SNOMEDCTToICD10CMMappingsForFractureOfUlna (

Mapping from to (not specified)

DRAFT (not intended for production usage). Published on 2012-06-13 by HL7, Inc (FHIR project team (example): Creative Commons 0

Example rule-based mappings between SNOMED CT to ICD-10-CM for fracture of ulna

Group 1Mapping from SNOMED CT International Edition to International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM)

Source Code Relationship Target Code Comment
263204007 (Fracture of shaft of ulna) is broader than S52.209A (Unsp fracture of shaft of unsp ulna, init for clos fx) The target mapping to ICD-10-CM is 'source-is-broader-than-target', since additional patient data on the encounter (initial vs. subsequent) and fracture type is required for a valid ICD-10-CM mapping.
263204007 (Fracture of shaft of ulna) is broader than S52.209D (Unsp fx shaft of unsp ulna, subs for clos fx w routn heal) The target mapping to ICD-10-CM is 'source-is-broader-than-target', since additional patient data on the encounter (initial vs. subsequent), fracture type and healing (for subsequent encounter) is required for a valid ICD-10-CM mapping.
<status value="draft"/><experimental value="true"/><date value="2012-06-13"/><publisher value="HL7, Inc"/><contact><name value="FHIR project team (example)"/><telecom><system value="url"/><value value=""/></telecom></contact><description value="Example rule-based mappings between SNOMED CT to ICD-10-CM for fracture of ulna"/><jurisdiction><coding><system value=""/><code value="840"/><display value="United States of America"/></coding></jurisdiction><purpose value="Show example rule based mappings"/><copyright value="Creative Commons 0"/><sourceScopeCanonical value=""/><group><source value=""/><target value=""/><element><code value="263204007"/><target><code value="S52.209A"/><relationship value="source-is-broader-than-target"/><comment value="The target mapping to ICD-10-CM is 'source-is-broader-than-target', since additional patient data on the encounter (initial vs. subsequent) and fracture type is required for a valid ICD-10-CM mapping."/></target></element><element><code value="263204007"/><target><code value="S52.209D"/><relationship value="source-is-broader-than-target"/><comment value="The target mapping to ICD-10-CM is 'source-is-broader-than-target', since additional patient data on the encounter (initial vs. subsequent), fracture type and healing (for subsequent encounter) is required for a valid ICD-10-CM mapping."/></target></element></group></ConceptMap>