administrator or Manager | Arts Administrator or Manager |
139912 | Environmental Manager | Environmental Manager |
139913 | Laboratory Manager | Laboratory Manager |
139914 | Quality Assurance Manager | Quality Assurance Manager |
139915 | Sports Administrator | Sports Administrator |
139999 | Specialist Managers nec | Specialist Managers not elsewhere classified |
140000 | Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nfd | Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers not further defined |
141000 | Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nfd | Accommodation and Hospitality Managers not further defined |
141111 | Cafe or Restaurant Manager | Cafe or Restaurant Manager |
141211 | Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager | Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager |
141311 | Hotel or Motel Manager | Hotel or Motel Manager |
141411 | Licensed Club Manager | Licensed Club Manager |
141900 | Other Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nfd | Other Accommodation and Hospitality Managers not further defined |
141911 | Bed and Breakfast Operator | Bed and Breakfast Operator |
141999 | Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec | Accommodation and Hospitality Managers not elsewhere classified |
142100 | Retail Managers nfd | Retail Managers not further defined |
142111 | Retail Manager (General) | Retail Manager (General) |
142112 | Antique Dealer | Antique Dealer |
142113 | Betting Agency Manager | Betting Agency Manager |
142114 | Hair or Beauty Salon Manager | Hair or Beauty Salon Manager |
142115 | Post Office Manager | Post Office Manager |
142116 | Travel Agency Manager | Travel Agency Manager |
149000 | Miscellaneous Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nfd | Miscellaneous Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers not further defined |
149100 | Amusement, Fitness and Sports Centre Managers nfd | Amusement, Fitness and Sports Centre Managers not further defined |
149111 | Amusement Centre Manager | Amusement Centre Manager |
149112 | Fitness Centre Manager | Fitness Centre Manager |
149113 | Sports Centre Manager | Sports Centre Manager |
149200 | Call or Contact Centre and Customer Service Managers nfd | Call or Contact Centre and Customer Service Managers not further defined |
149211 | Call or Contact Centre Manager | Call or Contact Centre Manager |
149212 | Customer Service Manager | Customer Service Manager |
149311 | Conference and Event Organizer | Conference and Event Organizer |
149400 | Transport Services Managers nfd | Transport Services Managers not further defined |
149411 | Fleet Manager | Fleet Manager |
149412 | Railway Station Manager | Railway Station Manager |
149413 | Transport Company Manager | Transport Company Manager |
149900 | Other Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nfd | Other Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers not further defined |
149911 | Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator | Boarding Kennel or Cattery Operator |
149912 | Cinema or Theatre Manager | Cinema or Theatre Manager |
149913 | Facilities Manager | Facilities Manager |
149914 | Financial Institution Branch Manager | Financial Institution Branch Manager |
149999 | Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers nec | Hospitality, Retail and Service Managers not elsewhere classified |
200000 | Professionals nfd | Professionals not further defined |
210000 | Arts and Media Professionals nfd | Arts and Media Professionals not further defined |
211000 | Arts Professionals nfd | Arts Professionals not further defined |
211100 | Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers nfd | Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers not further defined |
211111 | Actor | Actor |
211112 | Dancer or Choreographer | Dancer or Choreographer |
211113 | Entertainer or Variety Artist | Entertainer or Variety Artist |
211199 | Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers nec | Actors, Dancers and Other Entertainers not elsewhere classified |
211200 | Music Professionals nfd | Music Professionals not further defined |
211211 | Composer | Composer |
211212 | Music Director | Music Director |
211213 | Musician (Instrumental) | Musician (Instrumental) |
211214 | Singer | Singer |
211299 | Music Professionals nec | Music Professionals not elsewhere classified |
211311 | Photographer | Photographer |
211400 | Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals nfd | Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals not further defined |
211411 | Painter (Visual Arts) | Painter (Visual Arts) |
211412 | Potter or Ceramic Artist | Potter or Ceramic Artist |
211413 | Sculptor | Sculptor |
211499 | Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals nec | Visual Arts and Crafts Professionals not elsewhere classified |
212000 | Media Professionals nfd | Media Professionals not further defined |
212100 | Artistic Directors, and Media Producers and Presenters nfd | Artistic Directors, and Media Producers and Presenters not further defined |
212111 | Artistic Director | Artistic Director |
212112 | Media Producer (excluding Video) | Media Producer (excluding Video) |
212113 | Radio Presenter | Radio Presenter |
212114 | Television Presenter | Television Presenter |
212200 | Authors, and Book and Script Editors nfd | Authors, and Book and Script Editors not further defined |
212211 | Author | Author |
212212 | Book or Script Editor | Book or Script Editor |
212300 | Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors nfd | Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors not further defined |
212311 | Art Director (Film, Television or Stage) | Art Director (Film, Television or Stage) |
212312 | Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) | Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) |
212313 | Director of Photography | Director of Photography |
212314 | Film and Video Editor | Film and Video Editor |
212315 | Program Director (Television or Radio) | Program Director (Television or Radio) |
212316 | Stage Manager | Stage Manager |
212317 | Technical Director | Technical Director |
212318 | Video Producer | Video Producer |
212399 | Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors nec | Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors not elsewhere classified |
212400 | Journalists and Other Writers nfd | Journalists and Other Writers not further defined |
212411 | Copywriter | Copywriter |
212412 | Newspaper or Periodical Editor | Newspaper or Periodical Editor |
212413 | Print Journalist | Print Journalist |
212414 | Radio Journalist | Radio Journalist |
212415 | Technical Writer | Technical Writer |
212416 | Television Journalist | Television Journalist |
212499 | Journalists and Other Writers nec | Journalists and Other Writers not elsewhere classified |
220000 | Business, Human Resource and Marketing Professionals nfd | Business, Human Resource and Marketing Professionals not further defined |
221000 | Accountants, Auditors and Company Secretaries nfd | Accountants, Auditors and Company Secretaries not further defined |
221100 | Accountants nfd | Accountants not further defined |
221111 | Accountant (General) | Accountant (General) |
221112 | Management Accountant | Management Accountant |
221113 | Taxation Accountant | Taxation Accountant |
221200 | Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers nfd | Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers not further defined |
221211 | Company Secretary | Company Secretary |
221212 | Corporate Treasurer | Corporate Treasurer |
221213 | External Auditor | External Auditor |
221214 | Internal Auditor | Internal Auditor |
222000 | Financial Brokers and Dealers, and Investment Advisers nfd | Financial Brokers and Dealers, and Investment Advisers not further defined |
222100 | Financial Brokers nfd | Financial Brokers not further defined |
222111 | Commodities Trader | Commodities Trader |
222112 | Finance Broker | Finance Broker |
222113 | Insurance Broker | Insurance Broker |
222199 | Financial Brokers nec | Financial Brokers not elsewhere classified |
222200 | Financial Dealers nfd | Financial Dealers not further defined |
222211 | Financial Market Dealer | Financial Market Dealer |
222212 | Futures Trader | Futures Trader |
222213 | Stockbroking Dealer | Stockbroking Dealer |
222299 | Financial Dealers nec | Financial Dealers not elsewhere classified |
222300 | Financial Investment Advisers and Managers nfd | Financial Investment Advisers and Managers not further defined |
222311 | Financial Investment Adviser | Financial Investment Adviser |
222312 | Financial Investment Manager | Financial Investment Manager |
223000 | Human Resource and Training Professionals nfd | Human Resource and Training Professionals not further defined |
223100 | Human Resource Professionals nfd | Human Resource Professionals not further defined |
223111 | Human Resource Adviser | Human Resource Adviser |
223112 | Recruitment Consultant | Recruitment Consultant |
223113 | Workplace Relations Adviser | Workplace Relations Adviser |
223211 | ICT Trainer | ICT Trainer |
223311 | Training and Development Professional | Training and Development Professional |
224000 | Information and Organization Professionals nfd | Information and Organization Professionals not further defined |
224100 | Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians nfd | Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians not further defined |
224111 | Actuary | Actuary |
224112 | Mathematician | Mathematician |
224113 | Statistician | Statistician |
224200 | Archivists, Curators and Records Managers nfd | Archivists, Curators and Records Managers not further defined |
224211 | Archivist | Archivist |
224212 | Gallery or Museum Curator | Gallery or Museum Curator |
224213 | Health Information Manager | Health Information Manager |
224214 | Records Manager | Records Manager |
224311 | Economist | Economist |
224400 | Intelligence and Policy Analysts nfd | Intelligence and Policy Analysts not further defined |
224411 | Intelligence Officer | Intelligence Officer |
224412 | Policy Analyst | Policy Analyst |
224500 | Land Economists and Valuers nfd | Land Economists and Valuers not further defined |
224511 | Land Economist | Land Economist |
224512 | Valuer | Valuer |
224611 | Librarian | Librarian |
224700 | Management and Organization Analysts nfd | Management and Organization Analysts not further defined |
224711 | Management Consultant | Management Consultant |
224712 | Organization and Methods Analyst | Organization and Methods Analyst |
224900 | Other Information and Organization Professionals nfd | Other Information and Organization Professionals not further defined |
224911 | Electorate Officer | Electorate Officer |
224912 | Liaison Officer | Liaison Officer |
224913 | Migration Agent | Migration Agent |
224914 | Patents Examiner | Patents Examiner |
224999 | Information and Organization Professionals nec | Information and Organization Professionals not elsewhere classified |
