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A value representing the domestic partnership status of a person,

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 A: MaritalStatusUB92 V15929

The marital status of the patient at date of admission, outpatient service or start of care. Values such as: single married, Life Partner, Legally Separated, Divorced, Widowed, Unknown. Form Locator 16 in the NUBC document. This is to be used only in situations where regulations require the use of NUBC marital status codes.

1 L:  (A) 12213 A Annulled

Marriage contract has been declared null and to not have existed

1 L:  (D) 12214 D Divorced

Marriage contract has been declared dissolved and inactive

1 L:  (I) 12215 I Interlocutory

Subject to an Interlocutory Decree.

1 L:  (L) 12216 L Legally Separated
1 L:  (M) 12217 M Married

A current marriage contract is active

1 L:  (P) 12220 P Polygamous

More than 1 current spouse

1 L:  (S) 12218 S Never Married

No marriage contract has ever been entered

1 L:  (T) 15981 T Domestic partner

Person declares that a domestic partner relationship exists.

1 L:  (W) 12219 W Widowed

The spouse has died

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