HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Breast Cancer Data, Release 1 - US Realm (Draft for Comment)

This page is part of the Breast Cancer Data Logical Models and FHIR Profiles (v0.1.0: STU 1 Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R3. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions



The official URL for this logical model is:


Diagnosis of cancer originating in the tissues of the breast, and potentially spread to other organs of the body.

The BreastCancerPresenceStatement is a subclass of ConditionPresenceStatement, which is a departure from CIMI. In CIMI, this would be a archetype of ClinicalStatement combining a BreastCancerConditionTopic with the ConditionPresenceContext. This would require definition of BreastCancerConditionTopic in the reference model, follwed by introduction of constraints on Value, Category, Stage, and MorphologyBehavior in the corresponding archetype.

CIMI Alignment (and question for reviewers): The Topic of this statement is ‘Neoplasm of the breast’, not ‘Assertion’, with the logic that the topic of the statement is more specific than ‘Assertion’. The result (the value) gives the particular type (histologic type) of the condition. Does this make sense?

This logical model was published on Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 AEDT 2018 as a draft by The HL7 Cancer Interoperability Group sponsored by Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group (CIC).

View the corresponding BreastCancerPresenceStatementProfile profile.

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. oncology-BreastCancerPresenceStatement-model 0..*
... conditionTopic 1..1BackboneElementRepresentation of a condition, independent of context of being present, absent, risk, expectation etc. 'Condition' is interpreted broadly to include disorder, abnormality, problem, injury, complaint, functionality, concern, illness, disease, ailment, sickness, affliction, upset, difficulty, disorder, symptom, etc.
.... value 1..1CodingCode representing representation of a condition, independent of context of being present, absent, risk, expectation etc. 'Condition' is interpreted broadly to include disorder, abnormality, problem, injury, complaint, functionality, concern, illness, disease, ailment, sickness, affliction, upset, difficulty, disorder, symptom, etc.
Binding: BreastCancerTypeVS (required)
.... topicCode 1..1TopicCodeModelThe concept representing the finding or action that is the topic of the statement.
..... value 1..1CodingNeoplasm of breast (disorder)
...... system Σ1..1uriIdentity of the terminology system
Fixed Value: http://snomed.info/sct
...... version Σ0..1stringVersion of the system - if relevant
...... code Σ1..1codeSymbol in syntax defined by the system
Fixed Value: 126926005
...... display Σ0..1stringRepresentation defined by the system
...... userSelected Σ0..1booleanIf this coding was chosen directly by the user
.... findingMethod 0..1FindingMethodModelThe technique used to create the finding; for example, the specific imaging technique, lab test code, or assessment vehicle.
..... value 1..1CodingCode representing the technique used to create the finding; for example, the specific imaging technique, lab test code, or assessment vehicle.
Binding: BreastCancerDetectionVS (preferred)
.... interpretation 0..1InterpretationModelA clinical interpretation of a finding.
.... category 1..*CategoryModelA class or division of people or things having particular shared characteristics
..... value 1..1CodingCode representing a class or division of people or things having particular shared characteristics
Binding: US Core Condition Category Codes (preferred)
.... breastSite 0..*BreastSiteModelA body site specific to the breast structure.
... conditionPresenceContext 1..1ConditionPresenceContextModelThe context for a condition that is known, suspected, or possibly present.
... encounter 0..1EncounterModelAn abstract class that represents an encounter class. This class has been stubbed out to limit the scope of this implementation guide to classes relevant to this ballot concerning breast cancer.
... stage 0..1BackboneElementThe relative advancement in the course of a disease. The value is the summary stage or stage group. StageDetail optionally contains the full staging information.
.... value 1..1CodingCode representing the relative advancement in the course of a disease. The value is the summary stage or stage group. StageDetail optionally contains the full staging information.
.... stageDetail 0..1BackboneElementThe full staging information
..... value 1..1Reference(BC BreastCancerStage Logical Model)The stage of a breast cancer. Different staging systems use different staging groups, so there are currently no terminology bindings associated with this class.
... morphologyBehavior 0..1MorphologyBehaviorModelA description of the morphology and behavioral characteristics of the cancer.
.... value 1..1CodingCode representing a description of the morphology and behavioral characteristics of the cancer.
Binding: MorphologyBehaviorVS (required)

doco Documentation for this format

Downloads: StructureDefinition: (XML, JSON, TTL)


Terminology Bindings

oncology-BreastCancerPresenceStatement-model.conditionTopic.category.valueUS Core Condition Category CodespreferredUS Core Condition Category Codes