225000 | Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Professionals nfd | Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Professionals not further defined |
225100 | Advertising and Marketing Professionals nfd | Advertising and Marketing Professionals not further defined |
225111 | Advertising Specialist | Advertising Specialist |
225112 | Market Research Analyst | Market Research Analyst |
225113 | Marketing Specialist | Marketing Specialist |
225200 | ICT Sales Professionals nfd | ICT Sales Professionals not further defined |
225211 | ICT Account Manager | ICT Account Manager |
225212 | ICT Business Development Manager | ICT Business Development Manager |
225213 | ICT Sales Representative | ICT Sales Representative |
225311 | Public Relations Professional | Public Relations Professional |
225400 | Technical Sales Representatives nfd | Technical Sales Representatives not further defined |
225411 | Sales Representative (Industrial Products) | Sales Representative (Industrial Products) |
225412 | Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) | Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products) |
225499 | Technical Sales Representatives nec | Technical Sales Representatives not elsewhere classified |
230000 | Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals nfd | Design, Engineering, Science and Transport Professionals not further defined |
231000 | Air and Marine Transport Professionals nfd | Air and Marine Transport Professionals not further defined |
231100 | Air Transport Professionals nfd | Air Transport Professionals not further defined |
231111 | Aeroplane Pilot | Aeroplane Pilot |
231112 | Air Traffic Controller | Air Traffic Controller |
231113 | Flying Instructor | Flying Instructor |
231114 | Helicopter Pilot | Helicopter Pilot |
231199 | Air Transport Professionals nec | Air Transport Professionals not elsewhere classified |
231200 | Marine Transport Professionals nfd | Marine Transport Professionals not further defined |
231211 | Master Fisher | Master Fisher |
231212 | Ship's Engineer | Ship's Engineer |
231213 | Ship's Master | Ship's Master |
231214 | Ship's Officer | Ship's Officer |
231215 | Ship's Surveyor | Ship's Surveyor |
231299 | Marine Transport Professionals nec | Marine Transport Professionals not elsewhere classified |
232000 | Architects, Designers, Planners and Surveyors nfd | Architects, Designers, Planners and Surveyors not further defined |
232100 | Architects and Landscape Architects nfd | Architects and Landscape Architects not further defined |
232111 | Architect | Architect |
232112 | Landscape Architect | Landscape Architect |
232200 | Cartographers and Surveyors nfd | Cartographers and Surveyors not further defined |
232211 | Cartographer | Cartographer |
232212 | Surveyor | Surveyor |
232300 | Fashion, Industrial and Jewellery Designers nfd | Fashion, Industrial and Jewellery Designers not further defined |
232311 | Fashion Designer | Fashion Designer |
232312 | Industrial Designer | Industrial Designer |
232313 | Jewellery Designer | Jewellery Designer |
232400 | Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators nfd | Graphic and Web Designers, and Illustrators not further defined |
232411 | Graphic Designer | Graphic Designer |
232412 | Illustrator | Illustrator |
232413 | Multimedia Designer | Multimedia Designer |
232414 | Web Designer | Web Designer |
232511 | Interior Designer | Interior Designer |
232611 | Urban and Regional Planner | Urban and Regional Planner |
233000 | Engineering Professionals nfd | Engineering Professionals not further defined |
233100 | Chemical and Materials Engineers nfd | Chemical and Materials Engineers not further defined |
233111 | Chemical Engineer | Chemical Engineer |
233112 | Materials Engineer | Materials Engineer |
233200 | Civil Engineering Professionals nfd | Civil Engineering Professionals not further defined |
233211 | Civil Engineer | Civil Engineer |
233212 | Geotechnical Engineer | Geotechnical Engineer |
233213 | Quantity Surveyor | Quantity Surveyor |
233214 | Structural Engineer | Structural Engineer |
233215 | Transport Engineer | Transport Engineer |
233311 | Electrical Engineer | Electrical Engineer |
233411 | Electronics Engineer | Electronics Engineer |
233500 | Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers nfd | Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers not further defined |
233511 | Industrial Engineer | Industrial Engineer |
233512 | Mechanical Engineer | Mechanical Engineer |
233513 | Production or Plant Engineer | Production or Plant Engineer |
233600 | Mining Engineers nfd | Mining Engineers not further defined |
233611 | Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) | Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) |
233612 | Petroleum Engineer | Petroleum Engineer |
233900 | Other Engineering Professionals nfd | Other Engineering Professionals not further defined |
233911 | Aeronautical Engineer | Aeronautical Engineer |
233912 | Agricultural Engineer | Agricultural Engineer |
233913 | Biomedical Engineer | Biomedical Engineer |
233914 | Engineering Technologist | Engineering Technologist |
233915 | Environmental Engineer | Environmental Engineer |
233916 | Naval Architect | Naval Architect |
233999 | Engineering Professionals nec | Engineering Professionals not elsewhere classified |
234000 | Natural and Physical Science Professionals nfd | Natural and Physical Science Professionals not further defined |
234100 | Agricultural and Forestry Scientists nfd | Agricultural and Forestry Scientists not further defined |
234111 | Agricultural Consultant | Agricultural Consultant |
234112 | Agricultural Scientist | Agricultural Scientist |
234113 | Forester | Forester |
234200 | Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists nfd | Chemists, and Food and Wine Scientists not further defined |
234211 | Chemist | Chemist |
234212 | Food Technologist | Food Technologist |
234213 | Wine Maker | Wine Maker |
234300 | Environmental Scientists nfd | Environmental Scientists not further defined |
234311 | Conservation Officer | Conservation Officer |
234312 | Environmental Consultant | Environmental Consultant |
234313 | Environmental Research Scientist | Environmental Research Scientist |
234314 | Park Ranger | Park Ranger |
234399 | Environmental Scientists nec | Environmental Scientists not elsewhere classified |
234400 | Geologists and Geophysicists nfd | Geologists and Geophysicists not further defined |
234411 | Geologist | Geologist |
234412 | Geophysicist | Geophysicist |
234500 | Life Scientists nfd | Life Scientists not further defined |
234511 | Life Scientist (General) | Life Scientist (General) |
234512 | Anatomist or Physiologist | Anatomist or Physiologist |
234513 | Biochemist | Biochemist |
234514 | Biotechnologist | Biotechnologist |
234515 | Botanist | Botanist |
234516 | Marine Biologist | Marine Biologist |
234517 | Microbiologist | Microbiologist |
234518 | Zoologist | Zoologist |
234599 | Life Scientists nec | Life Scientists not elsewhere classified |
234611 | Medical Laboratory Scientist | Medical Laboratory Scientist |
234711 | Veterinarian | Veterinarian |
234900 | Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals nfd | Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals not further defined |
234911 | Conservator | Conservator |
234912 | Metallurgist | Metallurgist |
234913 | Meteorologist | Meteorologist |
234914 | Physicist | Physicist |
234999 | Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec | Natural and Physical Science Professionals not elsewhere classified |
240000 | Education Professionals nfd | Education Professionals not further defined |
241000 | School Teachers nfd | School Teachers not further defined |
241111 | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher | Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher |
241213 | Primary School Teacher | Primary School Teacher |
241311 | Middle School Teacher | Middle School Teacher |
241411 | Secondary School Teacher | Secondary School Teacher |
241500 | Special Education Teachers nfd | Special Education Teachers not further defined |
241511 | Special Needs Teacher | Special Needs Teacher |
241512 | Teacher of the Hearing Impaired | Teacher of the Hearing Impaired |
241513 | Teacher of the Sight Impaired | Teacher of the Sight Impaired |
241599 | Special Education Teachers nec | Special Education Teachers not elsewhere classified |
242000 | Tertiary Education Teachers nfd | Tertiary Education Teachers not further defined |
242100 | University Lecturers and Tutors nfd | University Lecturers and Tutors not further defined |
242111 | University Lecturer | University Lecturer |
242112 | University Tutor | University Tutor |
242211 | Vocational Education Teacher | Vocational Education Teacher |
249000 | Miscellaneous Education Professionals nfd | Miscellaneous Education Professionals not further defined |
249100 | Education Advisers and Reviewers nfd | Education Advisers and Reviewers not further defined |
249111 | Education Adviser | Education Adviser |
249112 | Education Reviewer | Education Reviewer |
249200 | Private Tutors and Teachers nfd | Private Tutors and Teachers not further defined |
249211 | Art Teacher (Private Tuition) | Art Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249212 | Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) | Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249213 | Drama Teacher (Private Tuition) | Drama Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249214 | Music Teacher (Private Tuition) | Music Teacher (Private Tuition) |
249299 | Private Tutors and Teachers nec | Private Tutors and Teachers not elsewhere classified |
249311 | Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages | Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages |
250000 | Health Professionals nfd | Health Professionals not further defined |
251000 | Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nfd | Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals not further defined |
251111 | Dietitian | Dietitian |
251200 | Medical Imaging Professionals nfd | Medical Imaging Professionals not further defined |
251211 | Medical Diagnostic Radiographer | Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
251212 | Medical Radiation Therapist | Medical Radiation Therapist |
251213 | Nuclear Medicine Technologist | Nuclear Medicine Technologist |
251214 | Sonographer | Sonographer |
251300 | Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals nfd | Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals not further defined |
251311 | Environmental Health Officer | Environmental Health Officer |
251312 | Occupational Health and Safety Adviser | Occupational Health and Safety Adviser |
251400 | Optometrists and Orthoptists nfd | Optometrists and Orthoptists not further defined |
251411 | Optometrist | Optometrist |
251412 | Orthoptist | Orthoptist |
251500 | Pharmacists nfd | Pharmacists not further defined |
251511 | Hospital Pharmacist | Hospital Pharmacist |
251512 | Industrial Pharmacist | Industrial Pharmacist |
251513 | Retail Pharmacist | Retail Pharmacist |
