Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex":
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Sex |
define "SDE Sex":
when Patient.gender = 'male' then Code { code: 'M', system: '', display: 'Male' }
when Patient.gender = 'female' then Code { code: 'F', system: '', display: 'Female' }
else null
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Numerator |
define "Numerator":
exists ( [DiagnosticReport: "Mammography"] Mammogram
where ( Global."Normalize Interval" ( Mammogram.effective ) ends 27 months or less on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
and Mammogram.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected', 'appended' }
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Denominator |
define "Denominator":
"Initial Population"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Initial Population |
define "Initial Population":
Patient.gender = 'female'
and Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt" ( FHIRHelpers.ToDate ( Patient.birthDate ), start of "Measurement Period" ) in Interval[51, 74 )
and exists AdultOutpatientEncounters."Qualifying Encounters"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdultOutpatientEncounters |
Qualifying Encounters |
define "Qualifying Encounters":
[Encounter: "Office Visit"]
union [Encounter: "Annual Wellness Visit"]
union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services - Established Office Visit, 18 and Up"]
union [Encounter: "Preventive Care Services-Initial Office Visit, 18 and Up"]
union [Encounter: "Home Healthcare Services"]
) ValidEncounter
where ValidEncounter.period during "Measurement Period"
and ValidEncounter.status = 'finished'
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer":
SDE."SDE Payer"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Payer |
define "SDE Payer":
[Coverage: type in "Payer"] Payer
return {
code: Payer.type,
period: Payer.period
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Initial Population |
define "Initial Population":
Patient.gender = 'female'
and Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt" ( FHIRHelpers.ToDate ( Patient.birthDate ), start of "Measurement Period" ) in Interval[51, 74 )
and exists AdultOutpatientEncounters."Qualifying Encounters"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity":
SDE."SDE Ethnicity"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Ethnicity |
define "SDE Ethnicity":
(flatten (
Patient.extension Extension
where Extension.url = ''
return Extension.extension
)) E
where E.url = 'ombCategory'
or E.url = 'detailed'
return E.value as Coding
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Denominator Exclusion |
define "Denominator Exclusion":
Hospice."Has Hospice"
or ( ( exists "Right Mastectomy Diagnosis"
or exists "Right Mastectomy Procedure"
and ( exists "Left Mastectomy"
or exists "Left Mastectomy Procedure"
or exists "Bilateral Mastectomy Diagnosis"
or exists "Bilateral Mastectomy Procedure"
or Frailty."Advanced Illness and Frailty Exclusion Not Including Over Age 80"
or ( Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt" ( FHIRHelpers.ToDate ( Patient.birthDate ), start of "Measurement Period" ) >= 65
and Frailty."Long Term Care Periods Longer Than 90 Consecutive Days"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
Hospice |
Has Hospice |
define "Has Hospice":
exists (
[Encounter: "Encounter Inpatient"] DischargeHospice
where DischargeHospice.status = 'finished'
and (
DischargeHospice.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to home for hospice care (procedure)"
or DischargeHospice.hospitalization.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to healthcare facility for hospice care (procedure)"
and DischargeHospice.period ends during "Measurement Period"
or exists (
[ServiceRequest: "Hospice care ambulatory"] HospiceOrder
where HospiceOrder.intent = 'order'
and HospiceOrder.authoredOn in "Measurement Period"
or exists (
[Procedure: "Hospice care ambulatory"] HospicePerformed
where HospicePerformed.status = 'completed'
and Global."Normalize Interval"(HospicePerformed.performed) overlaps "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Right Mastectomy Diagnosis |
define "Right Mastectomy Diagnosis":
( ( [Condition: "Status Post Right Mastectomy"] )
union ( [Condition: "Unilateral Mastectomy, Unspecified Laterality"] UnilateralMastectomyDiagnosis
where UnilateralMastectomyDiagnosis.bodySite in "Right"
) ) RightMastectomy
where Global."Normalize Interval" ( RightMastectomy.onset ) starts on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Right Mastectomy Procedure |
define "Right Mastectomy Procedure":
[Procedure: "Unilateral Mastectomy Right"] UnilateralMastectomyRightPerformed
where Global."Normalize Interval" ( UnilateralMastectomyRightPerformed.performed ) ends on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
and UnilateralMastectomyRightPerformed.status = 'completed'
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Left Mastectomy |
define "Left Mastectomy":
( ( [Condition: "Status Post Left Mastectomy"] )
union ( [Condition: "Unilateral Mastectomy, Unspecified Laterality"] UnilateralMastectomyDiagnosis
where UnilateralMastectomyDiagnosis.bodySite in "Left"
) ) LeftMastectomy
