Profile Comparison between vs

Left:US Core MedicationRequest Profile (
Right:MedicationRequest (


ErrorStructureDefinition.urlValues for url differ: '' vs ''
ErrorStructureDefinition.versionValues for version differ: '3.2.0' vs '1.0.0'
InformationStructureDefinition.nameValues for name differ: 'USCoreMedicationRequestProfile' vs 'MedicationRequest'
InformationStructureDefinition.statusValues for status differ: 'active' vs 'draft'
InformationStructureDefinition.dateValues for date differ: '2020-06-26' vs '2018-07-25'
InformationStructureDefinition.publisherValues for publisher differ: 'HL7 International - US Realm Steering Committee' vs 'HL7 International - Financial Management Work Group'
WarningMedicationRequestElements differ in definition: 'The US Core Medication Request (Order) Profile is based upon the core FHIR MedicationRequest Resource and created to meet the 2015 Edition Common Clinical Data Set 'Medications' requirements.' 'An order or request for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of the medication to a patient. The resource is called 'MedicationRequest' rather than 'MedicationPrescription' or 'MedicationOrder' to generalize the use across inpatient and outpatient settings, including care plans, etc., and to harmonize with workflow patterns.'
ErrorMedicationRequest.identifierElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'
WarningMedicationRequest.statusElements differ in description: 'A code specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription.' 'A coded concept specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription.'
WarningMedicationRequest.statusElements differ in description: 'A code specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription.' 'A coded concept specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription.'
WarningMedicationRequest.encounterElements differ in comments: 'This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some activities may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter.' If there is a need to link to episodes of care they will be handled with an extension.' 'potentially relevant for CRD in some situations.'
ErrorMedicationRequest.performerElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'
WarningMedicationRequest.reasonCodeElements differ in comments: 'This could be a diagnosis code. If a full condition record exists or additional detail is needed, use reasonReference.' 'potentially relevant for CRD in some situations.'
ErrorMedicationRequest.reasonCodeElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'
WarningMedicationRequest.reasonReferenceElements differ in comments: 'This is a reference to a condition or observation that is the reason for the medication order. If only a code exists, use reasonCode.' 'potentially relevant for CRD in some situations.'
ErrorMedicationRequest.reasonReferenceElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'
ErrorMedicationRequest.basedOnType Mismatch: Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]]) Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]])
ErrorMedicationRequest.insuranceElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'
ErrorMedicationRequest.dispenseRequestElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'
ErrorMedicationRequest.substitutionElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'
ErrorMedicationRequest.priorPrescriptionElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' 'true'


      .copyrightUsed by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License
      • Removed the item 'Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License'
      • Values Differ
      .descriptionDefines constraints and extensions on the MedicationRequest resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve prescription information.This profile specifies additional constraints on the US Core MedicationRequest profile to support coverage requirements discovery.
      • Values Differ
                • Values Differ
                .publisherHL7 International - US Realm Steering CommitteeHL7 International - Financial Management Work Group
                • Values Differ
                  • Values Differ
                  .titleUS Core MedicationRequest Profile
                  • Removed the item 'US Core MedicationRequest Profile'
                    • Values Differ
                    • Values Differ


