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RoleClass    NormativeStandard1

This table includes codes for the Role class hierarchy. The values in this hierarchy, represent a Role which is an association or relationship between two entities - the entity that plays the role and the entity that scopes the role. Roles names are derived from the name of the playing entity in that role.

The role hierarchy stems from three core concepts, or abstract domains:

  • RoleClassOntological is an abstract domain that collects roles in which the playing entity is defined or specified by the scoping entity.

  • RoleClassPartitive collects roles in which the playing entity is in some sense a "part" of the scoping entity.

  • RoleClassAssociative collects all of the remaining forms of association between the playing entity and the scoping entity. This set of roles is further partitioned between:

    • RoleClassPassive which are roles in which the playing entity is used, known, treated, handled, built, or destroyed, etc. under the auspices of the scoping entity. The playing entity is passive in these roles in that the role exists without an agreement from the playing entity.

    • RoleClassMutualRelationship which are relationships based on mutual behavior of the two entities. The basis of these relationship may be formal agreements or they may be de facto behavior. Thus, this sub-domain is further divided into:

      • RoleClassRelationshipFormal in which the relationship is formally defined, frequently by a contract or agreement.

      • Personal relationship which inks two people in a personal relationship.

The hierarchy discussed above is represented In the current vocabulary tables as a set of abstract domains, with the exception of the "Personal relationship" which is a leaf concept.

This table controls values for structural elements of the HL7 Reference Information Model. Therefore, it is part of the Normative Ballot for the RIM.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 S: RoleClassRoot (ROL) V13940 ROL role

Corresponds to the Role class

2   A: RoleClassAssociative V19313

A general association between two entities that is neither partitive nor ontological.

3     A: RoleClassMutualRelationship V19316

A relationship that is based on mutual behavior of the two Entities as being related. The basis of such relationship may be agreements (e.g., spouses, contract parties) or they may be de facto behavior (e.g. friends) or may be an incidental involvement with each other (e.g. parties over a dispute, siblings, children).

4       A: RoleClassRelationshipFormal V10416

A relationship between two entities that is formally recognized, frequently by a contract or similar agreement.

5         S: LicensedEntityRole (LIC) V16773 LIC licensed entity

A relationship in which the scoper certifies the player ( e. g. a medical care giver, a medical device or a provider organization) to perform certain activities that fall under the jurisdiction of the scoper (e.g., a health authority licensing healthcare providers, a medical quality authority certifying healthcare professionals).

6           L:  (NOT) 11576 NOT notary public
6           L:  (PROV) 11599 PROV healthcare provider

An Entity (player) that is authorized to provide health care services by some authorizing agency (scoper).

5         S: RoleClassAgent (AGNT) V14006 AGNT agent

An entity (player) that acts or is authorized to act on behalf of another entity (scoper).

6           S: RoleClassAssignedEntity (ASSIGNED) V11595 ASSIGNED assigned entity

An agent role in which the agent is an Entity acting in the employ of an organization. The focus is on functional role on behalf of the organization, unlike the Employee role where the focus is on the 'Human Resources' relationship between the employee and the organization.

7             S: RoleClassContact (CON) V12205 CON contact

A person or an organization (player) which provides or receives information regarding another entity (scoper). Examples; patient NOK and emergency contacts; guarantor contact; employer contact.

8               L:  (ECON) 19140 ECON emergency contact

An entity to be contacted in the event of an emergency.

8               L:  (NOK) 19141 NOK next of kin

An individual designated for notification as the next of kin for a given entity.

7             L:  (COMPAR) 20853 COMPAR commissioning party

An Entity that is authorized to issue or instantiate permissions, privileges, credentials or other formal/legal authorizations.

7             L:  (SGNOFF) 14007 SGNOFF signing authority or officer

The role of a person (player) who is the officer or signature authority for of a scoping entity, usually an organization (scoper).

6           L:  (GUARD) 16324 GUARD guardian

Guardian of a ward

5         S: RoleClassEmployee (EMP) V11569 EMP employee

A relationship between a person or organization and a person or organization formed for the purpose of exchanging work for compensation. The purpose of the role is to identify the type of relationship the employee has to the employer, rather than the nature of the work actually performed. (Contrast with AssignedEntity.)

