This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v1.6.0: STU 3 Ballot 4). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions . Page versions: R5 R4B R4 R3 R2
Detailed Descriptions for the elements in the CarePlan resource.
CarePlan | |
Definition | Describes the intention of how one or more practitioners intend to deliver care for a particular patient, group or community for a period of time, possibly limited to care for a specific condition or set of conditions. |
Control | 1..1 |
Alternate Names | Care Team |
CarePlan.identifier | |
Definition | This records identifiers associated with this care plan that are defined by business processes and/or used to refer to it when a direct URL reference to the resource itself is not appropriate (e.g. in CDA documents, or in written / printed documentation). |
Note | This is a business identifer, not a resource identifier (see discussion) |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Identifier |
Requirements | Need to allow connection to a wider workflow. |
Summary | true |
CarePlan.subject | |
Definition | Identifies the patient or group whose intended care is described by the plan. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Patient | Group) |
Summary | true |
CarePlan.status | |
Definition | Indicates whether the plan is currently being acted upon, represents future intentions or is now a historical record. |
Control | 1..1 |
Binding | CarePlanStatus: Indicates whether the plan is currently being acted upon, represents future intentions or is now a historical record. (Required) |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | true |
Requirements | Allows clinicians to determine whether the plan is actionable or not. |
Summary | true |
CarePlan.context | |
Definition | Identifies the context in which this particular CarePlan is defined. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Encounter | EpisodeOfCare) |
Summary | true |
Comments | Activities conducted as a result of the care plan may well occur as part of other encounters/episodes. |
CarePlan.period | |
Definition | Indicates when the plan did (or is intended to) come into effect and end. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Period |
Requirements | Allows tracking what plan(s) are in effect at a particular time. |
Summary | true |
Comments | Any activities scheduled as part of the plan should be constrained to the specified period. | | |
Definition | Identifies the individual(s) or ogranization who is responsible for the content of the care plan. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Patient | Practitioner | RelatedPerson | Organization) |
Summary | true |
Comments | Collaborative care plans may have multiple authors. |
CarePlan.modified | |
Definition | Identifies the most recent date on which the plan has been revised. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | dateTime |
Requirements | Indicates how current the plan is. |
Summary | true |
CarePlan.category | |
Definition | Identifies what "kind" of plan this is to support differentiation between multiple co-existing plans; e.g. "Home health", "psychiatric", "asthma", "disease management", "wellness plan", etc. |
Control | 0..* |
Binding | Care Plan Category: Identifies what "kind" of plan this is to support differentiation between multiple co-existing plans; e.g. "Home health", "psychiatric", "asthma", "disease management", etc. (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Requirements | Used for filtering what plan(s) are retrieved and displayed to different types of users. |
Summary | true |
Comments | There may be multiple axis of categorization and one plan may serve multiple purposes. In some cases, this may be redundant with references to CarePlan.concern. |
To Do | Need a value set for this. |
CarePlan.description | |
Definition | A description of the scope and nature of the plan. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Requirements | Provides more detail than conveyed by category. |
Summary | true |
CarePlan.addresses | |
Definition | Identifies the conditions/problems/concerns/diagnoses/etc. whose management and/or mitigation are handled by this plan. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Condition) |
Requirements | Links plan to the conditions it manages. Also scopes plans - multiple plans may exist addressing different concerns. |
Summary | true | | |
Definition | Identifies portions of the patient's record that specifically influenced the formation of the plan. These might include co-morbidities, recent procedures, limitations, recent assessments, etc. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Any) |
Requirements | Identifies barriers and other considerations associated with the care plan. |
Comments | Use "concern" to identify specific conditions addressed by the care plan. |
CarePlan.relatedPlan | |
Definition | Identifies CarePlans with some sort of formal relationship to the current plan. |
Control | 0..* |
Comments | Relationships are uni-directional with the "newer" plan pointing to the older one. |
CarePlan.relatedPlan.code | |
Definition | Identifies the type of relationship this plan has to the target plan. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | CarePlanRelationship: Codes identifying the types of relationships between two plans. (Required) |
Type | code |
