Error | StructureDefinition.url | Values for url differ: '' vs '' |
Error | StructureDefinition.version | Values for version differ: '3.1.0' vs '3.1.1' |
Information | | Values for name differ: 'USCorePulseOximetryProfile' vs 'UsCorePediatricHeadOccipitalFrontalCircumferencePercentileProfile' |
Information | StructureDefinition.title | Values for title differ: 'US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile' vs 'US Core Pediatric Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Percentile Profile' |
Information | | Values for date differ: '2019-08-20T00:00:00+10:00' vs '2020-07-01' |
Error | StructureDefinition.baseDefinition | Values for baseDefinition differ: '' vs '' |
Warning | Observation | Elements differ in short:
'FHIR Oxygen Saturation Profile'
'FHIR Vital Signs Profile' |
Warning | Observation | Elements differ in definition:
'This profile defines how to represent pulse oximetry and inspired oxygen concentration based on the FHIR Core Vitals Profile.
INSPIRED OXYGEN CONCENTRATION observations in FHIR using a standard LOINC code and UCUM units of measure.'
'This profile defines how to represent head occipital-frontal circumference percentile for patients from birth to 36 months of age in FHIR using a standard LOINC code and UCUM units of measure.' |
Warning | Observation.code | Elements differ in short:
'Oxygen Saturation by Pulse Oximetry'
'Head Occipital-frontal circumference Percentile' |
Warning | Observation.code | Elements differ in definition:
'Oxygen Saturation.'
'Coded Responses from C-CDA Vital Sign Results.' |
Warning | Observation.code | Elements differ in comments:
'The code (59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry) is included as an additional observation code to FHIR Core vital Oxygen Saturation code (2708-6 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood -).'
'additional codes that translate or map to this code are allowed. For example a more granular LOINC code or code that is used locally in a system.' |
Error | Observation.code.coding | Elements differ in definition for mustSupport:
'false' |