6           L:  (MIL) 11570 MIL military person

A role played by a member of a military service. Scoper is the military service (e.g. Army, Navy, Air Force, etc.) or, more specifically, the unit (e.g. Company C, 3rd Battalion, 4th Division, etc.)

5         S: RoleClassInvestigationSubject (INVSBJ) V19587 INVSBJ Investigation Subject

An entity that is the subject of an investigation. This role is scoped by the party responsible for the investigation.

6           L:  (CASESBJ) 20848 CASESBJ Case Subject

A person, non-person living subject, or place that is the subject of an investigation related to a notifiable condition (health circumstance that is reportable within the applicable public health jurisdiction).

6           L:  (RESBJ) 19166 RESBJ research subject

A living subject to whom, or on behalf of whom, the procedures of an experiment are applied.

5         L:  (CIT) 11568 CIT citizen

Citizen of apolitical entity

5         L:  (COVPTY) 14011 COVPTY covered party

A role class played by a person who receives benefit coverage under the terms of a particular insurance policy. The underwriter of that policy is the scoping entity. The covered party receives coverage because of some contractual or other relationship with the holder of that policy. This reason for coverage is captured in 'Role.code' and a relationship link with type code of indirect authority should be included using the policy holder role as the source, and the covered party role as the target.

Note that a particular policy may cover several individuals one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder.

5         L:  (CRINV) 19164 CRINV clinical research investigator

A role played by a provider, always a person, who has agency authority from a Clinical Research Sponsor to direct the conduct of a clinical research trial or study on behalf of the sponsor.

5         L:  (CRSPNSR) 19165 CRSPNSR clinical research sponsor

A role played by an entity, usually an organization, that is the sponsor of a clinical research trial or study. The sponsor commissions the study, bears the expenses, is responsible for satisfying all legal requirements concerning subject safety and privacy, and is generally responsible for collection, storage and analysis of the data generated during the trial. No scoper is necessary, as a clinical research sponsor undertakes the role on its own authority and declaration. Clinical research sponsors are usually educational or other research organizations, government agencies or biopharmaceutical companies.

5         L:  (GUAR) 13941 GUAR guarantor

A person or organization (player) that serves as a financial guarantor for another person or organization (scoper).

5         L:  (PAT) 11577 PAT patient

Scoped by a provider

5         L:  (PAYEE) 14015 PAYEE payee

The role of an organization or individual designated to receive payment for a claim against a particular coverage. The scoping entity is the organization that is the submitter of the invoice in question.

5         L:  (PAYOR) 14014 PAYOR invoice payor

The role of an organization that undertakes to accept claims invoices, assess the coverage or payments due for those invoices and pay to the designated payees for those invoices. This role may be either the underwriter or a third-party organization authorized by the underwriter. The scoping entity is the organization that underwrites the claimed coverage.

5         L:  (POLHOLD) 14010 POLHOLD policy holder

A role played by an entity, usually an individual who holds an insurance policy. The underwriter of that policy is the scoping entity. Equivalent terms are policy owner and subscriber. The identifier of the policy is captured in '' when the Role is a policy holder.

A particular policy may cover several individuals one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder.

5         L:  (QUAL) 11619 QUAL qualified entity

An entity (player) that has been recognized as having certain training/experience or other characteristics that would make said entity an appropriate performer for a certain activity. The scoper is an organization that educates or qualifies entities.

5         L:  (SPNSR) 14012 SPNSR sponsor

A role played by an entity, usually an organization that is the sponsor of an insurance plan. The underwriter of that plan is the scoping entity. Examples include the case where a particular corporation may sponsor a plan for its employees, but the individual policies are a contractual obligation between the employees and the underwriter. In general, the role of the sponsor is to negotiate and establish the terms of the plan and to qualify individuals who may become policy holders under the plan.

5         L:  (STD) 12248 STD student

A role played by an individual who is a student of a school, which is the scoping entity.

