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Specifies whether a response is expected from the addressee of this interaction and what level of detail that response should include

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 L:  (C) 14763 C completion

Respond with exceptions and a notification of completion

1 L:  (D) 14765 D detail

Respond with exceptions, completion, modifications and include more detail information (if applicable)

1 L:  (E) 14762 E exception

Respond with exceptions only

1 L:  (F) 14766 F confirmation

Respond with exceptions, completion, and modification with detail (as above), and send positive confirmations even if no modifications are being made.

1 L:  (N) 14767 N message-control

Respond only with message level acknowledgements, i.e., only notify acceptance or rejection of the message, do not include any application-level detail

1 L:  (R) 14764 R modification

Respond with exceptions, completions and modifications or revisions done before completion

1 L:  (X) 14768 X none

Do not send any kind of response

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