FHIRv3AddressUse (http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/101)

Mapping from AddressUse to AddressUse

DRAFT (not intended for production usage). Published on 2012-06-13 by HL7, Inc (FHIR project team (example): http://hl7.org/fhir). Creative Commons 0

A mapping between the FHIR and HL7 v3 AddressUse Code systems

Group 1Mapping from AddressUse to AddressUse

Source Code Relationship Target Code Comment
home is equivalent to H (home address)
work is equivalent to WP (work place)
temp (Temporary) is equivalent to TMP (temporary address)
old (Old / Incorrect) is not related to BAD (bad address) In the HL7 v3 AD, old is handled by the usablePeriod element, but you have to provide a time, there's no simple equivalent of flagging an address as old
<status value="draft"/> <experimental value="true"/> <date value="2012-06-13"/> <publisher value="HL7, Inc"/> <contact> <name value="FHIR project team (example)"/> <telecom> <system value="url"/> <value value="http://hl7.org/fhir"/> </telecom> </contact> <description value="A mapping between the FHIR and HL7 v3 AddressUse Code systems"/> <useContext> <code> <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/usage-context-type"/> <code value="venue"/> </code> <valueCodeableConcept> <text value="for CCDA Usage"/> </valueCodeableConcept> </useContext> <jurisdiction> <coding> <system value="urn:iso:std:iso:3166"/> <code value="US"/> </coding> </jurisdiction> <purpose value="To help implementers map from FHIR to HL7 v3/CDA"/> <copyright value="Creative Commons 0"/> <sourceScopeUri value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/address-use"/> <targetScopeUri value="http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-AddressUse"/> <group> <source value="http://hl7.org/fhir/address-use"/> <target value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-AddressUse"/> <element> <code value="home"/> <display value="Home"/> <target> <code value="H"/> <display value="home address"/> <relationship value="equivalent"/> </target> </element> <element> <code value="work"/> <display value="Work"/> <target> <code value="WP"/> <display value="work place"/> <relationship value="equivalent"/> </target> </element> <element> <code value="temp"/> <display value="Temporary"/> <target> <code value="TMP"/> <display value="temporary address"/> <relationship value="equivalent"/> </target> </element> <element> <code value="old"/> <display value="Old / Incorrect"/> <target> <code value="BAD"/> <display value="bad address"/> <relationship value="not-related-to"/> <comment value="In the HL7 v3 AD, old is handled by the usablePeriod element, but you have to provide a time, there's no simple equivalent of flagging an address as old"/> </target> </element> <unmapped> <mode value="fixed"/> <code value="temp"/> <display value="temp"/> <relationship value="related-to"/> </unmapped> </group> </ConceptMap>