Comments | Read the relationship as "this plan" [relatedPlan.code] "relatedPlan.plan"; e.g. This plan includes Plan B. Additional relationship types can be proposed for future releases or handled as extensions. |
CarePlan.relatedPlan.plan | |
Definition | A reference to the plan to which a relationship is asserted. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | Reference(CarePlan) |
CarePlan.careTeam | |
Definition | Identifies all people and organizations who are expected to be involved in the care envisioned by this plan. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(CareTeam) |
Requirements | Allows representation of care teams, helps scope care plan. In some cases may be a determiner of access permissions. |
CarePlan.goal | |
Definition | Describes the intended objective(s) of carrying out the care plan. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Goal) |
Requirements | Provides context for plan. Allows plan effectiveness to be evaluated by clinicians. |
Comments | Goal can be achieving a particular change or merely maintaining a current state or even slowing a decline. |
CarePlan.activity | |
Definition | Identifies a planned action to occur as part of the plan. For example, a medication to be used, lab tests to perform, self-monitoring, education, etc. |
Control | 0..* |
Requirements | Allows systems to prompt for performance of planned activities, and validate plans against best practice. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ctm-3: Provide a reference or detail, not both (expression ![]() |
CarePlan.activity.actionResulting | |
Definition | Resources that describe follow-on actions resulting from the plan, such as drug prescriptions, encounter records, appointments, etc. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Any) |
Requirements | Links plan to resulting actions. |
CarePlan.activity.outcome | |
Definition | Results of the careplan activity. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | CarePlanActivityOutcome: Identifies the results of the activity |
Type | CodeableConcept |
CarePlan.activity.progress | |
Definition | Notes about the adherence/status/progress of the activity. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Annotation |
Requirements | Can be used to capture information about adherence, progress, concerns, etc. |
Comments | This element should NOT be used to describe the activity to be performed - that occurs either within the resource pointed to by activity.detail.reference or in activity.detail.description. |
CarePlan.activity.reference | |
Definition | The details of the proposed activity represented in a specific resource. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Appointment | CommunicationRequest | DeviceUseRequest | DiagnosticRequest | MedicationOrder | NutritionRequest | ProcedureRequest | ProcessRequest | ReferralRequest | SupplyRequest | VisionPrescription) |
Requirements | Details in a form consistent with other applications and contexts of use. |
Comments | Standard extension exists ( that allows goals to be referenced from any of the referenced resources in CarePlan.activity.reference The goal should be visible when the resource referenced by CarePlan.activity.reference is viewed indepedently from the CarePlan. |
Invariants | Affect this element ctm-3: Provide a reference or detail, not both (expression ![]() |
CarePlan.activity.detail | |
Definition | A simple summary of a planned activity suitable for a general care plan system (e.g. form driven) that doesn't know about specific resources such as procedure etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Requirements | Details in a simple form for generic care plan systems. |
Invariants | Affect this element ctm-3: Provide a reference or detail, not both (expression ![]() |
CarePlan.activity.detail.category | |
Definition | High-level categorization of the type of activity in a care plan. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | CarePlanActivityCategory: High-level categorization of the type of activity in a care plan. (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Requirements | May determine what types of extensions are permitted. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.definition | |
Definition | Identifies the protocol, questionnaire, guideline or other specification the planned activity should be conducted in accordance with. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(PlanDefinition | Questionnaire) |
CarePlan.activity.detail.code | |
Definition | Detailed description of the type of planned activity; e.g. What lab test, what procedure, what kind of encounter. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | Care Plan Activity: Detailed description of the type of activity; e.g. What lab test, what procedure, what kind of encounter. (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Requirements | Allows matching performed to planned as well as validation against protocols. |
Comments | Tends to be less relevant for activities involving particular products. Codes should not convey negation - use "prohibited" instead. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.reasonCode | |
Definition | Provides the rationale that drove the inclusion of this particular activity as part of the plan. |
Control | 0..* |