251900 | Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nfd | Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals not further defined |
251911 | Health Promotion Officer | Health Promotion Officer |
251912 | Orthotist or Prosthetist | Orthotist or Prosthetist |
251999 | Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec | Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals not elsewhere classified |
252000 | Health Therapy Professionals nfd | Health Therapy Professionals not further defined |
252100 | Chiropractors and Osteopaths nfd | Chiropractors and Osteopaths not further defined |
252111 | Chiropractor | Chiropractor |
252112 | Osteopath | Osteopath |
252200 | Complementary Health Therapists nfd | Complementary Health Therapists not further defined |
252211 | Acupuncturist | Acupuncturist |
252212 | Homoeopath | Homoeopath |
252213 | Naturopath | Naturopath |
252214 | Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner | Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner |
252299 | Complementary Health Therapists nec | Complementary Health Therapists not elsewhere classified |
252300 | Dental Practitioners nfd | Dental Practitioners not further defined |
252311 | Dental Specialist | Dental Specialist |
252312 | Dentist | Dentist |
252411 | Occupational Therapist | Occupational Therapist |
252511 | Physiotherapist | Physiotherapist |
252611 | Podiatrist | Podiatrist |
252700 | Speech Professionals and Audiologists nfd | Speech Professionals and Audiologists not further defined |
252711 | Audiologist | Audiologist |
252712 | Speech Pathologist | Speech Pathologist |
253000 | Medical Practitioners nfd | Medical Practitioners not further defined |
253100 | Generalist Medical Practitioners nfd | Generalist Medical Practitioners not further defined |
253111 | General Medical Practitioner | General Medical Practitioner |
253112 | Resident Medical Officer | Resident Medical Officer |
253211 | Anaesthetist | Anaesthetist |
253300 | Internal Medicine Specialists nfd | Internal Medicine Specialists not further defined |
253311 | Specialist Physician (General Medicine) | Specialist Physician (General Medicine) |
253312 | Cardiologist | Cardiologist |
253313 | Clinical Haematologist | Clinical Haematologist |
253314 | Clinical Oncologist | Clinical Oncologist |
253315 | Endocrinologist | Endocrinologist |
253316 | Gastroenterologist | Gastroenterologist |
253317 | Intensive Care Specialist | Intensive Care Specialist |
253318 | Neurologist | Neurologist |
253321 | Paediatrician | Paediatrician |
253322 | Renal Medicine Specialist | Renal Medicine Specialist |
253323 | Rheumatologist | Rheumatologist |
253324 | Thoracic Medicine Specialist | Thoracic Medicine Specialist |
253399 | Internal Medicine Specialists nec | Internal Medicine Specialists not elsewhere classified |
253411 | Psychiatrist | Psychiatrist |
253500 | Surgeons nfd | Surgeons not further defined |
253511 | Surgeon (General) | Surgeon (General) |
253512 | Cardiothoracic Surgeon | Cardiothoracic Surgeon |
253513 | Neurosurgeon | Neurosurgeon |
253514 | Orthopaedic Surgeon | Orthopaedic Surgeon |
253515 | Otorhinolaryngologist | Otorhinolaryngologist |
253516 | Paediatric Surgeon | Paediatric Surgeon |
253517 | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon | Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon |
253518 | Urologist | Urologist |
253521 | Vascular Surgeon | Vascular Surgeon |
253900 | Other Medical Practitioners nfd | Other Medical Practitioners not further defined |
253911 | Dermatologist | Dermatologist |
253912 | Emergency Medicine Specialist | Emergency Medicine Specialist |
253913 | Obstetrician and Gynaecologist | Obstetrician and Gynaecologist |
253914 | Ophthalmologist | Ophthalmologist |
253915 | Pathologist | Pathologist |
253916 | Radiologist | Radiologist |
253999 | Medical Practitioners nec | Medical Practitioners not elsewhere classified |
254000 | Midwifery and Nursing Professionals nfd | Midwifery and Nursing Professionals not further defined |
254111 | Midwife | Midwife |
254200 | Nurse Educators and Researchers nfd | Nurse Educators and Researchers not further defined |
254211 | Nurse Educator | Nurse Educator |
254212 | Nurse Researcher | Nurse Researcher |
254311 | Nurse Manager | Nurse Manager |
254400 | Registered Nurses nfd | Registered Nurses not further defined |
254411 | Nurse Practitioner | Nurse Practitioner |
254412 | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
254413 | Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) | Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
254414 | Registered Nurse (Community Health) | Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
254415 | Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) | Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
254416 | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) |
254417 | Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) | Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
254418 | Registered Nurse (Medical) | Registered Nurse (Medical) |
254421 | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
254422 | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
254423 | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
254424 | Registered Nurse (Surgical) | Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
254499 | Registered Nurses nec | Registered Nurses not elsewhere classified |
260000 | ICT Professionals nfd | ICT Professionals not further defined |
261000 | Business and Systems Analysts, and Programmers nfd | Business and Systems Analysts, and Programmers not further defined |
261100 | ICT Business and Systems Analysts nfd | ICT Business and Systems Analysts not further defined |
261111 | ICT Business Analyst | ICT Business Analyst |
261112 | Systems Analyst | Systems Analyst |
261200 | Multimedia Specialists and Web Developers nfd | Multimedia Specialists and Web Developers not further defined |
261211 | Multimedia Specialist | Multimedia Specialist |
261212 | Web Developer | Web Developer |
261300 | Software and Applications Programmers nfd | Software and Applications Programmers not further defined |
261311 | Analyst Programmer | Analyst Programmer |
261312 | Developer Programmer | Developer Programmer |
261313 | Software Engineer | Software Engineer |
261399 | Software and Applications Programmers nec | Software and Applications Programmers not elsewhere classified |
262100 | Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists nfd | Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists not further defined |
262111 | Database Administrator | Database Administrator |
262112 | ICT Security Specialist | ICT Security Specialist |
262113 | Systems Administrator | Systems Administrator |
263000 | ICT Network and Support Professionals nfd | ICT Network and Support Professionals not further defined |
263100 | Computer Network Professionals nfd | Computer Network Professionals not further defined |
263111 | Computer Network and Systems Engineer | Computer Network and Systems Engineer |
263112 | Network Administrator | Network Administrator |
263113 | Network Analyst | Network Analyst |
263200 | ICT Support and Test Engineers nfd | ICT Support and Test Engineers not further defined |
263211 | ICT Quality Assurance Engineer | ICT Quality Assurance Engineer |
263212 | ICT Support Engineer | ICT Support Engineer |
263213 | ICT Systems Test Engineer | ICT Systems Test Engineer |
263299 | ICT Support and Test Engineers nec | ICT Support and Test Engineers not elsewhere classified |
263300 | Telecommunications Engineering Professionals nfd | Telecommunications Engineering Professionals not further defined |
263311 | Telecommunications Engineer | Telecommunications Engineer |
263312 | Telecommunications Network Engineer | Telecommunications Network Engineer |
270000 | Legal, Social and Welfare Professionals nfd | Legal, Social and Welfare Professionals not further defined |
271000 | Legal Professionals nfd | Legal Professionals not further defined |
271111 | Barrister | Barrister |
271200 | Judicial and Other Legal Professionals nfd | Judicial and Other Legal Professionals not further defined |
271211 | Judge | Judge |
271212 | Magistrate | Magistrate |
271213 | Tribunal Member | Tribunal Member |
271299 | Judicial and Other Legal Professionals nec | Judicial and Other Legal Professionals not elsewhere classified |
271311 | Solicitor | Solicitor |
272000 | Social and Welfare Professionals nfd | Social and Welfare Professionals not further defined |
272100 | Counsellors nfd | Counsellors not further defined |
272111 | Careers Counsellor | Careers Counsellor |
272112 | Drug and Alcohol Counsellor | Drug and Alcohol Counsellor |
272113 | Family and Marriage Counsellor | Family and Marriage Counsellor |
272114 | Rehabilitation Counsellor | Rehabilitation Counsellor |
272115 | Student Counsellor | Student Counsellor |
272199 | Counsellors nec | Counsellors not elsewhere classified |
272211 | Minister of Religion | Minister of Religion |
272300 | Psychologists nfd | Psychologists not further defined |
272311 | Clinical Psychologist | Clinical Psychologist |
272312 | Educational Psychologist | Educational Psychologist |
272313 | Organizational Psychologist | Organizational Psychologist |
272314 | Psychotherapist | Psychotherapist |
272399 | Psychologists nec | Psychologists not elsewhere classified |
272400 | Social Professionals nfd | Social Professionals not further defined |
272411 | Historian | Historian |
272412 | Interpreter | Interpreter |
272413 | Translator | Translator |
272499 | Social Professionals nec | Social Professionals not elsewhere classified |
272511 | Social Worker | Social Worker |
272600 | Welfare, Recreation and Community Arts Workers nfd | Welfare, Recreation and Community Arts Workers not further defined |
272611 | Community Arts Worker | Community Arts Worker |
272612 | Recreation Officer | Recreation Officer |
272613 | Welfare Worker | Welfare Worker |
300000 | Technicians and Trades Workers nfd | Technicians and Trades Workers not further defined |
310000 | Engineering, ICT and Science Technicians nfd | Engineering, ICT and Science Technicians not further defined |
311000 | Agricultural, Medical and Science Technicians nfd | Agricultural, Medical and Science Technicians not further defined |
311111 | Agricultural Technician | Agricultural Technician |
311200 | Medical Technicians nfd | Medical Technicians not further defined |
311211 | Anaesthetic Technician | Anaesthetic Technician |
311212 | Cardiac Technician | Cardiac Technician |
311213 | Medical Laboratory Technician | Medical Laboratory Technician |
311214 | Operating Theatre Technician | Operating Theatre Technician |
311215 | Pharmacy Technician | Pharmacy Technician |
311299 | Medical Technicians nec | Medical Technicians not elsewhere classified |
311300 | Primary Products Inspectors nfd | Primary Products Inspectors not further defined |
311311 | Fisheries Officer | Fisheries Officer |
311312 | Meat Inspector | Meat Inspector |
311313 | Quarantine Officer | Quarantine Officer |
311399 | Primary Products Inspectors nec | Primary Products Inspectors not elsewhere classified |
