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The standard prefixes used in Rose for RIM subject areas that determine the role or function of each subject area.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 L:  (COI) 10031 COI Class of Interest

Holds classes that are of interest to the committee identified by the rest of the Subject Area Name.

1 L:  (DIM) 10032 DIM Domain model

Holds a sub-set of the RIM that is the domain information model for the committee identified by the rest of the Subject Area name.

1 L:  (RIM) 10033 RIM RIM content

Is one of a set of subject areas that hold the classes defined in the Reference Information Model (RIM).

1 L:  (STW) 10030 STW Stewardship

Holds classes whose steward is the committee identified by the remaining portions of the Subject Area Name.

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