Profile Comparison between vs

Left:Background Color (
Right:Background Color (


ErrorStructureDefinition.versionValues for version differ: '1.0.0' vs '1.1.0'
InformationStructureDefinition.dateValues for date differ: '2022-07-13T17:22:13+00:00' vs '2024-04-16T17:37:30+00:00'
InformationStructureDefinition.publisherValues for publisher differ: 'HL7 Payer/Provider Information Exchange Working Group (PIE WG)' vs 'HL7 International / Payer/Provider Information Exchange Work Group'
InformationStructureDefinition.definitionValues for definition differ: 'This extension enables an insurance company to provide a background color to be used by consuming applications when they render the information found on an insurance card for the insurance plan member.' vs 'This extension enables an insurance company to provide a background color to be used by consuming applications when they render the information found on an insurance card for the insurance plan member. When rendering foreground and background colors, the implementer SHOULD not use the same foreground and background colors and instead should algorithmically determine a high color contrast.'


        • Values Differ
        .descriptionThis extension enables an insurance company to provide a background color to be used by consuming applications when they render the information found on an insurance card for the insurance plan member.This extension enables an insurance company to provide a background color to be used by consuming applications when they render the information found on an insurance card for the insurance plan member. When rendering foreground and background colors, the implementer SHOULD not use the same foreground and background colors and instead should algorithmically determine a high color contrast.
        • Values Differ
                    .publisherHL7 Payer/Provider Information Exchange Working Group (PIE WG)HL7 International / Payer/Provider Information Exchange Work Group
                    • Values Differ
                        .titleBackground Color
                              • Values Differ


                              NameL FlagsL Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsR FlagsR Card.R TypeR Description & ConstraintsCommentsdoco
                              .. Extension 0..*ExtensionBackground Color
                              0..*ExtensionBackground Color
                                ... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                  ... Slices for extension 0..00..0
                                    ... url 1..1uri""1..1uri""

                                      doco Documentation for this format