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EntityDeterminer    NormativeStandard1

EntityDeterminer in natural language grammar is the class of words that comprises articles, demonstrative pronouns, and quantifiers. In the RIM, determiner is a structural code in the Entity class to distinguish whether any given Entity object stands for some, any one, or a specific thing.

This table controls values for structural elements of the HL7 Reference Information Model. Therefore, it is part of the Normative Ballot for the RIM.

Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 S: EntityDeterminerDetermined (KIND) V10879 KIND described

The described determiner is used to indicate that the given Entity is taken as a general description of a kind of thing that can be taken in whole, in part, or in multiples.

2   L:  (QUANTIFIED_KIND) 10880 QUANTIFIED_KIND described quantified

The described quantified determiner indicates that the given Entity is taken as a general description of a specific amount of a thing. For example, QUANTIFIED_KIND of syringe (quantity = 3,) stands for exactly three syringes.

1 A: x_DeterminerInstanceKind V19647
2   L:  (KIND) V10879 KIND described

The described determiner is used to indicate that the given Entity is taken as a general description of a kind of thing that can be taken in whole, in part, or in multiples.

2   L:  (INSTANCE) 10881 INSTANCE specific

The specific determiner indicates that the given Entity is taken as one specific thing instance. For example, a human INSTANCE (quantity = 1,) stands for exactly one human being.

1 L:  (INSTANCE) 10881 INSTANCE specific

The specific determiner indicates that the given Entity is taken as one specific thing instance. For example, a human INSTANCE (quantity = 1,) stands for exactly one human being.

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