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(abstract) Used within an instance to give the author some control over various aspects of rendering

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 A: FontStyle V19608

(abstract) Defines font rendering characteristics

2   L:  (BOLD) 20875 BOLD Bold Font

Render with a bold font

2   L:  (EMPHASIS) 20878 EMPHASIS Emphasised Font

Render with with some type of emphasis

2   L:  (ITALICS) 20877 ITALICS Italics Font

Render italicized

2   L:  (UNDERLINE) 20876 UNDERLINE Underline Font

Render with an underline font

1 A: ListStyle V19610

Defines list rendering characteristics

2   A: OrderedListStyle V19611

Defines rendering characteristics for ordered lists

3     L:  (ARABIC) 20883 ARABIC Arabic

List is ordered using Arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3

3     L:  (BIG.ALPHA) 20887 BIG.ALPHA Big Alpha

List is ordered using big alpha characters: A, B, C

3     L:  (BIG.ROMAN) 20885 BIG.ROMAN Big Roman

List is ordered using big Roman numerals: I, II, III

3     L:  (LITTLE.ALPHA) 20886 LITTLE.ALPHA Little Alpha

List is order using little alpha characters: a, b, c

3     L:  (LITTLE.ROMAN) 20884 LITTLE.ROMAN Little Roman

List is ordered using little Roman numerals: i, ii, iii

2   A: UnorderedListStyle V19612

Defines rendering characteristics for unordered lists

3     L:  (CIRCLE) 20889 CIRCLE Circle

List bullets are hollow discs

3     L:  (DISC) 20888 DISC Disc

List bullets are simple solid discs

3     L:  (SQUARE) 20890 SQUARE Square

List bullets are solid squares

1 A: TableRuleStyle V19609

(abstract) Defines table cell rendering characteristics

2   L:  (BOTRULE) 20882 BOTRULE Bottom Rule

Render cell with rule on bottom

2   L:  (LRULE) 20879 LRULE Left-sided rule

Render cell with left-sided rule

2   L:  (RRULE) 20880 RRULE Right-sided rule

Render cell with right-sided rule

2   L:  (TORULE) 20881 TORULE Top Rule

Render cell with rule on top

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