OID for value set: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.10706 (this is the value set that includes the entire code system)
Level | Code | Display | Definition |
1 | AC | AC |
before meal (from lat. ante cibus)
1 | ACD | ACD |
before lunch (from lat. ante cibus diurnus)
1 | ACM | ACM |
before breakfast (from lat. ante cibus matutinus)
1 | ACV | ACV |
before dinner (from lat. ante cibus vespertinus)
1 | C | C |
Description: meal (from lat. ante cibus)
2 | CD | CD |
Description: lunch (from lat. cibus diurnus)
2 | CM | CM |
Description: breakfast (from lat. cibus matutinus)
2 | CV | CV |
Description: dinner (from lat. cibus vespertinus)
1 | HS | HS |
Description: Prior to beginning a regular period of extended sleep (this would exclude naps). Note that this might occur at different times of day depending on a person's regular sleep schedule.
1 | IC | IC |
between meals (from lat. inter cibus)
1 | ICD | ICD |
between lunch and dinner
1 | ICM | ICM |
between breakfast and lunch
1 | ICV | ICV |
between dinner and the hour of sleep
1 | PC | PC |
after meal (from lat. post cibus)
1 | PCD | PCD |
after lunch (from lat. post cibus diurnus)
1 | PCM | PCM |
after breakfast (from lat. post cibus matutinus)
1 | PCV | PCV |
after dinner (from lat. post cibus vespertinus)
1 | WAKE | WAKE |
Description: Upon waking up from a regular period of sleep, in order to start regular activities (this would exclude waking up from a nap or temporarily waking up during a period of sleep)
Usage Notes: e.g.
Take pulse rate on waking in management of thyrotoxicosis.
Take BP on waking in management of hypertension
Take basal body temperature on waking in establishing date of ovulation