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The possible modes of updating that occur when an attribute is received by a system that already contains values for that attribute.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 A: SetUpdateMode V10024

These concepts apply when the element and/or message is updating a set of items.

2   L:  (ESA) 10025 ESA Set Add

Add the message element to the collection of items on the receiving system that correspond to the message element.

2   L:  (ESAC) 10028 ESAC Set Add or Change

Change the item on the receiving system that corresponds to this message element; if a matching element does not exist, add a new one created with the values in the message.

2   L:  (ESC) 10027 ESC Set Change

Change the item on the receiving system that corresponds to this message element; do not process if a matching element does not exist.

2   L:  (ESD) 10026 ESD Set Delete

Delete the item on the receiving system that corresponds to this message element.

1 L:  (D) 10020 D Delete

Delete the previously received value.

1 L:  (I) 10021 I Ignore

Ignore this role, it is not relevant to the update.

1 L:  (K) 10022 K Key

Key - this message element is used as a key to set or collection of message elements

1 L:  (R) 10019 R Replace

Replace the value previously received.

1 L:  (V) 10023 V Verify

Verify - this message element must match a value already in the receiving systems database in order to process the message.

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