311400 | Science Technicians nfd | Science Technicians not further defined |
311411 | Chemistry Technician | Chemistry Technician |
311412 | Earth Science Technician | Earth Science Technician |
311413 | Life Science Technician | Life Science Technician |
311414 | School Laboratory Technician | School Laboratory Technician |
311499 | Science Technicians nec | Science Technicians not elsewhere classified |
312000 | Building and Engineering Technicians nfd | Building and Engineering Technicians not further defined |
312100 | Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nfd | Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians not further defined |
312111 | Architectural Draftsperson | Architectural Draftsperson |
312112 | Building Associate | Building Associate |
312113 | Building Inspector | Building Inspector |
312114 | Construction Estimator | Construction Estimator |
312115 | Plumbing Inspector | Plumbing Inspector |
312116 | Surveying or Cartographic Technician | Surveying or Cartographic Technician |
312200 | Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians nfd | Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians not further defined |
312211 | Civil Engineering Draftsperson | Civil Engineering Draftsperson |
312212 | Civil Engineering Technician | Civil Engineering Technician |
312300 | Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians nfd | Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians not further defined |
312311 | Electrical Engineering Draftsperson | Electrical Engineering Draftsperson |
312312 | Electrical Engineering Technician | Electrical Engineering Technician |
312400 | Electronic Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians nfd | Electronic Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians not further defined |
312411 | Electronic Engineering Draftsperson | Electronic Engineering Draftsperson |
312412 | Electronic Engineering Technician | Electronic Engineering Technician |
312500 | Mechanical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians nfd | Mechanical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians not further defined |
312511 | Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson | Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson |
312512 | Mechanical Engineering Technician | Mechanical Engineering Technician |
312611 | Safety Inspector | Safety Inspector |
312900 | Other Building and Engineering Technicians nfd | Other Building and Engineering Technicians not further defined |
312911 | Maintenance Planner | Maintenance Planner |
312912 | Metallurgical or Materials Technician | Metallurgical or Materials Technician |
312913 | Mine Deputy | Mine Deputy |
312999 | Building and Engineering Technicians nec | Building and Engineering Technicians not elsewhere classified |
313000 | ICT and Telecommunications Technicians nfd | ICT and Telecommunications Technicians not further defined |
313100 | ICT Support Technicians nfd | ICT Support Technicians not further defined |
313111 | Hardware Technician | Hardware Technician |
313112 | ICT Customer Support Officer | ICT Customer Support Officer |
313113 | Web Administrator | Web Administrator |
313199 | ICT Support Technicians nec | ICT Support Technicians not elsewhere classified |
313200 | Telecommunications Technical Specialists nfd | Telecommunications Technical Specialists not further defined |
313211 | Radiocommunications Technician | Radiocommunications Technician |
313212 | Telecommunications Field Engineer | Telecommunications Field Engineer |
313213 | Telecommunications Network Planner | Telecommunications Network Planner |
313214 | Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist | Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist |
320000 | Automotive and Engineering Trades Workers nfd | Automotive and Engineering Trades Workers not further defined |
321000 | Automotive Electricians and Mechanics nfd | Automotive Electricians and Mechanics not further defined |
321111 | Automotive Electrician | Automotive Electrician |
321200 | Motor Mechanics nfd | Motor Mechanics not further defined |
321211 | Motor Mechanic (General) | Motor Mechanic (General) |
321212 | Diesel Motor Mechanic | Diesel Motor Mechanic |
321213 | Motorcycle Mechanic | Motorcycle Mechanic |
321214 | Small Engine Mechanic | Small Engine Mechanic |
322000 | Fabrication Engineering Trades Workers nfd | Fabrication Engineering Trades Workers not further defined |
322100 | Metal Casting, Forging and Finishing Trades Workers nfd | Metal Casting, Forging and Finishing Trades Workers not further defined |
322111 | Blacksmith | Blacksmith |
322112 | Electroplater | Electroplater |
322113 | Farrier | Farrier |
322114 | Metal Casting Trades Worker | Metal Casting Trades Worker |
322115 | Metal Polisher | Metal Polisher |
322211 | Sheetmetal Trades Worker | Sheetmetal Trades Worker |
322300 | Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers nfd | Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers not further defined |
322311 | Metal Fabricator | Metal Fabricator |
322312 | Pressure Welder | Pressure Welder |
322313 | Welder (First Class) | Welder (First Class) |
323000 | Mechanical Engineering Trades Workers nfd | Mechanical Engineering Trades Workers not further defined |
323100 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineers nfd | Aircraft Maintenance Engineers not further defined |
323111 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) |
323112 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) |
323113 | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) | Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) |
323200 | Metal Fitters and Machinists nfd | Metal Fitters and Machinists not further defined |
323211 | Fitter (General) | Fitter (General) |
323212 | Fitter and Turner | Fitter and Turner |
323213 | Fitter-Welder | Fitter-Welder |
323214 | Metal Machinist (First Class) | Metal Machinist (First Class) |
323215 | Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic | Textile, Clothing and Footwear Mechanic |
323299 | Metal Fitters and Machinists nec | Metal Fitters and Machinists not elsewhere classified |
323300 | Precision Metal Trades Workers nfd | Precision Metal Trades Workers not further defined |
323311 | Engraver | Engraver |
323312 | Gunsmith | Gunsmith |
323313 | Locksmith | Locksmith |
323314 | Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer | Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer |
323315 | Saw Maker and Repairer | Saw Maker and Repairer |
323316 | Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer | Watch and Clock Maker and Repairer |
323400 | Toolmakers and Engineering Patternmakers nfd | Toolmakers and Engineering Patternmakers not further defined |
323411 | Engineering Patternmaker | Engineering Patternmaker |
323412 | Toolmaker | Toolmaker |
324000 | Panelbeaters, and Vehicle Body Builders, Trimmers and Painters nfd | Panelbeaters, and Vehicle Body Builders, Trimmers and Painters not further defined |
324111 | Panelbeater | Panelbeater |
324200 | Vehicle Body Builders and Trimmers nfd | Vehicle Body Builders and Trimmers not further defined |
324211 | Vehicle Body Builder | Vehicle Body Builder |
324212 | Vehicle Trimmer | Vehicle Trimmer |
324311 | Vehicle Painter | Vehicle Painter |
330000 | Construction Trades Workers nfd | Construction Trades Workers not further defined |
331000 | Bricklayers, and Carpenters and Joiners nfd | Bricklayers, and Carpenters and Joiners not further defined |
331100 | Bricklayers and Stonemasons nfd | Bricklayers and Stonemasons not further defined |
331111 | Bricklayer | Bricklayer |
331112 | Stonemason | Stonemason |
331211 | Carpenter and Joiner | Carpenter and Joiner |
331212 | Carpenter | Carpenter |
331213 | Joiner | Joiner |
332000 | Floor Finishers and Painting Trades Workers nfd | Floor Finishers and Painting Trades Workers not further defined |
332111 | Floor Finisher | Floor Finisher |
332211 | Painting Trades Worker | Painting Trades Worker |
333000 | Glaziers, Plasterers and Tilers nfd | Glaziers, Plasterers and Tilers not further defined |
333111 | Glazier | Glazier |
333200 | Plasterers nfd | Plasterers not further defined |
333211 | Fibrous Plasterer | Fibrous Plasterer |
333212 | Solid Plasterer | Solid Plasterer |
333311 | Roof Tiler | Roof Tiler |
333411 | Wall and Floor Tiler | Wall and Floor Tiler |
334100 | Plumbers nfd | Plumbers not further defined |
334111 | Plumber (General) | Plumber (General) |
334112 | Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber | Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber |
334113 | Drainer | Drainer |
334114 | Gasfitter | Gasfitter |
334115 | Roof Plumber | Roof Plumber |
340000 | Electrotechnology and Telecommunications Trades Workers nfd | Electrotechnology and Telecommunications Trades Workers not further defined |
341100 | Electricians nfd | Electricians not further defined |
341111 | Electrician (General) | Electrician (General) |
341112 | Electrician (Special Class) | Electrician (Special Class) |
341113 | Lift Mechanic | Lift Mechanic |
342000 | Electronics and Telecommunications Trades Workers nfd | Electronics and Telecommunications Trades Workers not further defined |
342111 | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic | Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic |
342200 | Electrical Distribution Trades Workers nfd | Electrical Distribution Trades Workers not further defined |
342211 | Electrical Linesworker | Electrical Linesworker |
342212 | Technical Cable Jointer | Technical Cable Jointer |
342300 | Electronics Trades Workers nfd | Electronics Trades Workers not further defined |
342311 | Business Machine Mechanic | Business Machine Mechanic |
342312 | Communications Operator | Communications Operator |
342313 | Electronic Equipment Trades Worker | Electronic Equipment Trades Worker |
342314 | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) |
342315 | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) | Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) |
342400 | Telecommunications Trades Workers nfd | Telecommunications Trades Workers not further defined |
342411 | Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) | Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) |
342412 | Telecommunications Cable Jointer | Telecommunications Cable Jointer |
342413 | Telecommunications Linesworker | Telecommunications Linesworker |
342414 | Telecommunications Technician | Telecommunications Technician |
351000 | Food Trades Workers nfd | Food Trades Workers not further defined |
351100 | Bakers and Pastrycooks nfd | Bakers and Pastrycooks not further defined |
351111 | Baker | Baker |
351112 | Pastrycook | Pastrycook |
351211 | Butcher or Smallgoods Maker | Butcher or Smallgoods Maker |
351311 | Chef | Chef |
351411 | Cook | Cook |
360000 | Skilled Animal and Horticultural Workers nfd | Skilled Animal and Horticultural Workers not further defined |
361000 | Animal Attendants and Trainers, and Shearers nfd | Animal Attendants and Trainers, and Shearers not further defined |
