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One or more codes specifying a rough qualitative interpretation of the observation, such as "normal", "abnormal", "below normal", "change up", "resistant", "susceptible", etc.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 A: ObservationInterpretationChange V10214

Change of quantity and/or severity. At most one of B or W and one of U or D allowed.

2   L:  (B) 10215 B better

Better (of severity or nominal observations)

2   L:  (D) 10218 D decreased

Significant change down (quantitative observations, does not imply B or W)

2   L:  (U) 10217 U increased

Significant change up (quantitative observations, does not imply B or W)

2   L:  (W) 10216 W worse

Worse (of severity or nominal observations)

1 A: ObservationInterpretationExceptions V10225

Technical exceptions. At most one allowed. Does not imply normality or severity.

2   L:  (<) 10226 < low off scale

Below absolute low-off instrument scale. This is statement depending on the instrument, logically does not imply LL or L (e.g., if the instrument is inadequate). If an off-scale value is also low or critically low one must also report L and LL respectively.

2   L:  (>) 10227 > high off scale

Above absolute high-off instrument scale. This is statement depending on the instrument, logically does not imply LL or L (e.g., if the instrument is inadequate). If an off-scale value is also high or critically high one must also report H and HH respectively.

1 A: ObservationInterpretationNormality V10206

Normality, Abnormality, Alert. Concepts in this category are mutually exclusive, i.e., at most one is allowed.

2   S: ObservationInterpretationNormalityAbnormal (A) V10208 A Abnormal

Abnormal (for nominal observations, all service types)

3     S: ObservationInterpretationNormalityAlert (AA) V10211 AA Abnormal alert

Abnormal alert (for nominal observations and all service types)

4       L:  (HH) 10213 HH High alert

Above upper alert threshold (for quantitative observations)

4       L:  (LL) 10212 LL Low alert

Below lower alert threshold (for quantitative observations)

3     S: ObservationInterpretationNormalityHigh (H) V10210 H High

Above high normal (for quantitative observations)

4       L:  (HH) 10213 HH High alert

Above upper alert threshold (for quantitative observations)

3     S: ObservationInterpretationNormalityLow (L) V10209 L Low

Below low normal (for quantitative observations)

4       L:  (LL) 10212 LL Low alert

Below lower alert threshold (for quantitative observations)

2   L:  (N) 10207 N Normal

Normal (for all service types)

1 A: ObservationInterpretationSusceptibility V10219

Microbiology: interpretations of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. At most one allowed.

2   L:  (I) 10221 I intermediate


2   L:  (MS) 10222 MS moderately susceptible

Moderately susceptible

2   L:  (R) 10220 R resistent


2   L:  (S) 10223 S susceptible


2   L:  (VS) 10224 VS very susceptible

Very susceptible

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