Union of http://hl7.org/fhir/us/pq-cmc-fda/CodeSystem/cmc-hierarchy-supplement and http://hl7.org/fhir/us/pq-cmc-fda/CodeSystem/cmc-hierarchy-supplement

This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in PQ-CMC-FDA NCIt Hieararchy Supplement (http://hl7.org/fhir/us/pq-cmc-fda/CodeSystem/cmc-hierarchy-supplement) and PQ-CMC-FDA NCIt Hieararchy Supplement (http://hl7.org/fhir/us/pq-cmc-fda/CodeSystem/cmc-hierarchy-supplement). E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem 4e799896-18be-418c-844d-7b808461b1b6-2


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

Childchildhttp://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#childcodeDefines which codes are children
Childchildhttp://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#childcodeDefines which codes are children


This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/comparison/CodeSystem/4e799896-18be-418c-844d-7b808461b1b6-2 defines codes, but no codes are represented here

C60819 C204845, C205001, C81183, C205003, C205007, C205015, C205018, C205020, C205028, C62352, C171277, C205038, C64858, C205006, C204845, C204845, C205001, C81183, C205003, C205007, C205015, C205018, C205020, C205028, C62352, C171277, C205038, C64858, C205006, C205001, C81183, C205003, C205007, C205015, C205018, C205020, C205028, C62352, C171277, C205038, C64858, C205006C204845, C205001, C81183, C205003, C205007, C205015, C205018, C205020, C205028, C62352, C171277, C205038, C64858, C205006, C204845, C204845, C205001, C81183, C205003, C205007, C205015, C205018, C205020, C205028, C62352, C171277, C205038, C64858, C205006, C205001, C81183, C205003, C205007, C205015, C205018, C205020, C205028, C62352, C171277, C205038, C64858, C205006
C134250 C205004, C205019, C134115, C205050, C205004, C205004, C205019, C134115, C205050, C205019, C134115, C205050C205004, C205019, C134115, C205050, C205004, C205004, C205019, C134115, C205050, C205019, C134115, C205050
C205026 C138990, C139027, C134262, C134261, C138990, C138990, C139027, C134262, C134261, C139027, C134262, C134261C138990, C139027, C134262, C134261, C138990, C138990, C139027, C134262, C134261, C139027, C134262, C134261
C193381 C205024, C205024, C205024C205024, C205024, C205024
C25483 C205022, C205017, C205209, C205053, C205021, C205016, C205206, C205045, C205036, C205011, C205010, C205009, C205037, C205025, C205034, C205033, C205035, C205005, C205044, C205043, C205042, C205022, C205022, C205017, C205209, C205053, C205021, C205016, C205206, C205045, C205036, C205011, C205010, C205009, C205037, C205025, C205034, C205033, C205035, C205005, C205044, C205043, C205042, C205017, C205209, C205053, C205021, C205016, C205206, C205045, C205036, C205011, C205010, C205009, C205037, C205025, C205034, C205033, C205035, C205005, C205044, C205043, C205042C205022, C205017, C205209, C205053, C205021, C205016, C205206, C205045, C205036, C205011, C205010, C205009, C205037, C205025, C205034, C205033, C205035, C205005, C205044, C205043, C205042, C205022, C205022, C205017, C205209, C205053, C205021, C205016, C205206, C205045, C205036, C205011, C205010, C205009, C205037, C205025, C205034, C205033, C205035, C205005, C205044, C205043, C205042, C205017, C205209, C205053, C205021, C205016, C205206, C205045, C205036, C205011, C205010, C205009, C205037, C205025, C205034, C205033, C205035, C205005, C205044, C205043, C205042
C18951 C16643, C205054, C205031, C205002, C205008, C16643, C16643, C205054, C205031, C205002, C205008, C205054, C205031, C205002, C205008C16643, C205054, C205031, C205002, C205008, C16643, C16643, C205054, C205031, C205002, C205008, C205054, C205031, C205002, C205008
C204971 C205039, C205040, C205052, C205047, C205048, C205051, C205014, C204890, C134254, C134002, C205039, C205039, C205040, C205052, C205047, C205048, C205051, C205014, C204890, C134254, C134002, C205040, C205052, C205047, C205048, C205051, C205014, C204890, C134254, C134002C205039, C205040, C205052, C205047, C205048, C205051, C205014, C204890, C134254, C134002, C205039, C205039, C205040, C205052, C205047, C205048, C205051, C205014, C204890, C134254, C134002, C205040, C205052, C205047, C205048, C205051, C205014, C204890, C134254, C134002
C45298 C154598, C154598, C154598C154598, C154598, C154598
C45300 C154433, C154605, C154433, C154433, C154605, C154605C154433, C154605, C154433, C154433, C154605, C154605