361100 | Animal Attendants and Trainers nfd | Animal Attendants and Trainers not further defined |
361111 | Dog Handler or Trainer | Dog Handler or Trainer |
361112 | Horse Trainer | Horse Trainer |
361113 | Pet Groomer | Pet Groomer |
361114 | Zookeeper | Zookeeper |
361199 | Animal Attendants and Trainers nec | Animal Attendants and Trainers not elsewhere classified |
361211 | Shearer | Shearer |
361311 | Veterinary Nurse | Veterinary Nurse |
362000 | Horticultural Trades Workers nfd | Horticultural Trades Workers not further defined |
362111 | Florist | Florist |
362200 | Gardeners nfd | Gardeners not further defined |
362211 | Gardener (General) | Gardener (General) |
362212 | Arborist | Arborist |
362213 | Landscape Gardener | Landscape Gardener |
362311 | Greenkeeper | Greenkeeper |
362411 | Nurseryperson | Nurseryperson |
390000 | Other Technicians and Trades Workers nfd | Other Technicians and Trades Workers not further defined |
391111 | Hairdresser | Hairdresser |
392000 | Printing Trades Workers nfd | Printing Trades Workers not further defined |
392100 | Binders, Finishers and Screen Printers nfd | Binders, Finishers and Screen Printers not further defined |
392111 | Binder and Finisher | Binder and Finisher |
392112 | Screen Printer | Screen Printer |
392211 | Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker | Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker |
392300 | Printers nfd | Printers not further defined |
392311 | Printing Machinist | Printing Machinist |
392312 | Small Offset Printer | Small Offset Printer |
393000 | Textile, Clothing and Footwear Trades Workers nfd | Textile, Clothing and Footwear Trades Workers not further defined |
393100 | Canvas and Leather Goods Makers nfd | Canvas and Leather Goods Makers not further defined |
393111 | Canvas Goods Maker | Canvas Goods Maker |
393112 | Leather Goods Maker | Leather Goods Maker |
393113 | Sail Maker | Sail Maker |
393114 | Shoemaker | Shoemaker |
393200 | Clothing Trades Workers nfd | Clothing Trades Workers not further defined |
393211 | Apparel Cutter | Apparel Cutter |
393212 | Clothing Patternmaker | Clothing Patternmaker |
393213 | Dressmaker or Tailor | Dressmaker or Tailor |
393299 | Clothing Trades Workers nec | Clothing Trades Workers not elsewhere classified |
393311 | Upholsterer | Upholsterer |
394000 | Wood Trades Workers nfd | Wood Trades Workers not further defined |
394111 | Cabinetmaker | Cabinetmaker |
394200 | Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nfd | Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers not further defined |
394211 | Furniture Finisher | Furniture Finisher |
394212 | Picture Framer | Picture Framer |
394213 | Wood Machinist | Wood Machinist |
394214 | Wood Turner | Wood Turner |
394299 | Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nec | Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers not elsewhere classified |
399000 | Miscellaneous Technicians and Trades Workers nfd | Miscellaneous Technicians and Trades Workers not further defined |
399100 | Boat Builders and Shipwrights nfd | Boat Builders and Shipwrights not further defined |
399111 | Boat Builder and Repairer | Boat Builder and Repairer |
399112 | Shipwright | Shipwright |
399200 | Chemical, Gas, Petroleum and Power Generation Plant Operators nfd | Chemical, Gas, Petroleum and Power Generation Plant Operators not further defined |
399211 | Chemical Plant Operator | Chemical Plant Operator |
399212 | Gas or Petroleum Operator | Gas or Petroleum Operator |
399213 | Power Generation Plant Operator | Power Generation Plant Operator |
399300 | Gallery, Library and Museum Technicians nfd | Gallery, Library and Museum Technicians not further defined |
399311 | Gallery or Museum Technician | Gallery or Museum Technician |
399312 | Library Technician | Library Technician |
399411 | Jeweller | Jeweller |
399500 | Performing Arts Technicians nfd | Performing Arts Technicians not further defined |
399511 | Broadcast Transmitter Operator | Broadcast Transmitter Operator |
399512 | Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video) | Camera Operator (Film, Television or Video) |
399513 | Light Technician | Light Technician |
399514 | Make Up Artist | Make Up Artist |
399515 | Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer | Musical Instrument Maker or Repairer |
399516 | Sound Technician | Sound Technician |
399517 | Television Equipment Operator | Television Equipment Operator |
399599 | Performing Arts Technicians nec | Performing Arts Technicians not elsewhere classified |
399611 | Signwriter | Signwriter |
399900 | Other Miscellaneous Technicians and Trades Workers nfd | Other Miscellaneous Technicians and Trades Workers not further defined |
399911 | Diver | Diver |
399912 | Interior Decorator | Interior Decorator |
399913 | Optical Dispenser | Optical Dispenser |
399914 | Optical Mechanic | Optical Mechanic |
399915 | Photographer's Assistant | Photographer's Assistant |
399916 | Plastics Technician | Plastics Technician |
399917 | Wool Classer | Wool Classer |
399999 | Technicians and Trades Workers nec | Technicians and Trades Workers not elsewhere classified |
400000 | Community and Personal Service Workers nfd | Community and Personal Service Workers not further defined |
411000 | Health and Welfare Support Workers nfd | Health and Welfare Support Workers not further defined |
411100 | Ambulance Officers and Paramedics nfd | Ambulance Officers and Paramedics not further defined |
411111 | Ambulance Officer | Ambulance Officer |
411112 | Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic | Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic |
411200 | Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists nfd | Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists not further defined |
411211 | Dental Hygienist | Dental Hygienist |
411212 | Dental Prosthetist | Dental Prosthetist |
411213 | Dental Technician | Dental Technician |
411214 | Dental Therapist | Dental Therapist |
411311 | Diversional Therapist | Diversional Therapist |
411400 | Enrolled and Mothercraft Nurses nfd | Enrolled and Mothercraft Nurses not further defined |
411411 | Enrolled Nurse | Enrolled Nurse |
411412 | Mothercraft Nurse | Mothercraft Nurse |
411511 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker |
411611 | Massage Therapist | Massage Therapist |
411700 | Welfare Support Workers nfd | Welfare Support Workers not further defined |
411711 | Community Worker | Community Worker |
411712 | Disabilities Services Officer | Disabilities Services Officer |
411713 | Family Support Worker | Family Support Worker |
411714 | Parole or Probation Officer | Parole or Probation Officer |
411715 | Residential Care Officer | Residential Care Officer |
411716 | Youth Worker | Youth Worker |
420000 | Carers and Aides nfd | Carers and Aides not further defined |
421100 | Child Carers nfd | Child Carers not further defined |
421111 | Child Care Worker | Child Care Worker |
421112 | Family Day Care Worker | Family Day Care Worker |
421113 | Nanny | Nanny |
421114 | Out of School Hours Care Worker | Out of School Hours Care Worker |
422100 | Education Aides nfd | Education Aides not further defined |
422111 | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Worker | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Worker |
422112 | Integration Aide | Integration Aide |
422115 | Preschool Aide | Preschool Aide |
422116 | Teachers' Aide | Teachers' Aide |
423000 | Personal Carers and Assistants nfd | Personal Carers and Assistants not further defined |
423111 | Aged or Disabled Carer | Aged or Disabled Carer |
423211 | Dental Assistant | Dental Assistant |
423300 | Nursing Support and Personal Care Workers nfd | Nursing Support and Personal Care Workers not further defined |
423311 | Hospital Orderly | Hospital Orderly |
423312 | Nursing Support Worker | Nursing Support Worker |
423313 | Personal Care Assistant | Personal Care Assistant |
423314 | Therapy Aide | Therapy Aide |
423400 | Special Care Workers nfd | Special Care Workers not further defined |
423411 | Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant | Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant |
423412 | Hostel Parent | Hostel Parent |
423413 | Refuge Worker | Refuge Worker |
431000 | Hospitality Workers nfd | Hospitality Workers not further defined |
431100 | Bar Attendants and Baristas nfd | Bar Attendants and Baristas not further defined |
431111 | Bar Attendant | Bar Attendant |
431112 | Barista | Barista |
431211 | Cafe Worker | Cafe Worker |
431311 | Gaming Worker | Gaming Worker |
431411 | Hotel Service Manager | Hotel Service Manager |
431511 | Waiter | Waiter |
431900 | Other Hospitality Workers nfd | Other Hospitality Workers not further defined |
431911 | Bar Useful or Busser | Bar Useful or Busser |
431912 | Doorperson or Luggage Porter | Doorperson or Luggage Porter |
431999 | Hospitality Workers nec | Hospitality Workers not elsewhere classified |
440000 | Protective Service Workers nfd | Protective Service Workers not further defined |
441000 | Defence Force Members, Fire Fighters and Police nfd | Defence Force Members, Fire Fighters and Police not further defined |
441111 | Defence Force Member - Other Ranks | Defence Force Member - Other Ranks |
441200 | Fire and Emergency Workers nfd | Fire and Emergency Workers not further defined |
441211 | Emergency Service Worker | Emergency Service Worker |
441212 | Fire Fighter | Fire Fighter |
441300 | Police nfd | Police not further defined |
441311 | Detective | Detective |
441312 | Police Officer | Police Officer |
442000 | Prison and Security Officers nfd | Prison and Security Officers not further defined |
442111 | Prison Officer | Prison Officer |
442200 | Security Officers and Guards nfd | Security Officers and Guards not further defined |
442211 | Alarm, Security or Surveillance Monitor | Alarm, Security or Surveillance Monitor |
442212 | Armoured Car Escort | Armoured Car Escort |
442213 | Crowd Controller | Crowd Controller |
442214 | Private Investigator | Private Investigator |
442215 | Retail Loss Prevention Officer | Retail Loss Prevention Officer |
442216 | Security Consultant | Security Consultant |
442217 | Security Officer | Security Officer |
442299 | Security Officers and Guards nec | Security Officers and Guards not elsewhere classified |
450000 | Sports and Personal Service Workers nfd | Sports and Personal Service Workers not further defined |
451000 | Personal Service and Travel Workers nfd | Personal Service and Travel Workers not further defined |
451111 | Beauty Therapist | Beauty Therapist |
451211 | Driving Instructor | Driving Instructor |
451300 | Funeral Workers nfd | Funeral Workers not further defined |
451311 | Funeral Director | Funeral Director |
451399 | Funeral Workers nec | Funeral Workers not elsewhere classified |
451400 | Gallery, Museum and Tour Guides nfd | Gallery, Museum and Tour Guides not further defined |
451411 | Gallery or Museum Guide | Gallery or Museum Guide |
451412 | Tour Guide | Tour Guide |
451500 | Personal Care Consultants nfd | Personal Care Consultants not further defined |
