Profile Comparison between vs

Left:Organization - Drug PQ (
Right:Organization - Drug PQ (


ErrorStructureDefinition.versionValues for version differ: '1.0.0-ballot' vs '1.0.0'
InformationStructureDefinition.dateValues for date differ: '2023-12-18T16:00:45+00:00' vs '2024-05-08T13:23:45+00:00'
InformationOrganization.identifierElement minimum cardinalities differ: '0' vs '1'
InformationStructureDefinition.shortValues for short differ: 'Whether the organization's record is still in active use' vs 'Whether this organization's record is in active use'
WarningOrganization.typeElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
InformationOrganization.typeElement minimum cardinalities differ: '0' vs '1'
InformationOrganization.typeExample/preferred bindings differ at Organization.type using binding from OrganizationDrugPq
InformationStructureDefinition.shortValues for short differ: 'Name used for the organization' vs 'Organization's legal name'
InformationStructureDefinition.shortValues for short differ: 'A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past' vs 'A list of alternate names for this organization'
InformationStructureDefinition.shortValues for short differ: 'Additional details about the Organization that could be displayed as further information to identify the Organization beyond its name' vs 'Additional details about the Organization'


        • Values Differ
        .descriptionThis Organization profile represents information about a pharmaceutical company or site that performed drug testing or manufacturing.
                      .publisherHL7 International / Biomedical Research and Regulation
                            .titleOrganization - Drug PQ
                                  • Values Differ


                                  NameL FlagsL Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsR FlagsR Card.R TypeR Description & ConstraintsCommentsdoco
                                  .. Organization C0..*OrganizationA grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose
                                  org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
                                  C0..*OrganizationA grouping of people or organizations with a common purpose
                                  org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
                                    ... id Σ0..1idLogical id of this artifactΣ0..1idLogical id of this artifact
                                      ... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resourceΣ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
                                        ... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
                                          ... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
                                            ... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
                                            0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
                                              ... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                              0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                ... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
                                                ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
                                                  ... identifier ΣC0..*IdentifierIdentifies this organization across multiple systems
                                                  ΣC1..*IdentifierIdentifies this organization across multiple systems
                                                  • Element minimum cardinalities differ: '0' vs '1'
                                                  .... id 0..1idUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                                  • Added this element
                                                  .... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                  Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
                                                  • Added this element
                                                  .... use ?!Σ0..1codeusual | official | temp | secondary | old (If known)
                                                  Binding: ?? (required): Identifies the purpose for this identifier, if known .

                                                  • Added this element
                                                  .... type Σ0..1CodeableConceptDescription of identifier
                                                  Binding: ?? (extensible): A coded type for an identifier that can be used to determine which identifier to use for a specific purpose.

                                                  • Added this element
                                                  .... system Σ1..1uriThe namespace for the identifier value
                                                  Example General:
                                                  • Added this element
                                                  .... value ΣC1..1stringThe value that is unique
                                                  Example General: 123456
                                                  • Added this element
                                                  .... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when id is/was valid for use
                                                  • Added this element
                                                  .... assigner Σ0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that issued id (may be just text)
                                                  • Added this element
                                                  ... active ?!Σ0..1booleanWhether the organization's record is still in active use?!Σ0..1booleanWhether this organization's record is in active use
                                                    ... type Σ0..*CodeableConceptKind of organization
                                                    Binding: ?? (example): Used to categorize the organization.

                                                    SΣ1..*CodeableConceptKind of organization
                                                    Binding: ?? (preferred)
                                                    • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
                                                    • Element minimum cardinalities differ: '0' vs '1'
                                                    • Example/preferred bindings differ at Organization.type using binding from OrganizationDrugPq
                                                    ... name ΣC0..1stringName used for the organizationΣC0..1stringOrganization's legal name
                                                      ... alias 0..*stringA list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
                                                      0..*stringA list of alternate names for this organization
                                                        ... description Σ0..1markdownAdditional details about the Organization that could be displayed as further information to identify the Organization beyond its nameΣ0..1markdownAdditional details about the Organization
                                                          ... contact C0..*ExtendedContactDetailOfficial contact details for the Organization
                                                          org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
                                                          org-4: The address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
                                                          C0..*ExtendedContactDetailOfficial contact details for the Organization
                                                          org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
                                                          org-4: The address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
                                                            .... id 0..1idUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                                            • Added this element
                                                            .... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                            Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
                                                            • Added this element
                                                            .... purpose Σ0..1CodeableConceptThe type of contact
                                                            Binding: ?? (preferred): The purpose for which an extended contact detail should be used.

                                                            • Added this element
                                                            .... name Σ0..*HumanNameName of an individual to contact
                                                            • Added this element
                                                            .... Slices for telecom Σ0..*ContactPointContact details (
                                                            Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system
                                                            • Added this element
                                                            .... address Σ0..1AddressAddress for the contact
                                                            • Added this element
                                                            .... organization Σ0..1Reference(Organization)This contact detail is handled/monitored by a specific organization
                                                            • Added this element
                                                            .... period Σ0..1PeriodPeriod that this contact was valid for usage
                                                            • Added this element
                                                            ... partOf Σ0..1Reference(Organization)The organization of which this organization forms a partΣ0..1Reference(Organization)The organization of which this organization forms a part
                                                              ... endpoint 0..*Reference(Endpoint)Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization
                                                              0..*Reference(Endpoint)Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization
                                                                ... qualification 0..*BackboneElementQualifications, certifications, accreditations, licenses, training, etc. pertaining to the provision of care
                                                                0..*BackboneElementQualifications, certifications, accreditations, licenses, training, etc. pertaining to the provision of care
                                                                  .... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                                                    .... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                                    0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                                      .... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                                      ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                                        .... identifier 0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this qualification for the organization
                                                                        0..*IdentifierAn identifier for this qualification for the organization
                                                                          .... code 1..1CodeableConceptCoded representation of the qualification
                                                                          Binding: ?? (example): Specific qualification the organization has to provide a service.

                                                                          1..1CodeableConceptCoded representation of the qualification
                                                                          Binding: ?? (example): Specific qualification the organization has to provide a service.

                                                                            .... period 0..1PeriodPeriod during which the qualification is valid0..1PeriodPeriod during which the qualification is valid
                                                                              .... issuer 0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that regulates and issues the qualification0..1Reference(Organization)Organization that regulates and issues the qualification

                                                                                doco Documentation for this format