Intersection of and

This is the set of resources that conform to both Procedure Estimated Blood Loss Section ( and Procedure Estimated Blood Loss Section (


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Section 1..1Base for all types and resources
... nullFlavor 0..1??, ??Binding: ?? (required)
... realmCode 0..*CS
... typeId 0..1II
.... nullFlavor 0..1??, ??Binding: ?? (required)
.... assigningAuthorityName 0..1??, ??
.... displayable 0..1??, ??
.... root 1..1??, ??, ??, ??
.... extension 1..1??, ??
... ID 0..1??, ??
... classCode 0..1??, ??Binding: ?? (required)
... moodCode 0..1??, ??Binding: ?? (required)
... code 1..1CEleft: Procedure Estimated Blood Loss; right: Procedure estimated blood loss Narrative
Binding: ?? (example)
.... nullFlavor 0..1??, ??Binding: ?? (required)
.... code 1..1??, ??
.... codeSystem 1..1??, ??, ??, ??
.... codeSystemName 0..1??, ??
.... codeSystemVersion 0..1??, ??
.... displayName 0..1??, ??
.... sdtcValueSet 0..1??, ??
.... sdtcValueSetVersion 0..1??, ??
.... originalText 0..1ED
.... translation 0..*CD
... title 1..1ST
... text 1..1xhtmlleft: The Estimated Blood Loss section SHALL include a statement providing an estimate of the amount of blood lost during the procedure, even if the estimate is text, such as "minimal" or "none" (CONF:81-8741).; right: The Estimated Blood Loss section SHALL include a statement providing an estimate of the amount of blood lost during the procedure, even if the estimate is text, such as "minimal" or "none" (CONF:81-8741).
... confidentialityCode 0..1CE
... languageCode 0..1CSBinding: ?? (required)
... subject 0..1Subject
... author 0..*Author
... informant 0..*Informant
... entry 0..*Entry
... component 0..*InfrastructureRoot
.... nullFlavor 0..1??, ??Binding: ?? (required)
.... realmCode 0..*CS
.... typeId 0..1II
..... nullFlavor 0..1??, ??Binding: ?? (required)
..... assigningAuthorityName 0..1??, ??
..... displayable 0..1??, ??
..... root 1..1??, ??, ??, ??
..... extension 1..1??, ??
.... templateId 0..*II
.... typeCode 0..1??, ??
.... contextConductionInd 0..1??, ??
.... section 1..1Section

doco Documentation for this format