451511 | Natural Remedy Consultant | Natural Remedy Consultant |
451512 | Weight Loss Consultant | Weight Loss Consultant |
451600 | Tourism and Travel Advisers nfd | Tourism and Travel Advisers not further defined |
451611 | Tourist Information Officer | Tourist Information Officer |
451612 | Travel Consultant | Travel Consultant |
451700 | Travel Attendants nfd | Travel Attendants not further defined |
451711 | Flight Attendant | Flight Attendant |
451799 | Travel Attendants nec | Travel Attendants not elsewhere classified |
451800 | Other Personal Service Workers nfd | Other Personal Service Workers not further defined |
451811 | Civil Celebrant | Civil Celebrant |
451812 | Hair or Beauty Salon Assistant | Hair or Beauty Salon Assistant |
451813 | Sex Worker or Escort | Sex Worker or Escort |
451899 | Personal Service Workers nec | Personal Service Workers not elsewhere classified |
452000 | Sports and Fitness Workers nfd | Sports and Fitness Workers not further defined |
452111 | Fitness Instructor | Fitness Instructor |
452200 | Outdoor Adventure Guides nfd | Outdoor Adventure Guides not further defined |
452211 | Bungy Jump Master | Bungy Jump Master |
452212 | Fishing Guide | Fishing Guide |
452213 | Hunting Guide | Hunting Guide |
452214 | Mountain or Glacier Guide | Mountain or Glacier Guide |
452215 | Outdoor Adventure Instructor | Outdoor Adventure Instructor |
452216 | Trekking Guide | Trekking Guide |
452217 | Whitewater Rafting Guide | Whitewater Rafting Guide |
452299 | Outdoor Adventure Guides nec | Outdoor Adventure Guides not elsewhere classified |
452300 | Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials nfd | Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials not further defined |
452311 | Diving Instructor (Open Water) | Diving Instructor (Open Water) |
452312 | Gymnastics Coach or Instructor | Gymnastics Coach or Instructor |
452313 | Horse Riding Coach or Instructor | Horse Riding Coach or Instructor |
452314 | Snowsport Instructor | Snowsport Instructor |
452315 | Swimming Coach or Instructor | Swimming Coach or Instructor |
452316 | Tennis Coach | Tennis Coach |
452317 | Other Sports Coach or Instructor | Other Sports Coach or Instructor |
452318 | Dog or Horse Racing Official | Dog or Horse Racing Official |
452321 | Sports Development Officer | Sports Development Officer |
452322 | Sports Umpire | Sports Umpire |
452323 | Other Sports Official | Other Sports Official |
452400 | Sportspersons nfd | Sportspersons not further defined |
452411 | Footballer | Footballer |
452412 | Golfer | Golfer |
452413 | Jockey | Jockey |
452414 | Lifeguard | Lifeguard |
452499 | Sportspersons nec | Sportspersons not elsewhere classified |
500000 | Clerical and Administrative Workers nfd | Clerical and Administrative Workers not further defined |
510000 | Office Managers and Program Administrators nfd | Office Managers and Program Administrators not further defined |
511100 | Contract, Program and Project Administrators nfd | Contract, Program and Project Administrators not further defined |
511111 | Contract Administrator | Contract Administrator |
511112 | Program or Project Administrator | Program or Project Administrator |
512000 | Office and Practice Managers nfd | Office and Practice Managers not further defined |
512111 | Office Manager | Office Manager |
512200 | Practice Managers nfd | Practice Managers not further defined |
512211 | Health Practice Manager | Health Practice Manager |
512299 | Practice Managers nec | Practice Managers not elsewhere classified |
521000 | Personal Assistants and Secretaries nfd | Personal Assistants and Secretaries not further defined |
521111 | Personal Assistant | Personal Assistant |
521200 | Secretaries nfd | Secretaries not further defined |
521211 | Secretary (General) | Secretary (General) |
521212 | Legal Secretary | Legal Secretary |
530000 | General Clerical Workers nfd | General Clerical Workers not further defined |
531111 | General Clerk | General Clerk |
532100 | Keyboard Operators nfd | Keyboard Operators not further defined |
532111 | Data Entry Operator | Data Entry Operator |
532112 | Machine Shorthand Reporter | Machine Shorthand Reporter |
532113 | Word Processing Operator | Word Processing Operator |
540000 | Inquiry Clerks and Receptionists nfd | Inquiry Clerks and Receptionists not further defined |
541000 | Call or Contact Centre Information Clerks nfd | Call or Contact Centre Information Clerks not further defined |
541100 | Call or Contact Centre Workers nfd | Call or Contact Centre Workers not further defined |
541111 | Call or Contact Centre Team Leader | Call or Contact Centre Team Leader |
541112 | Call or Contact Centre Operator | Call or Contact Centre Operator |
541211 | Inquiry Clerk | Inquiry Clerk |
542100 | Receptionists nfd | Receptionists not further defined |
542111 | Receptionist (General) | Receptionist (General) |
542112 | Admissions Clerk | Admissions Clerk |
542113 | Hotel or Motel Receptionist | Hotel or Motel Receptionist |
542114 | Medical Receptionist | Medical Receptionist |
550000 | Numerical Clerks nfd | Numerical Clerks not further defined |
551000 | Accounting Clerks and Bookkeepers nfd | Accounting Clerks and Bookkeepers not further defined |
551100 | Accounting Clerks nfd | Accounting Clerks not further defined |
551111 | Accounts Clerk | Accounts Clerk |
551112 | Cost Clerk | Cost Clerk |
551211 | Bookkeeper | Bookkeeper |
551311 | Payroll Clerk | Payroll Clerk |
552000 | Financial and Insurance Clerks nfd | Financial and Insurance Clerks not further defined |
552111 | Bank Worker | Bank Worker |
552211 | Credit or Loans Officer | Credit or Loans Officer |
552300 | Insurance, Money Market and Statistical Clerks nfd | Insurance, Money Market and Statistical Clerks not further defined |
552311 | Bookmaker | Bookmaker |
552312 | Insurance Consultant | Insurance Consultant |
552313 | Money Market Clerk | Money Market Clerk |
552314 | Statistical Clerk | Statistical Clerk |
561000 | Clerical and Office Support Workers nfd | Clerical and Office Support Workers not further defined |
561100 | Betting Clerks nfd | Betting Clerks not further defined |
561111 | Betting Agency Counter Clerk | Betting Agency Counter Clerk |
561112 | Bookmaker's Clerk | Bookmaker's Clerk |
561113 | Telephone Betting Clerk | Telephone Betting Clerk |
561199 | Betting Clerks nec | Betting Clerks not elsewhere classified |
561200 | Couriers and Postal Deliverers nfd | Couriers and Postal Deliverers not further defined |
561211 | Courier | Courier |
561212 | Postal Delivery Officer | Postal Delivery Officer |
561311 | Filing or Registry Clerk | Filing or Registry Clerk |
561400 | Mail Sorters nfd | Mail Sorters not further defined |
561411 | Mail Clerk | Mail Clerk |
561412 | Postal Sorting Officer | Postal Sorting Officer |
561511 | Survey Interviewer | Survey Interviewer |
561611 | Switchboard Operator | Switchboard Operator |
561900 | Other Clerical and Office Support Workers nfd | Other Clerical and Office Support Workers not further defined |
561911 | Classified Advertising Clerk | Classified Advertising Clerk |
561912 | Meter Reader | Meter Reader |
561913 | Parking Inspector | Parking Inspector |
561999 | Clerical and Office Support Workers nec | Clerical and Office Support Workers not elsewhere classified |
590000 | Other Clerical and Administrative Workers nfd | Other Clerical and Administrative Workers not further defined |
591000 | Logistics Clerks nfd | Logistics Clerks not further defined |
591100 | Purchasing and Supply Logistics Clerks nfd | Purchasing and Supply Logistics Clerks not further defined |
591111 | Order Clerk | Order Clerk |
591112 | Production Clerk | Production Clerk |
591113 | Purchasing Officer | Purchasing Officer |
591114 | Sales Clerk | Sales Clerk |
591115 | Stock Clerk | Stock Clerk |
591116 | Warehouse Administrator | Warehouse Administrator |
591200 | Transport and Despatch Clerks nfd | Transport and Despatch Clerks not further defined |
591211 | Despatching and Receiving Clerk | Despatching and Receiving Clerk |
591212 | Import-Export Clerk | Import-Export Clerk |
599000 | Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers nfd | Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers not further defined |
599100 | Conveyancers and Legal Executives nfd | Conveyancers and Legal Executives not further defined |
599111 | Conveyancer | Conveyancer |
599112 | Legal Executive | Legal Executive |
599200 | Court and Legal Clerks nfd | Court and Legal Clerks not further defined |
599211 | Clerk of Court | Clerk of Court |
599212 | Court Bailiff or Sheriff | Court Bailiff or Sheriff |
599213 | Court Orderly | Court Orderly |
599214 | Law Clerk | Law Clerk |
599215 | Trust Officer | Trust Officer |
599311 | Debt Collector | Debt Collector |
599411 | Human Resource Clerk | Human Resource Clerk |
599500 | Inspectors and Regulatory Officers nfd | Inspectors and Regulatory Officers not further defined |
599511 | Customs Officer | Customs Officer |
599512 | Immigration Officer | Immigration Officer |
599513 | Motor Vehicle Licence Examiner | Motor Vehicle Licence Examiner |
599514 | Noxious Weeds and Pest Inspector | Noxious Weeds and Pest Inspector |
599515 | Social Security Assessor | Social Security Assessor |
599516 | Taxation Inspector | Taxation Inspector |
599517 | Train Examiner | Train Examiner |
599518 | Transport Operations Inspector | Transport Operations Inspector |
599521 | Water Inspector | Water Inspector |
599599 | Inspectors and Regulatory Officers nec | Inspectors and Regulatory Officers not elsewhere classified |
599600 | Insurance Investigators, Loss Adjusters and Risk Surveyors nfd | Insurance Investigators, Loss Adjusters and Risk Surveyors not further defined |
599611 | Insurance Investigator | Insurance Investigator |
599612 | Insurance Loss Adjuster | Insurance Loss Adjuster |
599613 | Insurance Risk Surveyor | Insurance Risk Surveyor |
599711 | Library Assistant | Library Assistant |
599900 | Other Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers nfd | Other Miscellaneous Clerical and Administrative Workers not further defined |
599911 | Coding Clerk | Coding Clerk |
599912 | Production Assistant (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) | Production Assistant (Film, Television, Radio or Stage) |
599913 | Proof Reader | Proof Reader |
599914 | Radio Despatcher | Radio Despatcher |
599999 | Clerical and Administrative Workers nec | Clerical and Administrative Workers not elsewhere classified |
600000 | Sales Workers nfd | Sales Workers not further defined |
610000 | Sales Representatives and Agents nfd | Sales Representatives and Agents not further defined |
611000 | Insurance Agents and Sales Representatives nfd | Insurance Agents and Sales Representatives not further defined |
611100 | Auctioneers, and Stock and Station Agents nfd | Auctioneers, and Stock and Station Agents not further defined |
611111 | Auctioneer | Auctioneer |
611112 | Stock and Station Agent | Stock and Station Agent |
611211 | Insurance Agent | Insurance Agent |
611300 | Sales Representatives nfd | Sales Representatives not further defined |
