
Significant health events and conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the context of care for the patient.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

patient1..1PatientThe person who this history concerns.
date0..1DateTimeThe date (and possibly time) when the family member history was taken.
relationship1..1ConceptThe type of relationship this person has to the patient (father, mother, brother etc.).
Binding: A relationship between two people characterizing their "familial" relationship (example)
age[x]0..1Age | Interval<Quantity> | StringThe age of the relative at the time the family member history is recorded.
deceased[x]0..1Boolean | Age | Interval<Quantity> | DateTime | StringDeceased flag or the actual or approximate age of the relative at the time of death for the family member history record.
condition0..*List<condition>The significant Conditions (or condition) that the family member had. This is a repeating section to allow a system to represent more than one condition per resource, though there is nothing stopping multiple resources - one per condition.
condition-abatement0..1ExtensionAn Extension
condition-severity0..1ExtensionAn Extension
Binding: Valueset to identify the severity of the problem (preferred)