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These concepts represent theconformance requirments defined for including or valuing an element of an HL7 message. The concepts apply equally to conformance profiles defined for Version 2.x messgaes as defined by the Conformance SIG, and to the conformance columns for Version 3 messages as specified in the HMD.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 A: InclusionNotMandatory V10012

The message element is not mandatory, but its appearance may be constrained by one of the non-mandatory concepts.

2   S: InclusionNotRequired (NR) V10015 NR Not required

The message element may be populated or used by one system sponsor (or profile), but not by another. Each system sponsor or profile is required to state the ability to accept or send the message element as part of a conformance claim.

3     L:  (RE) 10016 RE Required may be empty

Pursuant to a profile or vendor conformance claim, the message element must appear every time the message is communicated, but the value may be communicated as null.

3     L:  (X) 10017 X Excluded

Pursuant to a profile or vendor conformance claim, this message element may not appear when the message is communicated.

2   L:  (NP) 10014 NP Not permitted

This message element may not appear when the message is communicated.

2   L:  (RQ) 10013 RQ Required

The message element must appear every time the message is communicated, but the value may be communicated as null.

1 L:  (M) 10011 M Mandatory

The message element must appear every time the message is communicated and its value must not be null. This condition is subject to the rules of multiplicity and conditionality. If a non-null default value is defined for the element, a null value may be communicated.

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