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Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 L:  (OID) 19967 OID ISO Object Identifier

Object identifier assigned to a concept

1 L:  (appliesTo) 19964 appliesTo applies to

Entity to which a given value set or concept code applies

1 L:  (howApplies) 19965 howApplies how applies

Description of how set or code applies

1 L:  (inverseRelationship) 19968 inverseRelationship inverted relationship name

Name that should be used when the relationship is used in the reverse (target to source) direction. Example: The inverse relationship of hasPart is isPartOf

1 L:  (openIssue) 19966 openIssue open issue

Outstanding issue that still needs resolution

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