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This domain is the root domain to which all HL7-recognized value sets for the Observation.value attribute will be linked when Observation.value has a coded data type.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 A: AnnotationValue V19332
2   A: ECGAnnotationValue V19333
3     A: ECGBeatTypeMDC V19337

ISO 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care device codes, restricted to ECG Beat Types

3     A: ECGContourObservationTypeMDC V19341

ISO 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care device codes, restricted to ECG Observation Types

3     A: ECGNoiseTypeMDC V19340

ISO 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care device codes, restricted to ECG Noise Types

3     A: ECGRhythmTypeMDC V19339

ISO 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care device codes, restricted to ECG Rhythm Types

3     A: ECGWaveComponentTypeMDC V19338

ISO 11073-10101 Health informatics - Point-of-care device codes, restricted to ECG Waveform Component Types

1 A: DiagnosisValue V16615

Diagnosis Value

1 A: IndividualCaseSafetyReportValueDomains V19633

This domain is established as a parent to a variety of value domains being defined to support the communication of Individual Case Safety Reports to regulatory bodies. Arguably, this aggregation is not taxonomically pure, but the grouping will facilitate the management of these domains.

2   A: CaseSeriousnessCriteria V19634

A code that provides information on the overall effect or outcome of the adverse reaction/adverse event reported in the ICSR. Note the criterion applies to the case as a whole and not to an individual reaction.

Example concepts are: death, disability, hospitalization, congenital anomaly/ birth defect, and other medically important condition.

2   A: DeviceManufacturerEvaluationInterpretation V19641

A code set that includes codes that are used to characterize the outcome of the device evaluation process. The code defines the manufacturer's conclusions following the evaluation.

Examples include: inadequate alarms, device maintenance contributed to event, device failed just prior to use, user error caused event

2   A: DeviceManufacturerEvaluationMethod V19642

Code assigned to indicate a relevant fact within the context of the evaluation of a reported product. There are a number of concept types including the status of the evaluation, the type of evaluation findings, and the type of activity carried out as part of the evaluation process.

Examples include: Actual device involved in incident was evaluated, electrical tests performed, visual examination.

2   A: DeviceManufacturerEvaluationResult V19640

Code assigned to indicate an outcome of the manufacturer's investigation of a product for which a defect has been reported.

Examples include:.component/subassembly failure: air cleaner, computer-, imaging system-, microprocessor-controlled device problem: cache memory, design -- not fail safe.

2   A: PertinentReactionRelatedness V19637

A code to capture the reporter's assessment of the extent to which the reaction is related to the suspect product reported in the ICSR.

Example concepts include: related, not related, possibly related and unlikely related.

2   A: ProductCharacterization V19636

A code that characterizes the role that the primary reporter felt that the suspect intervention -- either a substance administration or a device related procedure - played in the incident being reported. This code will capture the primary reporter's assessment of the role that the suspect product played in the incident reported in the ICSR.

Examples include: Suspect, Concomitant, Interacting, Re-challenge.

2   A: ReactionActionTaken V19643

Code used to indicate the action taken by practitioner in response to the problem (whether drug or device related) that is reported in the ICSR.

Examples include: failing device replaced, medication stopped, medication dose adjusted.

2   A: SubjectReaction V19635

A code to capture the kind of reaction that was suffered by the investigated subject, and that is being reported in the ICSR. At this point, SNOMED or MedDRA have been suggested as code systems to be used for providing this information.

Example concepts include hives, swelling, rash, anaphylactic shock.

2   A: SubjectReactionEmphasis V19639

Code that captures the emphasis that the reporter placed on this reaction.

Examples include: highlighted by the reporter, NOT serious, Not highlighted by the reporter, NOT serious, Highlighted by the reporter, SERIOUS, Not highlighted by the reporter, SERIOUS.

2   A: SubjectReactionOutcome V19638

Code that captures the type of outcome from an individual outcome of a reaction to the suspect product reported in the ICSR.

Examples include: Recovered/resolved. Recovering/resolving, Not recovered/not resolved, Recovered/resolved with sequelae, Fatal.

1 A: InjuryObservationValue V19390

Values for observations of injuries.

1 A: PartialCompletionScale V18120
2   L:  (G) 18126 G Great extent

Value for Act.partialCompletionCode attribute that implies 81-99% completion

2   L:  (LE) 18125 LE Large extent

Value for Act.partialCompletionCode attribute that implies 61-80% completion

2   L:  (ME) 18124 ME Medium extent

Value for Act.partialCompletionCode attribute that implies 41-60% completion

2   L:  (MI) 18122 MI Minimal extent

Value for Act.partialCompletionCode attribute that implies 1-20% completion

2   L:  (N) 18121 N None

Value for Act.partialCompletionCode attribute that implies 0% completion

2   L:  (S) 18123 S Some extent

Value for Act.partialCompletionCode attribute that implies 21-40% completion

1 A: SeverityObservation V16643

Potential values for observations of severity.

2   L:  (H) 16644 H High

Indicates the condition may be life-threatening or has the potential to cause permanent injury.

2   L:  (L) 16646 L Low

Indicates the condition may result in some adverse consequences but is unlikely to substantially affect the situation of the subject.

2   L:  (M) 16645 M Moderate

Indicates the condition may result in noticable adverse adverse consequences but is unlikely to be life-threatening or cause permanent injury.

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