611311 | Sales Representative (Building and Plumbing Supplies) | Sales Representative (Building and Plumbing Supplies) |
611312 | Sales Representative (Business Services) | Sales Representative (Business Services) |
611313 | Sales Representative (Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories) | Sales Representative (Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories) |
611314 | Sales Representative (Personal and Household Goods) | Sales Representative (Personal and Household Goods) |
611399 | Sales Representatives nec | Sales Representatives not elsewhere classified |
612100 | Real Estate Sales Agents nfd | Real Estate Sales Agents not further defined |
612111 | Business Broker | Business Broker |
612112 | Property Manager | Property Manager |
612113 | Real Estate Agency Principal | Real Estate Agency Principal |
612114 | Real Estate Agent | Real Estate Agent |
612115 | Real Estate Representative | Real Estate Representative |
621000 | Sales Assistants and Salespersons nfd | Sales Assistants and Salespersons not further defined |
621111 | Sales Assistant (General) | Sales Assistant (General) |
621211 | ICT Sales Assistant | ICT Sales Assistant |
621300 | Motor Vehicle and Vehicle Parts Salespersons nfd | Motor Vehicle and Vehicle Parts Salespersons not further defined |
621311 | Motor Vehicle or Caravan Salesperson | Motor Vehicle or Caravan Salesperson |
621312 | Motor Vehicle Parts Interpreter | Motor Vehicle Parts Interpreter |
621411 | Pharmacy Sales Assistant | Pharmacy Sales Assistant |
621511 | Retail Supervisor | Retail Supervisor |
621611 | Service Station Attendant | Service Station Attendant |
621700 | Street Vendors and Related Salespersons nfd | Street Vendors and Related Salespersons not further defined |
621711 | Cash Van Salesperson | Cash Van Salesperson |
621712 | Door-to-door Salesperson | Door-to-door Salesperson |
621713 | Street Vendor | Street Vendor |
621900 | Other Sales Assistants and Salespersons nfd | Other Sales Assistants and Salespersons not further defined |
621911 | Materials Recycler | Materials Recycler |
621912 | Rental Salesperson | Rental Salesperson |
621999 | Sales Assistants and Salespersons nec | Sales Assistants and Salespersons not elsewhere classified |
630000 | Sales Support Workers nfd | Sales Support Workers not further defined |
631100 | Checkout Operators and Office Cashiers nfd | Checkout Operators and Office Cashiers not further defined |
631111 | Checkout Operator | Checkout Operator |
631112 | Office Cashier | Office Cashier |
639000 | Miscellaneous Sales Support Workers nfd | Miscellaneous Sales Support Workers not further defined |
639100 | Models and Sales Demonstrators nfd | Models and Sales Demonstrators not further defined |
639111 | Model | Model |
639112 | Sales Demonstrator | Sales Demonstrator |
639200 | Retail and Wool Buyers nfd | Retail and Wool Buyers not further defined |
639211 | Retail Buyer | Retail Buyer |
639212 | Wool Buyer | Wool Buyer |
639311 | Telemarketer | Telemarketer |
639400 | Ticket Salespersons nfd | Ticket Salespersons not further defined |
639411 | Ticket Seller | Ticket Seller |
639412 | Transport Conductor | Transport Conductor |
639511 | Visual Merchandiser | Visual Merchandiser |
639911 | Other Sales Support Worker | Other Sales Support Worker |
700000 | Machinery Operators and Drivers nfd | Machinery Operators and Drivers not further defined |
710000 | Machine and Stationary Plant Operators nfd | Machine and Stationary Plant Operators not further defined |
711000 | Machine Operators nfd | Machine Operators not further defined |
711100 | Clay, Concrete, Glass and Stone Processing Machine Operators nfd | Clay, Concrete, Glass and Stone Processing Machine Operators not further defined |
711111 | Clay Products Machine Operator | Clay Products Machine Operator |
711112 | Concrete Products Machine Operator | Concrete Products Machine Operator |
711113 | Glass Production Machine Operator | Glass Production Machine Operator |
711114 | Stone Processing Machine Operator | Stone Processing Machine Operator |
711199 | Clay, Concrete, Glass and Stone Processing Machine Operators nec | Clay, Concrete, Glass and Stone Processing Machine Operators not elsewhere classified |
711211 | Industrial Spraypainter | Industrial Spraypainter |
711300 | Paper and Wood Processing Machine Operators nfd | Paper and Wood Processing Machine Operators not further defined |
711311 | Paper Products Machine Operator | Paper Products Machine Operator |
711312 | Wood Processing Machine Operator | Wood Processing Machine Operator |
711411 | Photographic Developer and Printer | Photographic Developer and Printer |
711500 | Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators nfd | Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators not further defined |
711511 | Plastic Cablemaking Machine Operator | Plastic Cablemaking Machine Operator |
711512 | Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator | Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator |
711513 | Plastics Fabricator or Welder | Plastics Fabricator or Welder |
711514 | Plastics Production Machine Operator (General) | Plastics Production Machine Operator (General) |
711515 | Reinforced Plastic and Composite Production Worker | Reinforced Plastic and Composite Production Worker |
711516 | Rubber Production Machine Operator | Rubber Production Machine Operator |
711599 | Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators nec | Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators not elsewhere classified |
711611 | Sewing Machinist | Sewing Machinist |
711700 | Textile and Footwear Production Machine Operators nfd | Textile and Footwear Production Machine Operators not further defined |
711711 | Footwear Production Machine Operator | Footwear Production Machine Operator |
711712 | Hide and Skin Processing Machine Operator | Hide and Skin Processing Machine Operator |
711713 | Knitting Machine Operator | Knitting Machine Operator |
711714 | Textile Dyeing and Finishing Machine Operator | Textile Dyeing and Finishing Machine Operator |
711715 | Weaving Machine Operator | Weaving Machine Operator |
711716 | Yarn Carding and Spinning Machine Operator | Yarn Carding and Spinning Machine Operator |
711799 | Textile and Footwear Production Machine Operators nec | Textile and Footwear Production Machine Operators not elsewhere classified |
711900 | Other Machine Operators nfd | Other Machine Operators not further defined |
711911 | Chemical Production Machine Operator | Chemical Production Machine Operator |
711912 | Motion Picture Projectionist | Motion Picture Projectionist |
711913 | Sand Blaster | Sand Blaster |
711914 | Sterilisation Technician | Sterilisation Technician |
711999 | Machine Operators nec | Machine Operators not elsewhere classified |
712000 | Stationary Plant Operators nfd | Stationary Plant Operators not further defined |
712111 | Crane, Hoist or Lift Operator | Crane, Hoist or Lift Operator |
712200 | Drillers, Miners and Shot Firers nfd | Drillers, Miners and Shot Firers not further defined |
712211 | Driller | Driller |
712212 | Miner | Miner |
712213 | Shot Firer | Shot Firer |
712311 | Engineering Production Systems Worker | Engineering Production Systems Worker |
712900 | Other Stationary Plant Operators nfd | Other Stationary Plant Operators not further defined |
712911 | Boiler or Engine Operator | Boiler or Engine Operator |
712912 | Bulk Materials Handling Plant Operator | Bulk Materials Handling Plant Operator |
712913 | Cement Production Plant Operator | Cement Production Plant Operator |
712914 | Concrete Batching Plant Operator | Concrete Batching Plant Operator |
712915 | Concrete Pump Operator | Concrete Pump Operator |
712916 | Paper and Pulp Mill Operator | Paper and Pulp Mill Operator |
712917 | Railway Signal Operator | Railway Signal Operator |
712918 | Train Controller | Train Controller |
712921 | Waste Water or Water Plant Operator | Waste Water or Water Plant Operator |
712922 | Weighbridge Operator | Weighbridge Operator |
712999 | Stationary Plant Operators nec | Stationary Plant Operators not elsewhere classified |
721000 | Mobile Plant Operators nfd | Mobile Plant Operators not further defined |
721100 | Agricultural, Forestry and Horticultural Plant Operators nfd | Agricultural, Forestry and Horticultural Plant Operators not further defined |
721111 | Agricultural and Horticultural Mobile Plant Operator | Agricultural and Horticultural Mobile Plant Operator |
721112 | Logging Plant Operator | Logging Plant Operator |
721200 | Earthmoving Plant Operators nfd | Earthmoving Plant Operators not further defined |
721211 | Earthmoving Plant Operator (General) | Earthmoving Plant Operator (General) |
721212 | Backhoe Operator | Backhoe Operator |
721213 | Bulldozer Operator | Bulldozer Operator |
721214 | Excavator Operator | Excavator Operator |
721215 | Grader Operator | Grader Operator |
721216 | Loader Operator | Loader Operator |
721311 | Forklift Driver | Forklift Driver |
721900 | Other Mobile Plant Operators nfd | Other Mobile Plant Operators not further defined |
721911 | Aircraft Baggage Handler and Airline Ground Crew | Aircraft Baggage Handler and Airline Ground Crew |
721912 | Linemarker | Linemarker |
721913 | Paving Plant Operator | Paving Plant Operator |
721914 | Railway Track Plant Operator | Railway Track Plant Operator |
721915 | Road Roller Operator | Road Roller Operator |
721916 | Streetsweeper Operator | Streetsweeper Operator |
721999 | Mobile Plant Operators nec | Mobile Plant Operators not elsewhere classified |
730000 | Road and Rail Drivers nfd | Road and Rail Drivers not further defined |
731000 | Automobile, Bus and Rail Drivers nfd | Automobile, Bus and Rail Drivers not further defined |
731100 | Automobile Drivers nfd | Automobile Drivers not further defined |
731111 | Chauffeur | Chauffeur |
731112 | Taxi Driver | Taxi Driver |
731199 | Automobile Drivers nec | Automobile Drivers not elsewhere classified |
731200 | Bus and Coach Drivers nfd | Bus and Coach Drivers not further defined |
731211 | Bus Driver | Bus Driver |
731212 | Charter and Tour Bus Driver | Charter and Tour Bus Driver |
731213 | Passenger Coach Driver | Passenger Coach Driver |
731300 | Train and Tram Drivers nfd | Train and Tram Drivers not further defined |
731311 | Train Driver | Train Driver |
731312 | Tram Driver | Tram Driver |
732111 | Delivery Driver | Delivery Driver |
733100 | Truck Drivers nfd | Truck Drivers not further defined |
733111 | Truck Driver (General) | Truck Driver (General) |
733112 | Aircraft Refueller | Aircraft Refueller |
733113 | Furniture Removalist | Furniture Removalist |
733114 | Tanker Driver | Tanker Driver |
733115 | Tow Truck Driver | Tow Truck Driver |
741111 | Storeperson | Storeperson |
800000 | Labourers nfd | Labourers not further defined |
811000 | Cleaners and Laundry Workers nfd | Cleaners and Laundry Workers not further defined |
811111 | Car Detailer | Car Detailer |
811211 | Commercial Cleaner | Commercial Cleaner |
811311 | Domestic Cleaner | Domestic Cleaner |
