ExampleMetadata (http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/example-metadata)

Mapping from AddressUse to AddressUse

DRAFT (not intended for production usage). Published on 2021-07-21 by FHIR (Example) (FHIR project team: http://hl7.org/fhir).

This is an example concept map that illustrates usage of the metadata resource elements introduced in R5

Group 1Mapping from AddressUse to AddressUse

Source Code Relationship Target Code Comment
home is equivalent to H (home address)
work is equivalent to WP (work place)
temp (Temporary) is equivalent to TMP (temporary address)
old (Old / Incorrect) is not related to BAD (bad address) In the HL7 v3 AD, old is handled by the usablePeriod element, but you have to provide a time, there's no simple equivalent of flagging an address as old
<status value="draft"/> <experimental value="true"/> <date value="2021-07-21"/> <publisher value="FHIR (Example)"/> <contact> <name value="FHIR project team"/> <telecom> <system value="url"/> <value value="http://hl7.org/fhir"/> </telecom> </contact> <description value="This is an example concept map that illustrates usage of the metadata resource elements introduced in R5"/> <approvalDate value="2021-07-21"/> <lastReviewDate value="2022-07-21"/> <effectivePeriod> <start value="2021-08-01"/> <end value="2022-07-31"/> </effectivePeriod> <topic> <coding> <system value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/definition-topic"/> <code value="treatment"/> <display value="Treatment"/> </coding> </topic> <author> <name value="ACME ConceptMap Development"/> <telecom> <system value="url"/> <value value="http://acme.org/development"/> </telecom> </author> <editor> <name value="ACME ConceptMap Management"/> <telecom> <system value="url"/> <value value="http://acme.org/management"/> </telecom> </editor> <reviewer> <name value="Society for Creative ConceptMap Review"/> <telecom> <system value="url"/> <value value="http://example.org/sccr"/> </telecom> </reviewer> <endorser> <name value="National Foundation for ConceptMap Quality"/> <telecom> <system value="url"/> <value value="http://example.org/nfcq"/> </telecom> </endorser> <relatedArtifact> <type value="derived-from"/> <resource value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/example"/> </relatedArtifact> <sourceScopeUri value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/address-use"/> <targetScopeUri value="http://terminology.hl7.org/ValueSet/v3-AddressUse"/> <group> <source value="http://hl7.org/fhir/address-use"/> <target value="http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-AddressUse"/> <element> <code value="home"/> <display value="Home"/> <target> <code value="H"/> <display value="home address"/> <relationship value="equivalent"/> </target> </element> <element> <code value="work"/> <display value="Work"/> <target> <code value="WP"/> <display value="work place"/> <relationship value="equivalent"/> </target> </element> <element> <code value="temp"/> <display value="Temporary"/> <target> <code value="TMP"/> <display value="temporary address"/> <relationship value="equivalent"/> </target> </element> <element> <code value="old"/> <display value="Old / Incorrect"/> <target> <code value="BAD"/> <display value="bad address"/> <relationship value="not-related-to"/> <comment value="In the HL7 v3 AD, old is handled by the usablePeriod element, but you have to provide a time, there's no simple equivalent of flagging an address as old"/> </target> </element> <unmapped> <mode value="fixed"/> <code value="temp"/> <display value="temp"/> <relationship value="related-to"/> </unmapped> </group> </ConceptMap>