This page is part of the US Core (v6.1.0: STU6 Update) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 7.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions. Page versions: STU6.1 STU6 STU5 STU4 STU3
Generated Narrative: Observation
Resource Observation "satO2-fiO2"
Profile: US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile
identifier: id: o1223435-10
status: final
category: Vital Signs (Observation Category Codes#vital-signs)
code: Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood (LOINC#2708-6; LOINC#59408-5 "Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry"; ISO 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care#150456 "MDC_PULS_OXIM_SAT_O2")
subject: Patient/example " SHAW"
effective: 2014-12-05 09:30:10+0100
value: 95 % (Details: UCUM code % = '%')
interpretation: Normal (applies to non-numeric results) (ObservationInterpretation#N "Normal")
device: : Acme Pulse Oximeter 2000
- | Low | High |
* | 90 % (Details: UCUM code % = '%') | 99 % (Details: UCUM code % = '%') |
- | Code | Value[x] |
* | Inhaled oxygen flow rate (LOINC#3151-8) | 6 liters/min (Details: UCUM code L/min = 'L/min') |