Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)
ACTIVE (not intended for production usage). Published on 2020-08-12 by HL7 International (HL7 Orders and Observations Workgroup:, Keith W. Boone: Copyright (c) 2020, HL7 International, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
This ConceptMap represents a mapping from the HL7 V2 Message ADT_A04 to the FHIR Message Bundle.
Group 1Mapping from
unspecified code system
unspecified code system
Source Code | Relationship | Target Code |
ADT_A04.MSH (Message Header) | is equivalent to | Bundle |
ADT_A04.MSH (Message Header) | is equivalent to | MessageHeader[1] |
ADT_A04.MSH (Message Header) | is equivalent to | Provenance[1] |
ADT_A04.SFT (Software Segment) | is equivalent to | MessageHeader[1] |
ADT_A04.EVN (Event Type) | is equivalent to | Provenance[3] |
ADT_A04.PID (Patient Identification) | is equivalent to | Patient[1] |
ADT_A04.PD1 (Additional Demographics) | is equivalent to | Patient[1] |
ADT_A04:follow:PID.ARV (Access Restrictions) | is equivalent to | Patient[1] |
ADT_A04:follow:PID.ROL (Role) | is equivalent to | Patient[1] |
ADT_A04:follow:PID.ROL (Role) | is equivalent to | RelatedPerson[1] |
ADT_A04.NEXT_OF_KIN.NK1 (Next of Kin / Associated Parties) | is equivalent to | RelatedPerson[2] |
ADT_A04.NEXT_OF_KIN.NK1 (Next of Kin / Associated Parties) | is equivalent to | Patient[1] |
ADT_A04.PV1 (Patient Visit) | is equivalent to | Encounter[1] |
ADT_A04.PV1 (Patient Visit) | is equivalent to | Patient[1] |
ADT_A04.PV2 (Patient Visit - Additional Info.) | is equivalent to | Encounter[1] |
ADT_A04:follow:PV1.ARV (Access Restrictions) | is equivalent to | Encounter[1] |
ADT_A04.ROL (Role) | is equivalent to | Encounter[1] |
ADT_A04.OBSERVATIONADT_A04.OBX (Observation/Result) | is equivalent to | Observation |
ADT_A04.OBSERVATIONADT_A04.OBX (Observation/Result) | is equivalent to | Observation |
ADT_A04.AL1 (Allergy Information) | is equivalent to | AllergyIntolerance |
ADT_A04.DG1 (Diagnosis Information) | is equivalent to | Condition |
ADT_A04.DG1 (Diagnosis Information) | is equivalent to | Encounter[1] |
ADT_A04.DG1 (Diagnosis Information) | is equivalent to | Encounter[1] |
ADT_A04.DG1 (Diagnosis Information) | is equivalent to | EpisodeOfCare[1] |
ADT_A04.PROCEDUREADT_A04.PR1 (Procedures) | is equivalent to | Procedure |
ADT_A04.INSURANCEADT_A04.IN1 (Insurance) | is equivalent to | Coverage[1] |
ADT_A04.INSURANCEADT_A04.IN2 (Insurance Additional Info.) | is equivalent to | Coverage[1] |
ADT_A04.INSURANCEADT_A04.IN3 (Insurance Additional Info - Cert.) | is equivalent to | Coverage[1] |