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A Universal Resource Locator (URL) is a type of telecommunications address specified as Internet standard RFC 1738 []. The URL specifies the protocol and the contact point defined by that protocol for the resource.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 L:  (fax) 14868 fax Fax

A telephone number served by a fax device [ and].

1 L:  (file) 14872 file File

Host-specific local file names [RCF 1738]. Note that the file scheme works only for local files. There is little use for exchanging local file names between systems, since the receiving system likely will not be able to access the file.

1 L:  (ftp) 14871 ftp FTP

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [].

1 L:  (http) 14870 http HTTP

Hypertext Transfer Protocol [].

1 L:  (mailto) 14869 mailto Mailto

Electronic mail address [].

1 L:  (mllp) 20931 mllp MLLP
1 L:  (modem) 14875 modem Modem

A telephone number served by a modem device [ and].

1 L:  (nfs) 14873 nfs NFS

Network File System protocol []. Some sites use NFS servers to share data files.

1 L:  (tel) 14867 tel Telephone

A voice telephone number [ and].

1 L:  (telnet) 14874 telnet Telnet

Reference to interactive sessions []. Some sites, (e.g., laboratories) have TTY based remote query sessions that can be accessed through telnet.

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