                    NameL FlagsL Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsR FlagsR Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsCommentsdoco
                    .. MedicationRequest
                    • Elements differ in definition: "The US Core Medication Request (Order) Profile is based upon the core FHIR MedicationRequest Resource and created to meet the 2015 Edition Common Clinical Data Set 'Medications' requirements." "An order or request for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of the medication to a patient. The resource is called "MedicationRequest" rather than "MedicationPrescription" or "MedicationOrder" to generalize the use across inpatient and outpatient settings, including care plans, etc., and to harmonize with workflow patterns."
                    ... id ΣΣ
                      ... meta ΣΣ
                        ... implicitRules ?!Σ?!Σ
                          ... language
                            ... text
                              ... contained
                                ... extension ExtensionExtension
                                  ... modifierExtension ?!?!
                                    ... identifier S
                                    • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                    ... status ?!SΣ?!SΣ
                                    • Elements differ in description: "A code specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription." "A coded concept specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription."
                                    • Elements differ in description: "A code specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription." "A coded concept specifying the state of the prescribing event. Describes the lifecycle of the prescription."
                                    ... statusReason
                                      ... intent ?!SΣ?!SΣ
                                        ... category
                                          ... priority ΣΣ
                                            ... doNotPerform ?!Σ?!Σ
                                              ... reported[x] SΣSΣ(Slice Definition)
                                                ... medication[x] SΣSΣ(Slice Definition)
                                                  ... subject SΣSΣ
                                                    ... encounter SS
                                                    • Elements differ in comments: "This will typically be the encounter the event occurred within, but some activities may be initiated prior to or after the official completion of an encounter but still be tied to the context of the encounter." If there is a need to link to episodes of care they will be handled with an extension." "potentially relevant for CRD in some situations."
                                                    ... supportingInformation
                                                      ... authoredOn SΣSΣ
                                                        ... requester SΣSΣ
                                                          ... performer S
                                                          • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                                          ... performerType ΣΣ
                                                            ... recorder
                                                              ... reasonCode S
                                                              • Elements differ in comments: "This could be a diagnosis code. If a full condition record exists or additional detail is needed, use reasonReference." "potentially relevant for CRD in some situations."
                                                              • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                                              ... reasonReference S
                                                              • Elements differ in comments: "This is a reference to a condition or observation that is the reason for the medication order. If only a code exists, use reasonCode." "potentially relevant for CRD in some situations."
                                                              • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                                              ... instantiatesCanonical ΣΣ
                                                                ... instantiatesUri ΣΣ
                                                                  ... basedOn ΣΣ
                                                                  • Type Mismatch: Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]]) Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]])
                                                                  ... groupIdentifier ΣΣ
                                                                    ... courseOfTherapyType
                                                                      ... insurance S
                                                                      • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                                                      ... note
                                                                        ... dosageInstruction SS
                                                                          .... id
                                                                            .... extension ExtensionExtension
                                                                              .... modifierExtension ?!Σ?!Σ
                                                                                .... sequence ΣΣ
                                                                                  .... text SΣSΣ
                                                                                    .... additionalInstruction ΣΣ
                                                                                      .... patientInstruction ΣΣ
                                                                                        .... timing ΣΣ
                                                                                          .... asNeeded[x] ΣΣ
                                                                                            .... site ΣΣ
                                                                                              .... route ΣΣ
                                                                                                .... method ΣΣ
                                                                                                  .... doseAndRate ΣΣ
                                                                                                    ..... id
                                                                                                      ..... extension ExtensionExtension
                                                                                                        ..... type ΣΣ
                                                                                                          ..... dose[x] ΣΣ
                                                                                                            ..... rate[x] ΣΣ
                                                                                                              .... maxDosePerPeriod ΣΣ
                                                                                                                .... maxDosePerAdministration ΣΣ
                                                                                                                  .... maxDosePerLifetime ΣΣ
                                                                                                                    ... dispenseRequest S
                                                                                                                    • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                                                                                                    .... id
                                                                                                                      .... extension ExtensionExtension
                                                                                                                        .... modifierExtension ?!Σ?!Σ
                                                                                                                          .... initialFill
                                                                                                                            ..... id
                                                                                                                              ..... extension ExtensionExtension
                                                                                                                                ..... modifierExtension ?!Σ?!Σ
                                                                                                                                  ..... quantity
                                                                                                                                    ..... duration
                                                                                                                                      .... dispenseInterval
                                                                                                                                        .... validityPeriod
                                                                                                                                          .... numberOfRepeatsAllowed
                                                                                                                                            .... quantity
                                                                                                                                              .... expectedSupplyDuration
                                                                                                                                                .... performer
                                                                                                                                                  ... substitution S
                                                                                                                                                  • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                                                                                                                                  .... id
                                                                                                                                                    .... extension ExtensionExtension
                                                                                                                                                      .... modifierExtension ?!Σ?!Σ
                                                                                                                                                        .... allowed[x]
                                                                                                                                                          .... reason
                                                                                                                                                            ... priorPrescription S
                                                                                                                                                            • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: "false" "true"
                                                                                                                                                            ... detectedIssue
                                                                                                                                                              ... eventHistory

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