5         L:  (UNDWRT) 14009 UNDWRT underwriter

A role played by an organization that underwrites or accepts fiscal responsibility for insurance plans and the policies created under those plans.

4       L:  (CAREGIVER) 20895 CAREGIVER caregiver

A person responsible for the primary care of a patient at home.

4       L:  (PRS) 19167 PRS personal relationship

Links two people in a personal relationship. The character of the relationship must be defined by a PersonalRelationshipRoleType code. The player and scoper are determined by PersonalRelationshipRoleType code as well.

3     A: RoleClassPassive V19105

An association for a playing Entity that is used, known, treated, handled, built, or destroyed, etc. under the auspices of the scoping Entity. The playing Entity is passive in these roles (even though it may be active in other roles), in the sense that the kinds of things done to it in this role happen without an agreement from the playing Entity.

4       S: RoleClassDistributedMaterial (DST) V10418 DST distributed material

A material (player) distributed by a distributor (scoper) who functions between a manufacturer and a buyer or retailer.

5         L:  (RET) 10419 RET retailed material

Material (player) sold by a retailer (scoper), who also give advice to prospective buyers.

4       S: RoleClassManufacturedProduct (MANU) V11580 MANU manufactured product

Scoped by the manufacturer

5         L:  (THER) 11581 THER therapeutic agent

A manufactured material (player) that is used for its therapeutic properties. The manufacturer is the scoper.

4       S: RoleClassServiceDeliveryLocation (SDLOC) V16927 SDLOC service delivery location

A role played by a place at which services may be provided.

5         L:  (DSDLOC) 11600 DSDLOC dedicated service delivery location

A role of a place (player) that is intended to house the provision of services. Scoper is the Entity (typically Organization) that provides these services. This is not synonymous with "ownership."

5         L:  (ISDLOC) 16929 ISDLOC incidental service delivery location

A role played by a place at which health care services may be provided without prior designation or authorization.

4       L:  (ACCESS) 11592 ACCESS access

A role in which the playing entity (material) provides access to another entity. The principal use case is intravenous (or other bodily) access lines that preexist and need to be referred to for medication routing instructions.

4       L:  (BIRTHPL) 11589 BIRTHPL birthplace

Relates a place (playing Entity) as the location where a living subject (scoping Entity) was born.

4       L:  (EXPR) 19131 EXPR exposed entity

A role played by an entity that has been exposed to a person or animal suffering a contagious disease, or with a location from which a toxin has been distributed. The player of the role is normally a person or animal, but it is possible that other entity types could become exposed. The role is scoped by the source of the exposure, and it is quite possible for a person playing the role of exposed party to also become the scoper a role played by another person. That is to say, once a person has become infected, it is possible, perhaps likely, for that person to infect others.

Management of exposures and tracking exposed parties is a key function within public health, and within most public health contexts - exposed parties are known as "contacts."

4       L:  (HLD) 10422 HLD held entity

Entity that is currently in the possession of a holder (scoper), who holds, or uses it, usually based on some agreement with the owner.

4       L:  (HLTHCHRT) 11618 HLTHCHRT health chart

The role of a material (player) that is the physical health chart belonging to an organization (scoper).

4       L:  (IDENT) 16721 IDENT identified entity

Roles played by entities and scoped by entities that identify them for various purposes.

4       L:  (MNT) 10427 MNT maintained entity

An entity (player) that is maintained by another entity (scoper). This is typical role held by durable equipment. The scoper assumes responsibility for proper operation, quality, and safety.

4       L:  (OWN) 10421 OWN owned entity

An Entity (player) for which someone (scoper) is granted by law the right to call the material (player) his own. This entitles the scoper to make decisions about the disposition of that material.

4       L:  (RGPR) 19132 RGPR regulated product

A product regulated by some governmentatl orgnization. The role is played by Material and scoped by Organization.

Rationale: To support an entity clone used to identify the NDC number for a drug product.

4       L:  (TERR) 11583 TERR territory of authority

Relates a place entity (player) as the region over which the scoper (typically an Organization) has certain authority (jurisdiction). For example, the Calgary Regional Health Authority (scoper) has authority over the territory "Region 4 of Alberta" (player) in matters of health.

