A provider issued list of services and products provided, or to be provided, to a patient which is provided to an insurer for payment recovery.
= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension
Field | Card. | Type | Description |
patient | 1..1 | Patient | Patient Resource. |
created | 1..1 | DateTime | The date when the enclosed suite of services were performed or completed. |
provider | 1..1 | Practitioner | The provider which is responsible for the bill, claim pre-determination, pre-authorization. |
prescription | 1..1 | MedicationRequest | VisionPrescription | Prescription to support the dispensing of Pharmacy or Vision products. |
payee | 0..1 | payee | The party to be reimbursed for the services. |
referral | 0..1 | ReferralRequest | The referral resource which lists the date, practitioner, reason and other supporting information. |
careTeam | 0..* | List<careTeam> | The members of the team who provided the overall service as well as their role and whether responsible and qualifications. |
information | 0..* | List<information> | Additional information codes regarding exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or concurrent issues. Often there are mutiple jurisdiction specific valuesets which are required. |
diagnosis | 0..* | List<diagnosis> | List of patient diagnosis for which care is sought. |
procedure | 0..* | List<procedure> | Procedures performed. |
hospitalization | 0..1 | Interval<DateTime> | Period in hospital. |
item | 1..* | List<item> | First tier of goods and services. |