811400 | Housekeepers nfd | Housekeepers not further defined |
811411 | Commercial Housekeeper | Commercial Housekeeper |
811412 | Domestic Housekeeper | Domestic Housekeeper |
811500 | Laundry Workers nfd | Laundry Workers not further defined |
811511 | Laundry Worker (General) | Laundry Worker (General) |
811512 | Drycleaner | Drycleaner |
811513 | Ironer or Presser | Ironer or Presser |
811600 | Other Cleaners nfd | Other Cleaners not further defined |
811611 | Carpet Cleaner | Carpet Cleaner |
811612 | Window Cleaner | Window Cleaner |
811699 | Cleaners nec | Cleaners not elsewhere classified |
821000 | Construction and Mining Labourers nfd | Construction and Mining Labourers not further defined |
821100 | Building and Plumbing Labourers nfd | Building and Plumbing Labourers not further defined |
821111 | Builder's Labourer | Builder's Labourer |
821112 | Drainage, Sewerage and Stormwater Labourer | Drainage, Sewerage and Stormwater Labourer |
821113 | Earthmoving Labourer | Earthmoving Labourer |
821114 | Plumber's Assistant | Plumber's Assistant |
821211 | Concreter | Concreter |
821311 | Fencer | Fencer |
821400 | Insulation and Home Improvement Installers nfd | Insulation and Home Improvement Installers not further defined |
821411 | Building Insulation Installer | Building Insulation Installer |
821412 | Home Improvement Installer | Home Improvement Installer |
821511 | Paving and Surfacing Labourer | Paving and Surfacing Labourer |
821611 | Railway Track Worker | Railway Track Worker |
821700 | Structural Steel Construction Workers nfd | Structural Steel Construction Workers not further defined |
821711 | Construction Rigger | Construction Rigger |
821712 | Scaffolder | Scaffolder |
821713 | Steel Fixer | Steel Fixer |
821714 | Structural Steel Erector | Structural Steel Erector |
821900 | Other Construction and Mining Labourers nfd | Other Construction and Mining Labourers not further defined |
821911 | Crane Chaser | Crane Chaser |
821912 | Driller's Assistant | Driller's Assistant |
821913 | Lagger | Lagger |
821914 | Mining Support Worker | Mining Support Worker |
821915 | Surveyor's Assistant | Surveyor's Assistant |
830000 | Factory Process Workers nfd | Factory Process Workers not further defined |
831000 | Food Process Workers nfd | Food Process Workers not further defined |
831100 | Food and Drink Factory Workers nfd | Food and Drink Factory Workers not further defined |
831111 | Baking Factory Worker | Baking Factory Worker |
831112 | Brewery Worker | Brewery Worker |
831113 | Confectionery Maker | Confectionery Maker |
831114 | Dairy Products Maker | Dairy Products Maker |
831115 | Fruit and Vegetable Factory Worker | Fruit and Vegetable Factory Worker |
831116 | Grain Mill Worker | Grain Mill Worker |
831117 | Sugar Mill Worker | Sugar Mill Worker |
831118 | Winery Cellar Hand | Winery Cellar Hand |
831199 | Food and Drink Factory Workers nec | Food and Drink Factory Workers not elsewhere classified |
831200 | Meat Boners and Slicers, and Slaughterers nfd | Meat Boners and Slicers, and Slaughterers not further defined |
831211 | Meat Boner and Slicer | Meat Boner and Slicer |
831212 | Slaughterer | Slaughterer |
831300 | Meat, Poultry and Seafood Process Workers nfd | Meat, Poultry and Seafood Process Workers not further defined |
831311 | Meat Process Worker | Meat Process Worker |
831312 | Poultry Process Worker | Poultry Process Worker |
831313 | Seafood Process Worker | Seafood Process Worker |
832000 | Packers and Product Assemblers nfd | Packers and Product Assemblers not further defined |
832100 | Packers nfd | Packers not further defined |
832111 | Chocolate Packer | Chocolate Packer |
832112 | Container Filler | Container Filler |
832113 | Fruit and Vegetable Packer | Fruit and Vegetable Packer |
832114 | Meat Packer | Meat Packer |
832115 | Seafood Packer | Seafood Packer |
832199 | Packers nec | Packers not elsewhere classified |
832211 | Product Assembler | Product Assembler |
839000 | Miscellaneous Factory Process Workers nfd | Miscellaneous Factory Process Workers not further defined |
839111 | Metal Engineering Process Worker | Metal Engineering Process Worker |
839200 | Plastics and Rubber Factory Workers nfd | Plastics and Rubber Factory Workers not further defined |
839211 | Plastics Factory Worker | Plastics Factory Worker |
839212 | Rubber Factory Worker | Rubber Factory Worker |
839300 | Product Quality Controllers nfd | Product Quality Controllers not further defined |
839311 | Product Examiner | Product Examiner |
839312 | Product Grader | Product Grader |
839313 | Product Tester | Product Tester |
839400 | Timber and Wood Process Workers nfd | Timber and Wood Process Workers not further defined |
839411 | Paper and Pulp Mill Worker | Paper and Pulp Mill Worker |
839412 | Sawmill or Timber Yard Worker | Sawmill or Timber Yard Worker |
839413 | Wood and Wood Products Factory Worker | Wood and Wood Products Factory Worker |
839900 | Other Factory Process Workers nfd | Other Factory Process Workers not further defined |
839911 | Cement and Concrete Plant Worker | Cement and Concrete Plant Worker |
839912 | Chemical Plant Worker | Chemical Plant Worker |
839913 | Clay Processing Factory Worker | Clay Processing Factory Worker |
839914 | Fabric and Textile Factory Worker | Fabric and Textile Factory Worker |
839915 | Footwear Factory Worker | Footwear Factory Worker |
839916 | Glass Processing Worker | Glass Processing Worker |
839917 | Hide and Skin Processing Worker | Hide and Skin Processing Worker |
839999 | Factory Process Workers nec | Factory Process Workers not elsewhere classified |
841000 | Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers nfd | Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers not further defined |
841111 | Aquaculture Worker | Aquaculture Worker |
841200 | Crop Farm Workers nfd | Crop Farm Workers not further defined |
841211 | Fruit or Nut Farm Worker | Fruit or Nut Farm Worker |
841212 | Fruit or Nut Picker | Fruit or Nut Picker |
841213 | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Farm Worker | Grain, Oilseed or Pasture Farm Worker |
841214 | Vegetable Farm Worker | Vegetable Farm Worker |
841215 | Vegetable Picker | Vegetable Picker |
841216 | Vineyard Worker | Vineyard Worker |
841299 | Crop Farm Workers nec | Crop Farm Workers not elsewhere classified |
841300 | Forestry and Logging Workers nfd | Forestry and Logging Workers not further defined |
841311 | Forestry Worker | Forestry Worker |
841312 | Logging Assistant | Logging Assistant |
841313 | Tree Faller | Tree Faller |
841400 | Garden and Nursery Labourers nfd | Garden and Nursery Labourers not further defined |
841411 | Garden Labourer | Garden Labourer |
841412 | Horticultural Nursery Assistant | Horticultural Nursery Assistant |
841500 | Livestock Farm Workers nfd | Livestock Farm Workers not further defined |
841511 | Beef Cattle Farm Worker | Beef Cattle Farm Worker |
841512 | Dairy Cattle Farm Worker | Dairy Cattle Farm Worker |
841513 | Mixed Livestock Farm Worker | Mixed Livestock Farm Worker |
841514 | Poultry Farm Worker | Poultry Farm Worker |
841515 | Sheep Farm Worker | Sheep Farm Worker |
841516 | Stablehand | Stablehand |
841517 | Wool Handler | Wool Handler |
841599 | Livestock Farm Workers nec | Livestock Farm Workers not elsewhere classified |
841611 | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker | Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Worker |
841900 | Other Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers nfd | Other Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers not further defined |
841911 | Hunter-Trapper | Hunter-Trapper |
841912 | Pest or Weed Controller | Pest or Weed Controller |
841999 | Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers nec | Farm, Forestry and Garden Workers not elsewhere classified |
851000 | Food Preparation Assistants nfd | Food Preparation Assistants not further defined |
851111 | Fast Food Cook | Fast Food Cook |
851200 | Food Trades Assistants nfd | Food Trades Assistants not further defined |
851211 | Pastrycook's Assistant | Pastrycook's Assistant |
851299 | Food Trades Assistants nec | Food Trades Assistants not elsewhere classified |
851311 | Kitchenhand | Kitchenhand |
890000 | Other Labourers nfd | Other Labourers not further defined |
891000 | Freight Handlers and Shelf Fillers nfd | Freight Handlers and Shelf Fillers not further defined |
891100 | Freight and Furniture Handlers nfd | Freight and Furniture Handlers not further defined |
891111 | Freight Handler (Rail or Road) | Freight Handler (Rail or Road) |
891112 | Truck Driver's Offsider | Truck Driver's Offsider |
891113 | Waterside Worker | Waterside Worker |
891211 | Shelf Filler | Shelf Filler |
899000 | Miscellaneous Labourers nfd | Miscellaneous Labourers not further defined |
899111 | Caretaker | Caretaker |
899200 | Deck and Fishing Hands nfd | Deck and Fishing Hands not further defined |
899211 | Deck Hand | Deck Hand |
899212 | Fishing Hand | Fishing Hand |
899311 | Handyperson | Handyperson |
899400 | Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitters nfd | Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitters not further defined |
899411 | Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitter (General) | Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitter (General) |
899412 | Autoglazier | Autoglazier |
899413 | Exhaust and Muffler Fitter | Exhaust and Muffler Fitter |
899414 | Radiator Fitter | Radiator Fitter |
899415 | Tyre Fitter | Tyre Fitter |
899500 | Printing Assistants and Table Workers nfd | Printing Assistants and Table Workers not further defined |
899511 | Printer's Assistant | Printer's Assistant |
899512 | Printing Table Worker | Printing Table Worker |
899611 | Recycling or Rubbish Collector | Recycling or Rubbish Collector |
899711 | Vending Machine Attendant | Vending Machine Attendant |
899900 | Other Miscellaneous Labourers nfd | Other Miscellaneous Labourers not further defined |
899911 | Bicycle Mechanic | Bicycle Mechanic |
899912 | Car Park Attendant | Car Park Attendant |
899913 | Crossing Supervisor | Crossing Supervisor |
899914 | Electrical or Telecommunications Trades Assistant | Electrical or Telecommunications Trades Assistant |
899915 | Leaflet or Newspaper Deliverer | Leaflet or Newspaper Deliverer |
899916 | Mechanic's Assistant | Mechanic's Assistant |
899917 | Railways Assistant | Railways Assistant |
899918 | Sign Erector | Sign Erector |
899921 | Ticket Collector or Usher | Ticket Collector or Usher |
899922 | Trolley Collector | Trolley Collector |
899999 | Labourers nec | Labourers not elsewhere classified |
See the full registry of value sets defined as part of FHIR.
Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:
Level | A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies |
Source | The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere) |
Code | The code (used as the code in the resource instance) |
Display | The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application |
Definition | An explanation of the meaning of the concept |
Comments | Additional notes about how to use the code |