4       L:  (WRTE) 16300 WRTE warranted product

A role a product plays when a guarantee is given to the purchaser by the seller (scoping entity) stating that the product is reliable and free from known defects and that the seller will repair or replace defective parts within a given time limit and under certain conditions.

2   A: RoleClassOntological V10428

A relationship in which the scoping Entity defines or specifies what the playing Entity is. Thus, the player's "being" (Greek: ontos) is specified.

3     S: RoleClassIsSpeciesEntity (GEN) V10441 GEN has generalization

Relates a specialized material concept (player) to its generalization (scoper).

4       L:  (GRIC) 10442 GRIC has generic

A special link between pharmaceuticals indicating that the target (scoper) is a generic for the source (player).

3     L:  (INST) 10443 INST instance

An individual piece of material (player) instantiating a class of material (scoper).

3     L:  (SUBS) 16241 SUBS subsumer

An entity that subsumes the identity of another. Used in the context of merging documented entity instances. Both the player and scoper must have the same classCode.

The use of this code is deprecated in favor of the term SUBY which is its inverse and is more ontologically correct.

3     L:  (SUBY) 20070 SUBY subsumed by

Relates a prevailing record of an Entity (scoper) with another record (player) that it subsumes.

Examples: Show a correct new Person object (scoper) that subsumes one or more duplicate Person objects that had accidentally been created for the same physical person.

Constraints: Both the player and scoper must have the same classCode.

2   A: RoleClassPartitive V10429

An association between two Entities where the playing Entity is considered in some way "part" of the scoping Entity, e.g., as a member, component, ingredient, or content. Being "part" in the broadest sense of the word can mean anything from being an integral structural component to a mere incidental temporary association of a playing Entity with a (generally larger) scoping Entity.

3     S: RoleClassIngredientEntity (INGR) V10430 INGR ingredient

Relates a component (player) to a mixture (scoper). E.g., Glucose and Water are ingredients of D5W, latex may be an ingredient in a tracheal tube.

4       S: RoleClassInactiveIngredient (IACT) V19089 IACT inactive ingredient
5         L:  (COLR) 10437 COLR color additive

A substance (player) influencing the optical aspect of material (scoper).

5         L:  (FLVR) 10436 FLVR flavor additive

A substance (player) added to a mixture (scoper) to make it taste a certain way. In food the use is obvious, in pharmaceuticals flavors can hide disgusting taste of the active ingredient (important in pediatric treatments).

5         L:  (PRSV) 10435 PRSV preservative

A substance (player) added to a mixture (scoper) to prevent microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) to spoil the mixture.

5         L:  (STBL) 10434 STBL stabilizer

A stabilizer (player) added to a mixture (scoper) in order to prevent the molecular disintegration of the main substance.

4       L:  (ACTI) 10433 ACTI active ingredient

A therapeutically active ingredient (player) in a mixture (scoper), where the mixture is typically a manufactured pharmaceutical.

4       L:  (ACTM) 19088 ACTM active moiety
4       L:  (ADTV) 10432 ADTV additive

An ingredient (player) that is added to a base (scoper), that amounts to a minor part of the overall mixture.

4       L:  (BASE) 10431 BASE base

A base ingredient (player) is what comprises the major part of a mixture (scoper). E.g., Water in most i.v. solutions, or Vaseline in salves. Among all ingredients of a material, there should be only one base. A base substance can, in turn, be a mixture.

3     S: RoleClassLocatedEntity (LOCE) V16815 LOCE located entity

Relates an entity (player) to a location (scoper) at which it is present in some way. This presence may be limited in time.

4       L:  (STOR) 16817 STOR stored entity

Relates an entity (player) (e.g. a device) to a location (scoper) at which it is normally found or stored when not used.

3     S: RoleClassSpecimen (SPEC) V11591 SPEC specimen

A role played by a material entity that is a specimen for an act. It is scoped by the source of the specimen.

