
A provider issued list of services and products provided, or to be provided, to a patient which is provided to an insurer for payment recovery.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

patient1..1PatientPatient Resource.
created1..1DateTimeThe date when the enclosed suite of services were performed or completed.
provider1..1PractitionerThe provider which is responsible for the bill, claim pre-determination, pre-authorization.
prescription1..1MedicationRequest | VisionPrescriptionPrescription to support the dispensing of Pharmacy or Vision products.
payee0..1payeeThe party to be reimbursed for the services.
referral0..1ReferralRequestThe referral resource which lists the date, practitioner, reason and other supporting information.
careTeam0..*List<careTeam>The members of the team who provided the overall service as well as their role and whether responsible and qualifications.
information0..*List<information>Additional information codes regarding exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues. Often there are mutiple jurisdiction specific valuesets which are required.
diagnosis0..*List<diagnosis>List of patient diagnosis for which care is sought.
procedure0..*List<procedure>Procedures performed.
hospitalization0..1Interval<DateTime>Period in hospital.
item1..*List<item>First tier of goods and services.