Name | Value | Comments |
compose.inactive | | |
compose.lockedDate | | |
copyright | | |
date | 2022-04-08T01:02:23-04:00 | 2022-06-29T01:02:31-04:00 | |
description | Created to group the old value set from HL7 code system with the new value set using SNOMEDCT and containing the extended set of care team member roles. | removed two codes that were not in the original version of the code system. | |
experimental | false | |
immutable | | |
jurisdiction | | |
 jurisdiction[0] | urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US | |
name | CareTeamMemberFunction | ParticipationFunction | |
publisher | HL7 Terminology | |
purpose | (Clinical Focus: This set of concepts describes the function performed on a patient-centered care team. This value set contains concepts that describe a functional role played by a member of a care team on a particular care team.),(Data Element Scope: A functional role on a patient's care team.),(Inclusion Criteria: The set of commonly played roles on a patient-centered care team.),(Exclusion Criteria: Functional roles on care teams that are not patient-centered. For example, hospital's may define teams of practitioners who fill roles that are relevant to the function of the hospital's operation. These roles would not be included when they are not roles that would be played on a patient-centered care team.) | (Clinical Focus: This code is used to specify the exact function an actor had in a service in all necessary detail. This domain may include local extensions (CWE).),(Data Element Scope: ),(Inclusion Criteria: ),(Exclusion Criteria: ) | |
status | active | |
title | Care Team Member Function | ParticipationFunction | |
url | | | |
version | 20190418 | 20220629 | |