This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v0.06: DSTU 1 Ballot 2). The current version which supercedes this version is 5.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Lipid Profile

Describes how the lab report is used for a standard Lipid Profile - Cholesterol, Triglyceride, and Cholesterol fractions. Uses LOINC codes.

This profile was published on Sat, May 12, 2012 00:00+1000 for testing by Grahame Grieve, and profiles the LabReport Resource

The id of this profile is 15046b9c-2da0-4b80-82ef-c6af6fcfd2bf


  <!-- Resources -->
<LabReport xmlns="">
 <status><!-- 1..1 code registered|interim|final|amended|cancelled|withdrawn --></status>
 <issued><!-- 1..1 instant date issed for current status --></issued>
 <patient><!-- 1..1 Resource(Patient) The patient the report is about --></patient>
 <admission><!-- 0..1 Resource(Admission) Admission Context --></admission>
 <laboratory><!-- 1..1 Resource(Organization) Responsible Laboratory --></laboratory>
 <reportId><!-- 0..1 Identifier Id for external references to this report --></reportId>
 <requestDetail>  <!-- 0..* What was requested -->
  <requestOrderId><!-- 0..1 Identifier Id assigned by requester --></requestOrderId>
  <receiverOrderId><!-- 0..1 Identifier Receiver's Id for the request --></receiverOrderId>
  <requestTest><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Test Requested --></requestTest>
  <requester><!-- 0..1 Resource(Agent|Organization) Responsible for request --></requester>
  <clinicalInfo><!-- 0..1 Resource(Any) Clinical information provided --></clinicalInfo>
     <display>Lipid panel with direct LDL</display>
 <service><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Biochemistry, Haematology etc --></service>
 <diagnosticTime><!-- 1..1 dateTime Effective time of diagnostic report --></diagnosticTime>
 <specimen><!-- 0..* Resource(Specimen) Specimen (incl. time of collection) --></specimen>
 <resultGroup>  <!-- 1..1 All the results in one group -->
  <name><!-- 0..0 CodeableConcept No name needed for the result group --></name>
  <specimen><!-- 0..1 Resource(Specimen) Specimen details --></specimen>
  <result> <!-- "Cholesterol Group"   -->  <!-- 1..1 Cholesterol Result -->
   <valueQuantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity Cholesterol value --></valueQuantity>
   <flag><!-- 0..1 code + | ++ | +++ | - | -- | ---  --></flag>
   <status><!-- 1..1 code Registered|Interim|Final|Amended|Cancelled|Withdrawn --></status>
   <comments><!-- 0..1 string Comments about result --></comments>
   <referenceRange>  <!-- 1..1 Guide for interpretation -->
    <meaning><!-- 0..0 CodeableConcept Range is a recommended range --></meaning>
  <result> <!-- "Triglyceride Group"   -->  <!-- 1..1 Triglyceride Result -->
   <valueQuantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity Triglyceride value --></valueQuantity>
   <flag><!-- 0..1 code + | ++ | +++ | - | -- | ---  --></flag>
   <comments><!-- 0..1 string Comments about result --></comments>
   <referenceRange>  <!-- 1..1 Guide for interpretation -->
    <meaning><!-- 0..0 CodeableConcept Range is a recommended range --></meaning>
  <result> <!-- "HDL Cholesteral Group"   -->  <!-- 1..1 HDL Cholesterol Result -->
       <display> HDL</display>
   <valueQuantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity HDL Cholesterol value --></valueQuantity>
   <flag><!-- 0..1 code + | ++ | +++ | - | -- | ---  --></flag>
   <comments><!-- 0..1 string Comments about result --></comments>
   <referenceRange>  <!-- 1..1 Guide for interpretation -->
    <meaning><!-- 0..0 CodeableConcept Range is a recommended range --></meaning>
  <result> <!-- "LDL Cholesteral Group"   -->  <!-- 0..1 LDL Cholesterol result, if reported -->
   <name><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept LDL Cholesterol. LOINC code defines measured or calc --></name>
   <valueQuantity><!-- 0..1 Quantity LDL Cholesterol value --></valueQuantity>
   <flag><!-- 0..1 code + | ++ | +++ | - | -- | ---  --></flag>
   <comments><!-- 0..1 string Comments about result --></comments>
   <referenceRange>  <!-- 1..1 Guide for interpretation -->
    <meaning><!-- 0..0 CodeableConcept Range is a recommended range --></meaning>
 <conclusion><!-- 0..1 Narrative Clinical Interpretation of Lipid Panel --></conclusion>
 <codedDiagnosis><!-- 0..0 CodeableConcept Codes for the conclusion --></codedDiagnosis>
 <representation><!-- 0..* Attachment Entire Report as issued --></representation>
 <extension><!-- 0..* Extension  See Extensions  --></extension>
 <text><!-- 1..1 Narrative Text summary of resource (for human interpretation) --></text>

This profile as a Resource Profile (formatted)

Defined Bindings

This is an old version of FHIR retained for archive purposes. Do not use for anything else
Implementers are welcome to experiment with the content defined here, but should note that the contents are subject to change without prior notice.
© 2011 - 2012. FHIR v0.06 generated on Tue, Dec 4, 2012 00:03+1100. License