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Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 A: ConfidentialityByAccessKind V10229

By accessing subject / role and relationship based rights (These concepts are mutually exclusive, one and only one is required for a valid confidentiality coding.)

2   A: x_BasicConfidentialityKind V16926

Used to enumerate the typical confidentiality constraints placed upon a clinical document.

3     L:  (N) 10230 N normal

Normal confidentiality rules (according to good health care practice) apply, that is, only authorized individuals with a legitimate medical or business need may access this item.

3     L:  (R) 10232 R restricted

Restricted access, e.g. only to providers having a current care relationship to the patient.

3     L:  (V) 14799 V Very restricted

Very restricted access as declared by the Privacy Officer of the record holder.

2   L:  (B) 10235 B business

Since the service class can represent knowledge structures that may be considered a trade or business secret, there is sometimes (though rarely) the need to flag those items as of business level confidentiality. However, no patient related information may ever be of this confidentiality level.

2   L:  (D) 10231 D clinician

Only clinicians may see this item, billing and administration persons can not access this item without special permission.

2   L:  (I) 10233 I individual

Access only to individual persons who are mentioned explicitly as actors of this service and whose actor type warrants that access (cf. to actor type code).

2   L:  (L) 10234 L low

No patient record item can be of low confidentiality. However, some service objects are not patient related and therefore may have low confidentiality.

2   L:  (N) 10230 N normal

Normal confidentiality rules (according to good health care practice) apply, that is, only authorized individuals with a legitimate medical or business need may access this item.

2   L:  (R) 10232 R restricted

Restricted access, e.g. only to providers having a current care relationship to the patient.

2   L:  (V) 14799 V Very restricted

Very restricted access as declared by the Privacy Officer of the record holder.

1 A: ConfidentialityByInfoType V10240

By information type, only for service catalog entries (multiples allowed). Not to be used with actual patient data!

2   L:  (ETH) 10243 ETH substance abuse related

Alcohol/drug-abuse related item

2   L:  (HIV) 10241 HIV HIV related

HIV and AIDS related item

2   L:  (PSY) 10242 PSY psychiatry relate

Psychiatry related item

2   L:  (SDV) 10244 SDV sexual and domestic violence related

Sexual assault / domestic violence related item

1 A: ConfidentialityModifiers V10236

Modifiers of role based access rights (multiple allowed)

2   L:  (C) 10239 C celebrity

Celebrities are people of public interest (VIP) including employees, whose information require special protection.

2   L:  (S) 10237 S sensitive

Information for which the patient seeks heightened confidentiality. Sensitive information is not to be shared with family members. Information reported by the patient about family members is sensitive by default. Flag can be set or cleared on patient's request.

2   L:  (T) 10238 T taboo

Information not to be disclosed or discussed with patient except through physician assigned to patient in this case. This is usually a temporary constraint only, example use is a new fatal diagnosis or finding, such as malignancy or HIV.

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