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Lvl Type, Domain name and/or Mnemonic code Concept ID Mnemonic Print Name Definition/Description
1 L:  (DF) 10621 DF deflate

The deflate compressed data format as specified in RFC 1951 [].

1 L:  (GZ) 10622 GZ gzip

A compressed data format that is compatible with the widely used GZIP utility as specified in RFC 1952 [] (uses the deflate algorithm).

1 L:  (Z) 10624 Z compress

Original UNIX compress algorithm and file format using the LZC algorithm (a variant of LZW). Patent encumbered and less efficient than deflate.

1 L:  (ZL) 10623 ZL zlib

A compressed data format that also uses the deflate algorithm. Specified as RFC 1950 []

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