where Global."Normalize Interval" ( LeftMastectomy.onset ) starts on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Left Mastectomy Procedure |
define "Left Mastectomy Procedure":
[Procedure: "Unilateral Mastectomy Left"] UnilateralMastectomyLeftPerformed
where Global."Normalize Interval" ( UnilateralMastectomyLeftPerformed.performed ) ends on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
and UnilateralMastectomyLeftPerformed.status = 'completed'
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Bilateral Mastectomy Diagnosis |
define "Bilateral Mastectomy Diagnosis":
[Condition: "History of bilateral mastectomy"] BilateralMastectomyHistory
where Global."Normalize Interval" ( BilateralMastectomyHistory.onset ) starts on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
Bilateral Mastectomy Procedure |
define "Bilateral Mastectomy Procedure":
[Procedure: "Bilateral Mastectomy"] BilateralMastectomyPerformed
where Global."Normalize Interval" ( BilateralMastectomyPerformed.performed ) ends on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
and BilateralMastectomyPerformed.status = 'completed'
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusion |
Advanced Illness and Frailty Exclusion Not Including Over Age 80 |
define "Advanced Illness and Frailty Exclusion Not Including Over Age 80":
//If the measure does NOT include populations age 80 and older, then use this logic:
Global."CalendarAgeInYearsAt"(FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate), start of "Measurement Period")>= 65
and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty"
and ( Count("Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness")>= 2
or exists ( "Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness" )
or exists "Dementia Medications In Year Before or During Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusion |
Has Criteria Indicating Frailty |
define "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty":
//Ask Bryn about devices
exists ( [DeviceRequest: "Frailty Device"] FrailtyDeviceOrder
where FrailtyDeviceOrder.authoredOn during "Measurement Period"
or exists ( [DeviceUseStatement: "Frailty Device"] FrailtyDeviceUse
where Global."Normalize Interval"(FrailtyDeviceUse.timing) overlaps "Measurement Period"
or exists ( [Condition: "Frailty Diagnosis"] FrailtyDiagnosis
where Global."Prevalence Period"(FrailtyDiagnosis) overlaps "Measurement Period"
or exists ( [Encounter: "Frailty Encounter"] FrailtyEncounter
where FrailtyEncounter.period overlaps "Measurement Period"
or exists ( [Observation: "Frailty Symptom"] FrailtySymptomObservation
where Global."Normalize Interval"(FrailtySymptomObservation.effective) overlaps "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusion |
Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness |
define "Outpatient Encounters with Advanced Illness":
( [Encounter: "Outpatient"]
union [Encounter: "Observation"]
union [Encounter: "ED"]
union [Encounter: "Nonacute Inpatient"] ) OutpatientEncounter
with [Condition: "Advanced Illness"] AdvancedIllnessDiagnosis
such that exists (
OutpatientEncounter.diagnosis.condition EncounterDiagnosis
where EndsWith(EncounterDiagnosis.reference,
and OutpatientEncounter.period starts 2 years or less on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusion |
Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness |
define "Inpatient Encounter with Advanced Illness":
[Encounter: "Acute Inpatient"] InpatientEncounter
with [Condition: "Advanced Illness"] AdvancedIllnessDiagnosis
such that exists (
InpatientEncounter.diagnosis.condition EncounterDiagnosis
where EndsWith(EncounterDiagnosis.reference,
and InpatientEncounter.period starts 2 years or less on or before
end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusion |
Dementia Medications In Year Before or During Measurement Period |
define "Dementia Medications In Year Before or During Measurement Period":
["MedicationDispense": "Dementia Medications"] DementiaMed
where DementiaMed.whenHandedOver during Interval[
( start of "Measurement Period" - 1 year ), end of "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusion |
Long Term Care Periods Longer Than 90 Consecutive Days |
define "Long Term Care Periods Longer Than 90 Consecutive Days":
exists ( "Long Term Care Periods During Measurement Period" LongTermCareDuringMP
where duration in days of LongTermCareDuringMP > 90
Library Name | Name | sequence |
AdvancedIllnessandFrailtyExclusion |
Long Term Care Periods During Measurement Period |
// start heredefine "Long Term Care Periods During Measurement Period":
( [Encounter: "Care Services in Long-Term Residential Facility"]
union [Encounter: "Nursing Facility Visit"] ) LongTermFacilityEncounter
where LongTermFacilityEncounter.period overlaps "Measurement Period"
return LongTermFacilityEncounter.period
intersect "Measurement Period"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
BCSComponent |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race":
SDE."SDE Race"
Library Name | Name | sequence |
SupplementalDataElements |
SDE Race |
define "SDE Race":
(flatten (
Patient.extension Extension
where Extension.url = ''
return Extension.extension
)) E
where E.url = 'ombCategory'
or E.url = 'detailed'
return E.value as Coding