4       L:  (ALQT) 14026 ALQT aliquot

A portion (player) of an original or source specimen (scoper) used for testing or transportation.

4       L:  (ISLT) 16302 ISLT isolate

A microorganism that has been isolated from other microorganisms or a source matrix.

3     L:  (CONT) 10438 CONT content

Relates a material as the content (player) to a container (scoper). Unlike ingredients, the content and a container remain separate (not mixed) and the content can be removed from the container. A content is not part of an empty container.

3     L:  (MBR) 12204 MBR member

A role played by an entity that is a member of a group. The group provides the scope for this role.

Among other uses, groups as used in insurance (groups of covered individuals) and in scheduling where resources may be grouped for scheduling and logistical purposes.

3     L:  (PART) 19102 PART part

An association between two Entities where the playing Entity is considered in some way "part" of the scoping Entity, e.g., as a member, component, ingredient, or content. Being "part" in the broadest sense of the word can mean anything from being an integral structural component to a mere incidental temporary association of a playing Entity with a (generally larger) scoping Entity.

2   A: x_DocumentEntrySubject V19367

Used to represent the role(s) of those who can serve as subjects of the contents of a clinical document.

3     L:  (SPEC) V11591 SPEC specimen

A role played by a material entity that is a specimen for an act. It is scoped by the source of the specimen.

3     L:  (PAT) 11577 PAT patient

Scoped by a provider

3     L:  (PRS) 19167 PRS personal relationship

Links two people in a personal relationship. The character of the relationship must be defined by a PersonalRelationshipRoleType code. The player and scoper are determined by PersonalRelationshipRoleType code as well.

2   A: x_DocumentSubject V19368
3     L:  (PAT) 11577 PAT patient

Scoped by a provider

3     L:  (PRS) 19167 PRS personal relationship

Links two people in a personal relationship. The character of the relationship must be defined by a PersonalRelationshipRoleType code. The player and scoper are determined by PersonalRelationshipRoleType code as well.

2   A: x_InformationRecipientRole V16772

Used to represent the role(s) of those who should receive a copy of a document.

3     L:  (ASSIGNED) V11595 ASSIGNED assigned entity

An agent role in which the agent is an Entity acting in the employ of an organization. The focus is on functional role on behalf of the organization, unlike the Employee role where the focus is on the 'Human Resources' relationship between the employee and the organization.

3     L:  (HLTHCHRT) 11618 HLTHCHRT health chart

The role of a material (player) that is the physical health chart belonging to an organization (scoper).

2   A: x_RoleClassAccommodationRequestor V19382

The requestor for the accommodation. Steward is Financial Management Technical Committee

3     L:  (AGNT) V14006 AGNT agent

An entity (player) that acts or is authorized to act on behalf of another entity (scoper).

3     L:  (PAT) 11577 PAT patient

Scoped by a provider

3     L:  (PROV) 11599 PROV healthcare provider

An Entity (player) that is authorized to provide health care services by some authorizing agency (scoper).

3     L:  (PRS) 19167 PRS personal relationship

Links two people in a personal relationship. The character of the relationship must be defined by a PersonalRelationshipRoleType code. The player and scoper are determined by PersonalRelationshipRoleType code as well.

2   A: x_RoleClassCoverage V14008

An abstract domain that encompasses the roles that arise in the context of providing, purchasing, and managing health care coverage and insurance.

3     L:  (COVPTY) 14011 COVPTY covered party

A role class played by a person who receives benefit coverage under the terms of a particular insurance policy. The underwriter of that policy is the scoping entity. The covered party receives coverage because of some contractual or other relationship with the holder of that policy. This reason for coverage is captured in 'Role.code' and a relationship link with type code of indirect authority should be included using the policy holder role as the source, and the covered party role as the target.

Note that a particular policy may cover several individuals one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder.

3     L:  (POLHOLD) 14010 POLHOLD policy holder

A role played by an entity, usually an individual who holds an insurance policy. The underwriter of that policy is the scoping entity. Equivalent terms are policy owner and subscriber. The identifier of the policy is captured in '' when the Role is a policy holder.

A particular policy may cover several individuals one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder.

