
A record of a request for service such as diagnostic investigations, treatments, or operations to be performed.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

reasonRefused0..1ExtensionAn Extension
Binding: The reason the service request was refused (example)
approachBodySite0..1ExtensionAn Extension
appropriatenessScore0..1ExtensionAn Extension
Binding: The RAND scoring for appropriateness of the procedure. (preferred)
status1..1StringThe status of the order.
Binding: The status of a service order. (required)
code0..1ConceptA code that identifies a particular service (i.e., procedure, diagnostic investigation, or panel of investigations) that have been requested.
Binding: Codes describing the Procedure Type (preferred)
subject1..1PatientOn whom or what the service is to be performed. This is usually a human patient, but can also be requested on animals, groups of humans or animals, devices such as dialysis machines, or even locations (typically for environmental scans).
encounter0..1Encounter | EpisodeOfCareAn encounter that provides additional information about the healthcare context in which this request is made.
occurrence[x]0..1DateTime | Interval<DateTime> | TimingThe date/time at which the requested service should occur.
asNeeded[x]0..1Boolean | ConceptIf a CodeableConcept is present, it indicates the pre-condition for performing the service. For example "pain", "on flare-up", etc.
Binding: A coded concept identifying the pre-condition that should hold prior to performing a procedure. For example "pain", "on flare-up", etc. (example)
authoredOn0..1DateTimeWhen the request transitioned to being actionable.
requester0..1Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | Patient | qicore-relatedperson | DeviceThe individual who initiated the request and has responsibility for its activation.
performer0..*List<Practitioner | Organization | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson | HealthcareService>The desired performer for doing the requested service. For example, the surgeon, dermatopathologist, endoscopist, etc.
reasonCode0..*List<Concept>An explanation or justification for why this service is being requested in coded or textual form. This is often for billing purposes. May relate to the resources referred to in `supportingInfo`.
Binding: Diagnosis or problem codes justifying the reason for requesting the service investigation. (example)
bodySite0..*List<Concept>Anatomic location where the procedure should be performed. This is the target site.
Binding: Codes describing anatomical locations. May include laterality. (example)