NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. TestReport TUDomainResourceDescribes the results of a TestScript execution
Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
... identifier Σ0..1IdentifierExternal identifier
... name Σ0..1stringInformal name of the executed TestScript
... status ?!Σ1..1codecompleted | in-progress | waiting | stopped | entered-in-error
TestReportStatus (Required)
... testScript Σ1..1Reference(TestScript)Reference to the version-specific TestScript that was executed to produce this TestReport
... result Σ1..1codepass | fail | pending
TestReportResult (Required)
... score Σ0..1decimalThe final score (percentage of tests passed) resulting from the execution of the TestScript
... tester Σ0..1stringName of the tester producing this report (Organization or individual)
... issued Σ0..1dateTimeWhen the TestScript was executed and this TestReport was generated
... participant 0..*BackboneElementA participant in the test execution, either the execution engine, a client, or a server
.... type 1..1codetest-engine | client | server
TestReportParticipantType (Required)
.... uri 1..1uriThe uri of the participant. An absolute URL is preferred
.... display 0..1stringThe display name of the participant
... setup 0..1BackboneElementThe results of the series of required setup operations before the tests were executed
.... action I1..*BackboneElementA setup operation or assert that was executed
+ Rule: Setup action SHALL contain either an operation or assert but not both.
..... operation 0..1BackboneElementThe operation to perform
...... result 1..1codepass | skip | fail | warning | error
TestReportActionResult (Required)
...... message 0..1markdownA message associated with the result
...... detail 0..1uriA link to further details on the result
..... assert 0..1BackboneElementThe assertion to perform
...... result 1..1codepass | skip | fail | warning | error
TestReportActionResult (Required)
...... message 0..1markdownA message associated with the result
...... detail 0..1stringA link to further details on the result
... test 0..*BackboneElementA test executed from the test script
.... name 0..1stringTracking/logging name of this test
.... description 0..1stringTracking/reporting short description of the test
.... action I1..*BackboneElementA test operation or assert that was performed
+ Rule: Test action SHALL contain either an operation or assert but not both.
..... operation 0..1see operationThe operation performed
..... assert 0..1see assertThe assertion performed
... teardown 0..1BackboneElementThe results of running the series of required clean up steps
.... action 1..*BackboneElementOne or more teardown operations performed
..... operation 1..1see operationThe teardown operation performed

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