Binding | Activity Reason: Identifies why a care plan activity is needed. Can include any health condition codes as well as such concepts as "general wellness", prophylaxis, surgical preparation, etc. (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Comments | This could be a diagnosis code. If a full condition record exists or additional detail is needed, use reasonCondition instead. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.reasonReference | |
Definition | Provides the health condition(s) that drove the inclusion of this particular activity as part of the plan. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Condition) |
Comments | Conditions can be identified at the activity level that are not identified as reasons for the overall plan. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.goal | |
Definition | Internal reference that identifies the goals that this activity is intended to contribute towards meeting. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Goal) |
Requirements | So that participants know the link explicitly. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.status | |
Definition | Identifies what progress is being made for the specific activity. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | CarePlanActivityStatus: Indicates where the activity is at in its overall life cycle. (Required) |
Type | code |
Is Modifier | true |
Requirements | Indicates progress against the plan, whether the activity is still relevant for the plan. |
Comments | Some aspects of status can be inferred based on the resources linked in actionTaken. Note that "status" is only as current as the plan was most recently updated. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.statusReason | |
Definition | Provides reason why the activity isn't yet started, is on hold, was cancelled, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | GoalStatusReason: Describes why the current activity has the status it does; e.g. "Recovering from injury" as a reason for non-started or on-hold, "Patient does not enjoy activity" as a reason for cancelling a planned activity. (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept |
Comments | Will generally not be present if status is "complete". Be sure to prompt to update this (or at least remove the existing value) if the status is changed. |
To Do | Need a proper value set. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.prohibited | |
Definition | If true, indicates that the described activity is one that must NOT be engaged in when following the plan. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | boolean |
Is Modifier | true |
Requirements | Captures intention to not do something that may have been previously typical. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.scheduled[x] | |
Definition | The period, timing or frequency upon which the described activity is to occur. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Timing|Period|string |
[x] Note | See Choice of Data Types for further information about how to use [x] |
Requirements | Allows prompting for activities and detection of missed planned activities. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.location | |
Definition | Identifies the facility where the activity will occur; e.g. home, hospital, specific clinic, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Reference(Location) |
Requirements | Helps in planning of activity. |
Comments | May reference a specific clinical location or may identify a type of location. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.performer | |
Definition | Identifies who's expected to be involved in the activity. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Reference(Practitioner | Organization | RelatedPerson | Patient) |
Requirements | Helps in planning of activity. |
Comments | A performer MAY also be a participant in the care plan. |
CarePlan.activity.detail.product[x] | |
Definition | Identifies the food, drug or other product to be consumed or supplied in the activity. |
Control | 0..1 |
Binding | SNOMED CT Medication Codes: A product supplied or administered as part of a care plan activity. (Example) |
Type | CodeableConcept|Reference(Medication | Substance) |
[x] Note | See Choice of Data Types for further information about how to use [x] |
CarePlan.activity.detail.dailyAmount | |
Definition | Identifies the quantity expected to be consumed in a given day. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | SimpleQuantity |
Requirements | Allows rough dose checking. |
Alternate Names | daily dose |
CarePlan.activity.detail.quantity | |
Definition | Identifies the quantity expected to be supplied, administered or consumed by the subject. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | SimpleQuantity |
CarePlan.activity.detail.description | |
Definition | This provides a textual description of constraints on the intended activity occurrence, including relation to other activities. It may also include objectives, pre-conditions and end-conditions. Finally, it may convey specifics about the activity such as body site, method, route, etc. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
CarePlan.note | |
Definition | General notes about the care plan not covered elsewhere. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | Annotation |
Requirements | Used to capture information that applies to the plan as a whole that doesn't fit into discrete elements. |