A set of codes (e.g., for routine, emergency), specifying the urgency under which the Act happened, can happen, is happening, is intended to happen, or is requested/demanded to happen.
Level | Code | Display | Definition |
1 | A | ASAP |
As soon as possible, next highest priority after stat.
1 | CR | callback results |
Filler should contact the placer as soon as results are available, even for preliminary results. (Was "C" in HL7 verion 2.3's reporting priority.)
1 | CS | callback for scheduling |
Filler should contact the placer (or target) to schedule the service. (Was "C" in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)
2 | CSP | callback placer for scheduling |
Filler should contact the placer to schedule the service. (Was "C" in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)
2 | CSR | contact recipient for scheduling |
Filler should contact the service recipient (target) to schedule the service. (Was "C" in HL7 version 2.3's TQ-priority component.)
1 | EL | elective |
Beneficial to the patient but not essential for survival.
1 | EM | emergency |
An unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls for immediate action.
1 | P | preop |
Used to indicate that a service is to be performed prior to a scheduled surgery. When ordering a service and using the pre-op priority, a check is done to see the amount of time that must be allowed for performance of the service. When the order is placed, a message can be generated indicating the time needed for the service so that it is not ordered in conflict with a scheduled operation.
1 | PRN | as needed |
An "as needed" order should be accompanied by a description of what constitutes a need. This description is represented by an observation service predicate as a precondition.
1 | R | routine |
Routine service, do at usual work hours.
1 | RR | rush reporting |
A report should be prepared and sent as quickly as possible.
1 | S | stat |
With highest priority (e.g., emergency).
1 | T | timing critical |
It is critical to come as close as possible to the requested time (e.g., for a through antimicrobial level).
1 | UD | use as directed |
Drug is to be used as directed by the prescriber.
1 | UR | urgent |
Calls for prompt action.