Mappings for the dataelement resource.
DataElement | Observation[classCode=OBS, moodCode=DEFN] |
url | ./id[use=INSTANCE] |
identifier | ./id[use=BUS] |
version | ./id[use=VER] |
name | ./title |
status | ./status (draft = new active = active retired = aborted) |
experimental | ./inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ]/source[classCode=OBS,moodCode=EVN,code="experimental"].value[type=BL] |
publisher | ./participation[typeCode=AUT]/role[classCode=ASSIGN]/scoper[classCode=ORG,determinerCode=INSTANCE]/name |
contact | ./participation[typeCode=AUT]/role[classCode=ASSIGN]/scoper[classCode=ORG,determinerCode=INSTANCE] |
name | ./name |
telecom | ./telecom |
date | ./participation[typeCode=AUT]/time |
useContext | ./inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ]/source[classCode=LIST, moodCode=EVN]/code |
copyright | ./inboundRelationship[typeCode=SUBJ]/source[classCode=CONTRACT,moodCode=EVN].text |
stringency | ./target[typeCode=SUBJ]/source[classCode=OBS, moodCode=EVN, code="granularity"]/value |
mapping | N/A (MIF) |
identity | N/A (MIF) |
uri | N/A (MIF) |
name | N/A (MIF) |
comments | N/A (MIF) |
element | N/A (MIF) |
These mappings are included to indicate where properties of the data elements defined by the FHIR specification relate to similar fields in the ISO 11179 specification.
DataElement | Data_Element |
url | |
identifier | (Identified_Item).identifier As assigned by registering authority |
version | (Identified_Item).identifier.version |
name | (Designatable_Item).designation.sign acceptability=preferred in default context |
status | (Administered_item).registration.state new = Incomplete, Candidate, Recorded, Qualified active = Standard, Preferred Standard, Application retired = Retired, Superseded, Historical |
experimental | |
publisher | (Administered_Item) |
contact | (Administered_Item).stewardship_record.organization.[email_address, phone_number, uri] |
name | |
telecom | |
date | (Administered_item).last_change_date |
useContext | (Classifiable_Item).classifier |
copyright | |
stringency | |
mapping | |
identity | |
uri | |
name | |
comments | |
element | |