3     L:  (SPNSR) 14012 SPNSR sponsor

A role played by an entity, usually an organization that is the sponsor of an insurance plan. The underwriter of that plan is the scoping entity. Examples include the case where a particular corporation may sponsor a plan for its employees, but the individual policies are a contractual obligation between the employees and the underwriter. In general, the role of the sponsor is to negotiate and establish the terms of the plan and to qualify individuals who may become policy holders under the plan.

3     L:  (UNDWRT) 14009 UNDWRT underwriter

A role played by an organization that underwrites or accepts fiscal responsibility for insurance plans and the policies created under those plans.

2   A: x_RoleClassCoverageInvoice V14013

An abstract domain that encompasses the roles involved in submitting, responding to and managing invoices or claims for health care coverage.

3     L:  (PAYEE) 14015 PAYEE payee

The role of an organization or individual designated to receive payment for a claim against a particular coverage. The scoping entity is the organization that is the submitter of the invoice in question.

3     L:  (PAYOR) 14014 PAYOR invoice payor

The role of an organization that undertakes to accept claims invoices, assess the coverage or payments due for those invoices and pay to the designated payees for those invoices. This role may be either the underwriter or a third-party organization authorized by the underwriter. The scoping entity is the organization that underwrites the claimed coverage.

2   A: x_RoleClassCredentialedEntity V16930

A role played by an entity that receives credentials from the scoping entity.

3     S: LicensedEntityRole (LIC) V16773 LIC licensed entity

A relationship in which the scoper certifies the player ( e. g. a medical care giver, a medical device or a provider organization) to perform certain activities that fall under the jurisdiction of the scoper (e.g., a health authority licensing healthcare providers, a medical quality authority certifying healthcare professionals).

4       L:  (NOT) 11576 NOT notary public
4       L:  (PROV) 11599 PROV healthcare provider

An Entity (player) that is authorized to provide health care services by some authorizing agency (scoper).

3     L:  (ASSIGNED) V11595 ASSIGNED assigned entity

An agent role in which the agent is an Entity acting in the employ of an organization. The focus is on functional role on behalf of the organization, unlike the Employee role where the focus is on the 'Human Resources' relationship between the employee and the organization.

3     L:  (QUAL) 11619 QUAL qualified entity

An entity (player) that has been recognized as having certain training/experience or other characteristics that would make said entity an appropriate performer for a certain activity. The scoper is an organization that educates or qualifies entities.

2   A: x_RoleClassPayeePolicyRelationship V19395

The specification of the relationship of the Payee to the invoice. Can be used in cases when an insurer is not directly paying the healthcare provider (as payee) but reimbursing the party that paid the invoice/claim.

3     L:  (COVPTY) 14011 COVPTY covered party

A role class played by a person who receives benefit coverage under the terms of a particular insurance policy. The underwriter of that policy is the scoping entity. The covered party receives coverage because of some contractual or other relationship with the holder of that policy. This reason for coverage is captured in 'Role.code' and a relationship link with type code of indirect authority should be included using the policy holder role as the source, and the covered party role as the target.

Note that a particular policy may cover several individuals one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder.

3     L:  (GUAR) 13941 GUAR guarantor

A person or organization (player) that serves as a financial guarantor for another person or organization (scoper).

3     L:  (POLHOLD) 14010 POLHOLD policy holder

A role played by an entity, usually an individual who holds an insurance policy. The underwriter of that policy is the scoping entity. Equivalent terms are policy owner and subscriber. The identifier of the policy is captured in '' when the Role is a policy holder.

A particular policy may cover several individuals one of whom may be, but need not be, the policy holder. Thus the notion of covered party is a role that is distinct from that of the policy holder.

3     L:  (PROV) 11599 PROV healthcare provider

An Entity (player) that is authorized to provide health care services by some authorizing agency (scoper).

3     L:  (PRS) 19167 PRS personal relationship

Links two people in a personal relationship. The character of the relationship must be defined by a PersonalRelationshipRoleType code. The player and scoper are determined by PersonalRelationshipRoleType code as well.

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