HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Breast Cancer Data, Release 1 - US Realm (Draft for Comment)

This page is part of the Breast Cancer Data Logical Models and FHIR Profiles (v0.1.0: STU 1 Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R3. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

BC ExceptionValueCS CodeSystem

Reasons that a value associated with a test or other finding is missing. Extended set based on http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/observation-valueabsentreason

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/us/breastcancer/CodeSystem/cimi-ExceptionValueCS defines the following codes:

missing_refused Human source was asked but declined to respond to the question, or an applicable question was left unanswered.Human source was asked but declined to respond to the question, or an applicable question was left unanswered.
missing_noexplanation The reason the information is not present is not known.The reason the information is not present is not known.
missing_nonesuch The answer is missing because nothing of a type of thing is known to exists, e.g., the siblings of an only child. Also use this code to represent a 'none of the above' answerThe answer is missing because nothing of a type of thing is known to exists, e.g., the siblings of an only child. Also use this code to represent a 'none of the above' answer
missing_collection Missing due to a problem collecting, identifying, or locating the specimen, including patient refusal or unable to provide specimenMissing due to a problem collecting, identifying, or locating the specimen, including patient refusal or unable to provide specimen
missing_specimen Missing due to a problem with the specimen, e.g. inadequate specimen, contamination, clotting, improper tube type, improper storage, too small, etc.Missing due to a problem with the specimen, e.g. inadequate specimen, contamination, clotting, improper tube type, improper storage, too small, etc.
missing_malfunction Missing due to instrument malfunction.Missing due to instrument malfunction.
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This code system is used by the following value sets: