Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex":
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex":
when Patient.gender = 'male' then Code { code: 'M', system: '', display: 'Male' }
when Patient.gender = 'female' then Code { code: 'F', system: '', display: 'Female' }
else null
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Numerator |
define "Numerator":
exists "Colonoscopy Performed"
or exists "Fecal Occult Blood Test Performed"
or exists "Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Performed"
or exists "Fecal Immunochemical Test DNA"
or exists "CT Colonography Performed"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Colonoscopy Performed |
define "Colonoscopy Performed":
[Procedure: "Colonoscopy"] Colonoscopy
where Colonoscopy.status = 'completed'
and Global."Normalize Interval"(Colonoscopy.performed) ends 10 years or less on or before end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Fecal Occult Blood Test Performed |
define "Fecal Occult Blood Test Performed":
[Observation: "Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)"] FecalOccultResult
where FecalOccultResult.status in {'final', 'amended', 'corrected', 'preliminary'}
and FecalOccultResult.value is not null
and Global."Normalize Interval"(FecalOccultResult.effective) during day of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Performed |
define "Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Performed":
[Procedure: "Flexible Sigmoidoscopy"] FlexibleSigmoidoscopy
where FlexibleSigmoidoscopy.status = 'completed'
and Global."Normalize Interval"(FlexibleSigmoidoscopy.performed) ends 5 years or less on or before end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Fecal Immunochemical Test DNA |
define "Fecal Immunochemical Test DNA":
[Observation: "FIT DNA"] FitDNA
where FitDNA.status in {'final', 'amended', 'corrected', 'preliminary'}
and FitDNA.value is not null
and Global."Normalize Interval"(FitDNA.effective) occurs 3 years or less on or before day of end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
CT Colonography Performed |
define "CT Colonography Performed":
[Procedure: "CT Colonography"] Colonography
where Colonography.status = 'completed'
and Global."Normalize Interval"(Colonography.performed) ends 5 years or less on or before end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Denominator |
define "Denominator":
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer":
SDE."SDE Payer"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer":
[Coverage: type in "Payer"] Payer
return {
code: Payer.type,
period: Payer.period
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Initial Population |
define "Initial Population":
Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt"(FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate), start of "Measurement Period") in Interval[50, 75]
and exists AdultOutpatientEncounters."Qualifying Encounters"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdultOutpatientEncounters |
Qualifying Encounters |
define "Qualifying Encounters":
[Encounter: "Office Visit"]
union [Encounter: "Annual Wellness Visit"]
union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services - Established Office Visit, 18 and Up"]
union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services-Initial Office Visit, 18 and Up"]
union [Encounter: "Home Healthcare Services"]
) ValidEncounter
where ValidEncounter.period during "Measurement Period"
and ValidEncounter.status = 'finished'
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity":
SDE."SDE Ethnicity"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity":
(flatten (
Patient.extension Extension
where Extension.url = ''
return Extension.extension
)) E
where E.url = 'ombCategory'
or E.url = 'detailed'
return E.value as Coding
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Denominator Exclusion |
define "Denominator Exclusion":
Hospice."Has Hospice"
or exists "Malignant Neoplasm Ever"
or exists "Total Colectomy Performed"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
Hospice |
Has Hospice |
define "Has Hospice":
exists (
[Encounter: "Encounter Inpatient"] DischargeHospice
where DischargeHospice.status = 'finished'
and (
DischargeHospice.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to home for hospice care (procedure)"
or DischargeHospice.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to healthcare facility for hospice care (procedure)"
and DischargeHospice.period ends during "Measurement Period"
or exists (
[ServiceRequest: "Hospice care ambulatory"] HospiceOrder
where HospiceOrder.intent = 'order'
and HospiceOrder.authoredOn in "Measurement Period"
or exists (
[Procedure: "Hospice care ambulatory"] HospicePerformed
where HospicePerformed.status = 'completed'
and Global."Normalize Interval"(HospicePerformed.performed) overlaps "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Malignant Neoplasm Ever |
define "Malignant Neoplasm Ever":
[Condition: "Malignant Neoplasm of Colon"] ColorectalCancer
where Global."Normalize Interval"(ColorectalCancer.onset) starts on or before end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
Total Colectomy Performed |
define "Total Colectomy Performed":
[Procedure: "Total Colectomy"] Colectomy
where Colectomy.status = 'completed'
and Global."Normalize Interval"(Colectomy.performed) starts on or before end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
EXM130 |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race":
SDE."SDE Race"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race":
(flatten (
Patient.extension Extension
where Extension.url = ''
return Extension.extension
)) E
where E.url = 'ombCategory'
or E.url = 'detailed'
return E.value as Coding