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A value representing special handling requirements for the Entity.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 L:  (AMB) 10394 AMB Ambient Temperature

Keep at ambient temperature, 22 +/- 2C

1 L:  (C37) 10395 C37 Body Temperature

Critical to keep at body temperature 36-38C

1 L:  (CAMB) 14405 CAMB Critical Ambient temperature

Critical ambient - must not be refrigerated or frozen.

1 L:  (CATM) 14409 CATM Protect from Air

Critical. Do not expose to atmosphere. Do not uncap.

1 L:  (CFRZ) 14407 CFRZ Critical frozen

Critical frozen. Specimen must not be allowed to thaw until immediately prior to testing.

1 L:  (CREF) 14406 CREF Critical refrigerated temperature

Critical refrigerated - must not be allowed to freeze or warm until imediately prior to testing.

1 L:  (DFRZ) 10398 DFRZ Deep Frozen

Deep Frozen -16 to -20C.

1 L:  (DRY) 10400 DRY dry

Keep in a dry environment

1 L:  (FRZ) 10397 FRZ frozen

Keep frozen below 0 ?C

1 L:  (MTLF) 14410 MTLF Metal Free

Container is free of heavy metals, including lead.

1 L:  (NTR) 10399 NTR nitrogen

Keep in liquid nitrogen

1 L:  (PRTL) 10401 PRTL Protect from Light

Protect from light (eg. Wrap in aluminum foil).

1 L:  (PSA) 10404 PSA do not shake

Do not shake

1 L:  (PSO) 10402 PSO no shock

Protect against shock

1 L:  (REF) 10396 REF Refrigerated temperature

Keep at refrigerated temperature:4-8C Accidental warming or freezing is of little consequence.

1 L:  (SBU) 14393 SBU Shake before use

Shake thoroughly before using

1 L:  (UFRZ) 14408 UFRZ Ultra frozen

Ultra cold frozen -75 to -85C. Ultra cold freezer is typically at temperature of dry ice.

1 L:  (UPR) 10403 UPR upright

Keep upright, do not turn upside down

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